Soooo Frustrated With Web Guys & Graphic Designers!!!
So I had an awesome web guy for years but he took off for some travel.
I spent some time tracking down a new web guy to do my web development and design. He is awesome at making tweaks to Wordpress but he can't design at all.
I now realize that "web design" and "graphic design" mean two very different things!
That being said, the idea of working with both a graphic guy and a development guy seems flawed. There are some parts of the projects that I work on where both guys will need to be in communication. Its a lot easier to have 1 guy do it all.
On top of this, the graphic guys I have found that seem to do great work are SUPER unreliable. Sometimes they are on top of emails. Other times they disappear for weeks.
All I want is a graphic guy that does high quality work, is good at taking directions and a great reliable communicator.
Does this exist?!!?!?!
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill
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Ralph Smith
Mercenary development and deployment.
Hello <name>, welcome to my horrible marketing email.