An Easy $600 In The Bank..

41 replies
I was at the food court buying lunch for my mum yesterday, so I decided to chat up the new food stall owner, while waiting for my order. There came a point in the conversation where she asked me what I did for a living (It always does, doesn't it?).

I simply told her the truth, that is I run multiple business online, as well as consulting with traditional business owners to help create and establish their presence in the Virtual World. You should have witnessed the glow on her face..She told me that since she was new around town, she needed help to promote her new food stall in order to increase her customer base in that particular area. I quoted her my usual charges for SMEs, that is around less than $500, but she said she was willing to pay more, as long as I did a pleasant looking food blog for her.

So I showed her some blog template catalogues, she chose a nice theme for herself, and transferred me $600 immediately! She also mentioned that she would pay me monthly, if I could bring in targetted traffic to her shiny new food-blog. And the best part? She was so impressed by my presentation that she referred me to some of her neighbouring food stall friends! I am currently working on finishing up her new blog as we speak, as well as setting up some meetings with her food stall owner friends..

My intention of posting this was not to brag or anything like that. This just goes to show that simply by telling people what you are doing for a living, that is Internet Marketing, if they ask, you could be looking at a potential breakthrough in your online career.

Now I know many folks are kinda reluctant to share with others about their internet ventures, especially those starting out. Don't be shy of who you are or what you do. Be honest to others, and most importantly, to yourself. The rewards will be reaped, sooner or later.

Thanks for reading.

Lady NaNa
#$600 #bank #easy
  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Now THAT is working smart! Congratulations!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story. It's always good to see people finding success in helping others.

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author kongming
    Wow, amazing! Thanks for sharing the story with us.
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  • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh

    Hey, I love this story because I have made some money long time ago through a similar way.

    Honestly, success is achieved when preparation meets an opportunity.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
    That's a great great story. You simply told her what she wanted to hear. If you had just said you're an "Internet marketer" that would probably have been end of story, but you said
    "I run multiple business online, as well as consulting with traditional business owners to help create and establish their presence in the Virtual World"
    You told her what she wanted to hear, you were specific to her business needs. That's great well done.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Marshall
      That is so cool LayDee, I like your comment about being reluctant to tell people what you do, too - I struggle with this since most people aren't that familiar with our industry.

      When I answer the 'what do you do' question with "Internet Marketing" I sometimes see the walls go up--preparing for the Amway pitch. I'm like noooo not Network Marketing...

      Sometimes I say 'Publishing' ...but of course, the question that follows is "Books?" which I replay, "no, information products." Then I get the look: "ohhh. p0rn, huh." lol Noooo! ...and of course there's no convincing them...

      But back to the point: yours is a *great* example for those of us who are willing to do offline consulting. Congratulations!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    It's funny because a similar thing has happened to me in the past.

    I went back to Pakistan last summer and I met my old school's principal. He asked me what I did for a living and I told him that am creating websites, designing graphics etc (freelance work was my focus back them).

    As soon he heard website, he didn't let me speak after that.

    He asked me what I usually charge for a regular website and I told him $500. He said if I do both the graphics and a 5 page website he'll give me 1k.

    I went home designed a website using photoshop and then coded the website is CSS. It took me about 6 hours to finish the whole thing and after that I had 1k in my pocked

    Sweet huh

    EDIT: Oh, I forgot. Congragulations on achieving the success you did. It's always nice to hear some fellow warrior's story.

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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    • Profile picture of the author Crew Chief
      Originally Posted by King Shiloh View Post

      Honestly, success is achieved when preparation meets an opportunity.
      King Shiloh nailed it!

      Therein lies the secret [if you like to refer to it as that] to Lady Na Na's moment of fortune.

      She was prepared when she met opportunity!

      How many other people meet opportunity and are absolutely not prepared?

      Congrats to Lady Na Na and much success to everyone who are working hard to be ready when opportunity comes knocking.

      Giles, the Crew Chief
      Tools, Strategies and Tactics Used By Savvy Internet Marketers and SEO Pros: We Build Monetization Ready High-Value Virtual Properties
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  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Congratulations, NaNa~

    Maybe next time you'll be working on
    Kopitiam or Koufu =D

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  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
    Offline niche is powerful and Nora you have just inspired a lot of people to explore this niche.

    Well done

    I hope you repeat this success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
    Originally Posted by ProductCreator View Post

    This is great but don't forget about support.

    The only reason I stay away from offline marketing for now is because I don't want a random phone call in the middle of the night when the site goes down and the owner panics (despite everything I may have told them beforehand).

    I'm more into "set and forget" so I've got some ideas related to that...
    You can just state on your website you work from 9 am to 5 pm...or set up a voicemail. I would buy a sim card just for business clients.
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    • Profile picture of the author Thomas Smale
      Originally Posted by Imran Naseem View Post

      You can just state on your website you work from 9 am to 5 pm...or set up a voicemail. I would buy a sim card just for business clients.
      More professional to get a toll free line with call forwarding.

      You can set the perception of being a bigger company than you are, and it looks professional. In my experience, if you give a client a mobile number they will call anytime and you will struggle to get more than $XXXX out of them, whereas with a professional front (try something like if you are in the UK) it's much easier to get clients worth 5-6 figures. Land a few of them each month, outsource everything and you don't have to do much work
      I specialize in selling websites over $10,000 in value. No obligation, confidential valuation here.
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    I am actually kicking that same idea around in my head.
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  • Profile picture of the author addictiod
    Agree with ProductCreator at "set and forget".
    Nice story and well done.
    Great success in the future!
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  • Profile picture of the author karis
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkSherris
    Great post, and congratulations on your new clients!

    I dont mind telling people what I do, it's just sometimes I can't be bothered actually explaining it to people who don't really understand lol

    I often leave it at, I run various online businesses.... or If people are a bit more interested I say something like:

    "I help businesses to market online and get more exposure in the search engines so they can increase/grow there business" - that's for SEO work :-)
    "I've Banked Over $350k Online With This..." - Click here to see my no.1 recommendation!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Ranger
    Awesome work!

    If you're talkative tons of opportunities will come your way. The 'What do you do for a living?' question seems to be asked more and more.

    When someone does ask me I always say 'Web design, and marketing for small businesses', I almost always end up giving them a separate URL that simply lists my web design and marketing services - it works great and brings in business on the side - everyone of us can offer hosting for people with a cheap reseller account

    If you're traveling I really recommend this - you meet some seriously interesting people that require these services but would prefer 'a real person' rather than communicating with a business with no face.

    One last thing, my parents always told me that question was rude to ask!
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  • Profile picture of the author BigMack
    Yeah! Congrats big time... its really an inspiration to hear something like that...
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  • Profile picture of the author createyouwealth
    Congrats Lady NaNa, I like seeing success stories as this as I know every one else does as well. Keep up the good work and all the best with your future successes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
    Thanks for the nice words, everyone..Really appreciate it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Landis

    buying bulk warm seo leads (PM me)

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  • Profile picture of the author Fenshon
    You were smart and sincere Congrats.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Kennedy
    That's pretty amazing. Did this happen at your run of the mill kopitiams? Which foodcourt if you don't mind me asking (can PM if want). I used to talk with the owner of a chicken rice stall in Tiong Bahru and he wouldn't have anywhere near that amount of money spare for online marketing.

    Note - I lived in Singapore whilst studying at SMU.
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
      Originally Posted by Scott Kennedy View Post

      That's pretty amazing. Did this happen at your run of the mill kopitiams? Which foodcourt if you don't mind me asking (can PM if want). I used to talk with the owner of a chicken rice stall in Tiong Bahru and he wouldn't have anywhere near that amount of money spare for online marketing.

      Note - I lived in Singapore whilst studying at SMU.
      Scott, It happened near my residence, a food court around the area. Anyways, I sent you a PM as well!
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  • Profile picture of the author soccermegan77
    Originally Posted by Lady NaNa View Post

    I simply told her the truth, that is I run multiple business online, as well as consulting with traditional business owners to help create and establish their presence in the Virtual World.
    Lady NaNa

    Word of mouth is probably the best referral!
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  • Profile picture of the author relicah
    AMAZING! Congratz! thanks you shareing
    Ever Fancied Learning how to play the guitar?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenna Paulson
    Great story.

    Word of mouth referrals are the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
    That was so inspiring... Maybe I should get out more
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  • Profile picture of the author Whiplash25
    That's incredible. Nice find
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Lin
    Wow. I never though of exposing my career to anyone. Your thread changes my mind. Congratulation Lady!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    Originally Posted by Lady NaNa View Post

    I run multiple business online, as well as consulting with traditional business owners to help create and establish their presence in the Virtual World.
    Consider this line stolen :p


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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Umm, this is web design, NOT internet marketing.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Hobo82
    Way to go Lady NaNa, sometimes it pays to do small talk. Who know this food vendor may even recommend others to use your service. Great story thanks foe sharing.


    >>>>>>Creative Writing and More>>>>>>>>

    ****Don't Settle For The Same Old Same***

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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    I have gotten soooo much business by doing exactly what you did. It works, as long as you keep at it. Prospecting doesn't have to be 'hard' if you let it occur as a natural result of your daily activities.... 'Small talk' = Big Dollars
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2438284].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
      Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

      I have gotten soooo much business by doing exactly what you did. It works, as long as you keep at it. Prospecting doesn't have to be 'hard' if you let it occur as a natural result of your daily activities.... 'Small talk' = Big Dollars
      How true that..a simple conversation can bring so much..
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  • Profile picture of the author indiatext
    Congratulations on your appreciable's very of luck for future...
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    • Profile picture of the author Spartacus
      Nice job btw, I don't mind of people brag a little bit.

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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
        Originally Posted by Spartacus View Post

        Nice job btw, I don't mind of people brag a little bit.
        Thanks! But I do not brag, usually..:p
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        • Profile picture of the author Angela Marshall
          Congrats Lady NaNa! When you said you showed her a catalog of blog templates, were these templates you printed up from online and put in a binder or an actual catalog like you receive in the mail?
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  • Profile picture of the author stanislavlem
    GREAT! It's really Easy $600
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