What Do You All Think About Teen Marketers? Jealous? A Nuisance?
I thought this would make for an interesting debate.
What do you all think about teen marketers?
Particularly the ones in the 13-17 year range...
The reason I ask, is because I was reading a thread about some 16 year old who was supposedly making millions of dollars online.
It seemed that everyone was either a bit jealous, or at least a bit skeptical.
Being skeptical is OK, but a lot of people were trying to put the person down because of their age.
'I don't believe it because kids that age are too busy worrying about other non important stuff'
Is it really that hard to believe that young kids these days can make a killing online?
What about that one 14 year old girl who made a million+ off those myspace layouts?
I mean certainly it is possible, and I speak from experience here.
When I was 16 I started a web hosting company and by the time I was 18 I did nearly $200,000 in business.
Now for web hosting, I can see the potential problem of a 16 year old running it. You know, people have their businesses running off the servers, the host could lose interest and run, etc.
But we're talking selling ebooks, digital goods, and affiliate commissions here...
Not so much that can go wrong there.
I just don't understand what all the fuss is about...
Shouldn't we be applauding these kids for doing something that most people never even attempt?
What are your thoughts?
-Dan Brock
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