My Gift To One Lucky Warrior - I'm Paying It Forward.

66 replies
**** Winner Chosen ----- Dennis Gaskill ****

Hi Warriors,

It's that time again - I'm going to pay it forward and thank the forum for everything I've benefited by giving one warrior member some freebies.

There's no catch. (if you've been a member here for any length of time you'll have seen me do this before - it's not a gimmick or BS).

All you have to do to enter to win is - post in this thread what the best thing you've learned in this forum is, and what your best tip for a new member is.

Here's what the winner (chosen by me) will get:

1 - War Room Membership - if you don't already have it.

2 - $50 via Paypal to use as you wish to help your IM business

3- Up to 1 hour Skype chat with me where I'll answer any questions you have about IM and your business.

So there you have it - all you have to do is share your best lesson and best tip for other warriors.

I'm looking for real, genuine comments that you honestly believe will help your fellow warriors.

A lot of new people come here and don't realise what a community this is - so I want your comments to help a new member get some quick insights into how this forum helps others.

In case you're wondering - no-one has asked me to do this. I'm not associated with the forum apart from being a member and there's no ulterior motive for offering this apart from that I hope some useful comments will come from it and one happy warrior will get some goodies they weren't expecting.

I'll leave this up for at least 2 weeks to give it enough time for people to see it and think about their answers and then pick a winner no later than 1 month time.

Thanks for caring and sharing.

#forward #gift #lucky #paying #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
    Andy, really thoughtful of you to motivate other warriors to share their best methods to help out newcomers in this industry.

    Personally, the my best lesson that I have learn is chasing free traffic. In actual fact, there is NO free traffic. You either pay someone to do get traffic for you, spend on advertising, and lastly, spend your own precious time dedicating yourself to getting free traffic. I would highly recommend seeking out low cost sources of traffic, if you are just starting out and not very confident. Test, test and test until you find something(s) that works, and scale those up!

    Try to find a balance in your marketing. Do not risk your entire mortgage on PPC or other forms of advertising, at the same time, do not spend countless hours getting free traffic to your site, doing all tasks by yourself. LEVERAGE on low cost traffic sources (such as stumbleupon, alexa, FB, etc.). At the same time, LEVERAGE on cheap outrource workers readily available these days.

    Lastly, if you are still not confident, LEVERAGE on the great minds in this forum (such as Andy). Remember, do not be afraid to ask. Believe in yourself and you will be able to counter any setbacks or obstacles that get in your way during your IM career.

    Have a great day!

    Lady NaNa
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
    The best thing I've learned and the best tip to share with new members is the same thing: not everyone here is an expert.

    That's something important to keep in mind while browsing the threads. There are people that will offer their "expert" advice and they'll sound very authoritative and they'll be people who have been around for a while. Then, a couple months later, you'll see that very same person asking for advice on what he offered his "expert" advice on a couple months earlier.

    That being said, however, after you've spent enough time in the forum, you'll start to learn who the experts really are. And, on that note, any newbie would benefit by paying particular attention to these folks:

    kindsvater - The resident lawyer. Pay attention to what he says.

    dana_w - The resident press release expert. She doesn't post here often any more, probably because she's busy doing press releases...

    cdarklock - He's opinionated and sometimes argumentative but he does throw out some sage advice.

    MichaelHiles - Pay attention for offline stuff and for big business mentality.

    I'm no doubt forgetting some people, and these certainly aren't the only Warriors I pay attention to, but others may chime in with their suggestions.

    Anyway, to sum up. Learned: Not everyone is an expert. Tip: Find out who the experts are.

    Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

    Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author kos818

      great idea! If I make it donate the money ;-) But I'd love the hour of consulting for sure ;-)

      What I learned from WF is that you better create your own products. I bought a bunch of high ticket courses and it seemed everybody was talking about product creation. I created my own product and it sucked (don't get me wrong, the product was great but sales where pretty low).

      So here is what I learned the hard way and this is exactly what I would tell a newbie (I started a similar thread a while ago, but it died ;-)):
      1. PLR is NOT eval!
        When I started I heard everywhere that PLR is bad. Their is bad PLR for sure, but there are golden nuggets available, that should be able to make you a bunch of money. But don't by [yes] can sell PLR rights PLR. Just wait some time and go to other sites, where you can get them way cheaper! You only need such a license if you want to make some "money" from it.
        But you better change everything! Don't make the mistake nobody told me about (I doubt it isn't already mentioned a couple of times here on WF, but I ignored it or didn't see it) to leave it as is. But also don't spend to much money upfront making it individual! Sounds strange? It is. You don't want to spend a bunch of money without getting anything back. Do it like Henry Ford and re-invest your profits! Example? You might earn $10. Now you have 2 options:
        1. get a slice of Pizza
        2. re-invest it and make an additional $10. Be aware that you won't see huge success from the scratch. Everybody tells you something else isn't honest or just wanted to sell you something, so be aware.
      2. The money IS in the list...
        I launched a WSO 2 days ago. My first one. I don't have a list at all. I was wondering all the time about WSOs that have increasing prices with every 10 sales and within the couple of minutes I was reading through the sales copy the price increased twice. Looked great, but reallity isn't like that. If you don't have a list that you can inform about your great product / WSO, you spend a bunch of money for bumping it. Mine is on page 2 and I will get that "hey Sven, BUMP YOUR WSO" mail in a couple of hours for sure.
      3. Spend the $37 for the warroom.
        This is the most incredible ressource I ever visited. Period. There are countless WSO I paid for (and I was a Warroom member from the day I signed in) so keep a close look on it.
        Keep away from the WSO section! I'm not kidding. There is many gold out there, but your day has only 24 hours. When you are starting out, you are a so called sole entrepreneur and you might work your a.. off! Nothing wrong with that, but you don't have the cash flow and time to read everything you buy, so it only collects dust. So this makes point 5
      5. GET STARTED
        Theory doesn't pay your bills. Get out of your comfort zone, create some products or just use PLR and get 'em out there. You do the maths: 100 sites may cost you at least 1/2 a year (I know there are many other warriors that might tell your for $47 that you could crank out a site within 10 minutes, but I doubt on that [and I'm doing websites for a living since 9 years btw.]). If you aren't a complete newbie you might get them up and running in a matter of hours.
        Get connected with other marketers. They have lists and you can offer them a commission (my products are all 100% for frontendsales) that makes it interesting for them. But be aware of all fly by night dime sale cowboys that want to tell you that they made 5 figures from the scratch, without any network, any advertising or a list. That doesn't work. Start small and scale it up!
      6. Outsource ;-) (sorry for that, but it is the way I would start if I could start again), rinse, repeat.
      As said, there is nothing like "get rich within 24hours while lying on the beach" but this is for a reason. Do your homework, skimm through the warroom and TAKE ACTION.

      So do I,
      best for today

      PS: I'm not an internet millionair and I don't make 6 figures a year (maybe in Renminbi [Chinese Yuan] as I'm living in China ;-)) but this is still the recommendation I would give everybody that just started out with IM!
      Nothing to sell...
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Hey Dan,

    I'm glad you were brave enough to name names

    People's favourites are such a personal thing that there's always differing opinions about how we see others. I've mentioned my favourites in the past and got all sorts of hassle for it so I don't do it anymore. Also sometimes when you've had a bad experience with someone you don't want to taint other peoples views if they think that person is great.

    The problem with forums and the Internet in general is that it's pretty easy for people to talk a good game and give the impression they're successful but actually be a serious let-down when it comes to taking action.

    There's a lot of merit in modeling the success of others, but you need to be very careful who you model if you only know them from the Internet. I know that sounds skeptical but I know of some really shady things that go on by so called experts and gurus.

    I think it's a great idea to find people you resonate with and then build a relationship with them - but watch what they DO rather than what they say.


    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      I'm glad you were brave enough to name names

      People's favourites are such a personal thing that there's always differing opinions about how we see others. I've mentioned my favourites in the past and got all sorts of hassle for it so I don't do it anymore. Also sometimes when you've had a bad experience with someone you don't want to taint other peoples views if they think that person is great.
      Well, it's easier when you're naming people in a positive light and not a negative one. The biggest hazard is one of omission. And, no matter what, you will always forget someone. Usually because, if your mind isn't on a particular thing, you don't think of the people who might be experts in that thing because it simply isn't on your mind at the moment.

      Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

      Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Once again, Andy shows why he is such a class act. He's always giving of
        himself to others.

        Andy, I don't want to be considered for anything but I'm going to offer my
        2 cents on a few things that I hope will be of some help to others.

        What I've Learned Here

        I learned the true meaning of community. I learned that there are people
        out there who really care about you and will help you when you need help.
        I learned that there are people you can count on and trust.

        My short list of people who have been an inspiration and/or a help to me in
        some way:

        Allen Says - Without him and this forum, I wouldn't have met half the
        people I have come to call my friends. I owe him more than I could ever

        Paul Myers - One of the brightest people and best writers I know. If you
        are NOT on his newsletter, get on it...TODAY.

        John Rhodes - A pleasure to work with. All JVs should be so easy and
        angst free. You won't meet a more professional marketer.

        Willie Crawford - Gave me more than the time of day when I was just
        starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. A truly giving person.

        Caliban Darklock - Helped me with my music more than any person in
        all the years I've been writing. One of the most fun guys to talk to as

        Andy Henry - A model for what we should all strive for at this forum. I
        don't think anybody gives more unselfishly with their time here creating
        threads to help members.

        I'll stop there or I'll be typing for hours. There are a lot of people here who
        I truly look up to and admire.

        What I'd Like To Share

        Occasionally I get asked what the most important things for success are.
        Sadly, while I'd like to think it's just one thing, there are MANY things
        required for success online, or anything for that matter.

        These are a few of my top ones.

        Communication Skills - I don't care what it is you're into. If you're into
        any kind of selling, whether it's an affiliate product, your own product or
        just trying to get somebody to click on a CPA link or Adsense ad, you need
        to be able to effectively communicate to your prospect. If you can't do
        that, your message is going to be ignored and you won't get the results
        that you're looking for.

        Communication comes in many forms.


        And so on. Even the email that you send to a prospect who has a question
        for you is important. If you can't respond in a way that answers that
        question sufficiently enough to get the sale, how much success can you
        expect to have?

        Sadly, communication skills in a lot of people are sorely lacking.

        Discipline - I don't care how smart you are or how much money you
        have to throw at a problem. Selling on the Internet takes work. And work
        is a dirty word for a lot of in they DON'T like to do it.

        Heck, there are days I don't want to work. But I discipline myself to do
        what needs to be done if I expect to be successful. Unless you have
        the kind of money to just outsource your whole business (I don't) then
        there are things you're going to have to do yourself. Even with outsourcing
        you still have to follow up with the people you gave the jobs too.

        There is no such thing as a business that truly runs by itself, at least not
        at the very beginning.

        Also, don't go bouncing around from thing to thing. Pick something, master
        it and THEN, if you want to do something new, move on. But make sure
        you've used whatever it is you bothered learning or getting into.

        Time Management - Too many people get caught up in unproductive
        tasks and don't take care of the things that are critical. They don't know
        how to manage their time.

        So I make a schedule every single day and stick to it. I assign a time frame
        for each task. I do my best to complete that task within that time frame.

        I don't always succeed, but at least with a schedule (not doing things
        willy-nilly) you have a fighting chance to get your work done.

        Customer Service - Piss off enough of your customers and they won't
        come back. Treat them like gold. Give them a reason to keep buying from
        you. There are a lot of choices online today. Why should anybody buy
        YOUR product? It's customer service that separates us.

        Honesty - It's so much easier to remember the truth than it is to
        remember a lie. Eventually, the lies catch up with you and your reputation
        gets trashed. If you're honest, people may not always agree with you or
        like your honesty, but at least they can't catch you in a lie.

        If somebody asks you if your product does xyz and it doesn't, tell them it
        doesn't. When they find out you lied, you've lost them as a potential
        future customer. When you're honest, they're going to say to themselves,
        "Wow...he didn't try to sell me something." In fact, they may ask you if
        you have something that is what they're looking for.

        Knowledge - All the desire in the world is only going to get you so far. If
        you don't know what you're doing, you're only going to be spinning your
        wheels. Getting a solid marketing foundation is essential. You don't have
        to learn every Ninja tactic in the world to be successful (and don't let
        people make you believe you do) but you should know the
        least to start.

        Knowledge is never a bad thing.

        Humility - This is something I learned way too late in life. Nobody is such
        a big deal that they can act like they're better than everybody else.
        They're not. We all put our pants on one leg at a time and we're all going
        to die someday.

        Treat people with respect. Heck, read Dale Carnegie's book on how to
        win friends and influence people. I mean really read it. You might actually
        get something out of it.

        Humility is a battle I fight every single day. I am by no means perfect. But
        I am working on it.

        Some of us need to work on it more than others.

        Don't confuse humility with confidence. If you believe you can actually
        help somebody with a problem because you have knowledge in that area,
        let them know that you can help them.

        Believe it or not, humility and confidence can coexist together.

        Some Final Words

        Be yourself. Personally, I don't like phonies. I have more respect for
        somebody who is a loud mouth and opinionated (if he's always that
        way) than I do for somebody who changes depending on the crowd he's
        with. Ask my wife. She'll tell you that I'm just as cranky at home as I am

        Having said that, always try to improve yourself as a person. Nobody is
        perfect. And I am far from it. So I know I have to dig in each day and
        try to be a little better than I was the day before.

        There is a real person online who you are interacting with...a person
        with feelings.

        Try to remember that the next time you want to call them an idiot for
        asking a question that might seem obvious to you but not so obvious to

        If somebody is behaving badly, yes, call them out on it. Being civil doesn't
        mean we have to tolerate ignorance. There is a difference between being
        stupid or lacking in knowledge and being ignorant.

        The stupid person can learn.

        The ignorant person, well, they're harder to teach.

        Anyway, that's all I have.

        Andy, thank you again for putting yourself out there for the members of
        this forum.

        You truly are a class act.
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    If I am selected, please donate my $50 to charity. I am only interested in that one hour pow wow I hope that this post will benefit some of you...

    5 Step Quick Start for IM Beginners

    I always teach my students to make a series of goals and then work to achieve them one by one.

    If you are just starting out, then your first goal should be to learn the basics, but those basics depend on your end goal. Some people may have the end goal of making a living on eBay, some may have an end goal of making a living as a blogger, and some may have the end goal of selling their own products.

    There are so many methods of making money on the Internet and each method has their own basic techniques. Here is a simple plan of attack:

    1. Decide how you want to make money - Don't just pick something because it seems like it would be the most profitable. Choose something that interests you and makes you happy, otherwise you will burn out fast.

    2. Learn the basics - Whatever method of income you choose, you need to know the basics. There are many avenues to go about learning. You could buy a course or you could do the online research yourself. Whichever avenue of learning you choose, make sure that you follow through with what you have learned. Do not try and take any shortcuts.

    3. Practice what you've learned - Once you have learned the basics in your new chosen profession, put them to work. Chances are that you will not be an overnight success and you will need guidance. If you have a mentor, fantastic. If not, ask for help (next step).

    4. Ask for help, but stay focused - The Warrior Forum is a great place to find help on specific methods and niches, but it can also be counter-productive. When you need help or a question answered, make sure that your visit to WF (or elsewhere) is laser focused on that purpose. Do not get sidetracked! Your time is precious and stopping to read every interesting thread will throw you off course.

    5. When you feel that you have mastered the basics of your chosen method, start all over again. I can assure you that you have not mastered anything! Before you move on to more advanced techniques, make sure that you are a) profiting and b) understand WHY you are profiting.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author kos818
      If I am selected, please donate my $50 to charity. I am only interested in that one hour pow wow
      Only to make it sure, we posted the same time, so Brian didn't copy it from me ;-) Will contact you in a minute via PM! Have a question to your WSO (sorry if that doesn't fit into that thread).

      Choose something that interests you and makes you happy, otherwise you will burn out fast.
      Don't agree with that one ;-) This is exactly how I started out, after buying my first IM product about affiliate marketing. Need and example? I love China, speak better Mandarin then English and now a bunch about it. I have a blog, ok written in bloody German, that makes me something like 10-20$ / month. As my former boss (I have had J.O.B.s before) in London said once to me, no money, no company. This is my hobby but nothing I could life from ;-) I have another approach now:
      Pin-names, e.g. for the matured 47 year old US American lady that wants to loose her belly fat and get high quality PLR or a ghostwriter getting things done. I don't mind who pays my bills, but I still have some kind of ethical approach and wouldn't publish rubbish.

      The other thing I heard here once was that you shouldn't start to many different projects. I have worked on 3 continents, speak 4 languages, have had a pub and a beer garden in Central China and did other things you wouldn't say they are normal. I enjoyed it ;-) This is the great thing about IM: You CAN and IMHO SHOULD do different things!

      Enough for today,
      thanks again Brian and Andy for your efforts and thoughts (and for sure also a thanks to Lady Na Na and Dan)
      back to business
      Nothing to sell...
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      • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
        Originally Posted by kos818 View Post

        Only to make it sure, we posted the same time, so Brian didn't copy it from me ;-)
        Great minds think alike

        Don't agree with that one ;-)
        Or maybe not

        Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author adesbarats
    Hey Andy,

    Thanks for putting this out there. I am already a WR member but getting the opportunity to chat with you would be great! So here goes:

    Aside from the great internet marketing tips, the greatest thing I learned in this forum is this:

    There are many facets to running an online business such as web design, copy writing, programming, direct response marketing, SEM, etc. All of these facets play a role in the success or failure of your business and you must learn (fast) where your strengths and weaknesses are so you can capitalize on your strengths and outsource your weaknesses. Do not be fooled into thinking you can do it all.

    What I would say to beginners is this:

    We all have skills, knowledge or experience that have value. Before completely dropping your current life and jumping into internet marketing reflect on what you can do - hobbies, current job skills, personal interests, etc and evaluate how those existing skills, knowledge or experience could be monetized through the internet. By following this strategy as opposed to starting completely from scratch, I believe a beginner would have a far better chance of success and would get far more enjoyment out of the final product.

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  • Profile picture of the author kos818
    Back again! As I spended around $150 for classified ads and 2 WSOs I purchased another golden nugget: If you want to be successful, you have to figure out that you have to control your spendings!

    If you safe 20% of your spendings that might have the same effect as 10 times more profits! You do the maths ;-)

    Also as mentioned in my initial posting, ALWAYS use the money you earned and re-invest it. Never ever get a loan or something else for getting started in IM. Chances for failure are way to high!

    Best for today
    Nothing to sell...
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Kudos on the thread and generosity, Andy.

    I'm interested in the pow-wow with you, so if I win I'll use the money to sponsor a War Room membership (and some cool surprises) for a newbie. Best tip follows, what I've learned I'll post later.

    Okay, for most IM business models having a mailing list is crucial. Some people tell you to use a squeeze page and give away a freebie to "bribe" people to subscribe. Other people tell you not to build a list of freebie seekers as they won't be responsive.

    What follows is how to turn a list built on freebies into a responsive list.

    Give the freebie seeking list valuable content. Lots of it. Get them used to seeing you a valuable source of information, and as a generous person. Some will start buying from you because of the reciprocity they will feel, but not everyone.

    Keeping giving. You have to give to get. Now here's how you turn a whole lot of people who have never bought from you into buyers. Sell them something they want at a price they cannot refuse. The last time I did this I wrote 10 ebooks on 10 different topics. They averaged 20 pages. I sold them for $10...just a buck each!

    I sold thousands of dollars worth of this package at a measly $10 a pop, and hundreds of the buyers were people that had been on my list for a long time and had never bought anything from me. One man wrote to tell me he'd been on my mailing list for 8 years and had never bought anything from me, but said he couldn't resist such a tempting offer. He even apologized that he hadn't bought from me before, saying he should have been more supportive because he really enjoys my newsletter!

    This is the key to making the whole thing work -- make sure the offer you overwhelm them with won't let them down once they see it. If it does, you have lost ground instead of gaining it. If they are happy with what they receive, you can expect many of those first time buyers to buy from you again. Here's why...

    If they are happy with your free information, and happy with your "loss leader" product, their defensive wall now has a gate in it. They have crossed over from being freebie-only list members into being buyers, the ice has been broken and they will buy from you again with the right product at a fair price.

    So the tip is, build the mailing list from the beginning, it is crucial. You CAN turn an unresponsive list into a buying list. The important thing is to BUILD THAT LIST NOW.

    As an aside, giving before you get is also an excellent way to live life, online or off. People think fondly of and develop a loyalty to those who are generous and kind with their time, their knowledge, their affection, and their praise -- even more so than those who are generous with their money.

    Edited to add: That was my tip, I'm editing my post to add what the most valuable thing I've gained from the Warrior Forum. While I've gained a good many marketing tips here, the most valuable thing I've gained is a network of new friends. I'm in Skype groups with many, and we mastermind, seek and give advice, provide personal support to each other if one of the group is going through a hard time, and just have enjoyable conversations with like minded people.

    The value of this cannot be overemphasized, IMO. While I'd love to drop over to a friends house and chat marketing, I live in a small town. Talking about IM, or copywriting, or any of the marketing things we do with them results in glazed eyes and a quick change of topic by them, even if they're the ones who brought the subject up in the first place.

    The mastermind groups are like a very miniature forum, only all the members like each other, no spammers get in, any disagreements or differences of opinion are respectful and thoughtful, and everyone contributes value to the group in one way or another. You just can't replace that with anything.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      I'm interested in the pow-wow with you, so if I win I'll use the money to sponsor a War Room membership (and some cool surprises) for a newbie.
      That's what I love about this forum - people entering these threads and intending to help someone else with the prize.

      Dennis - you're the WINNER!!

      Great tips and great attitude.

      p.s Please PM me your skype and Paypal details.

      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2456290].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        That's what I love about this forum - people entering these threads and intending to help someone else with the prize.

        Dennis - you're the WINNER!!

        Great tips and great attitude.

        p.s Please PM me your skype and Paypal details.
        Hey, hey, my lucky day! Thanks Andy, I appreciate it.

        Warriors, watch for me to start a thread about sponsoring a War Room member in a few days. I've got to wrap up some business then it's game on.

        Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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        • Profile picture of the author kos818
          Hi Andy, hi Dennis

          @Andy: Thanks for starting such a great thread! Will come back for sure to read it again and again ;-)
          @Dennis: Congrats! Your Dollar eBook Idea is worth considering it for sure!

          Nothing to sell...
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  • Profile picture of the author andybeveridge
    First of all thankyou for your generosity. I have seen you give your time in this way before.

    I think my message to anybody just starting out would start with this.

    1. Be yourself, by this I mean stay true to your own values. People see through you very quickly these days if your an imposter.

    2. Find a mentor. We all have to learn sometime, and being taught is the natural way forward. Right from the word go someone teaches you. Walking,talking,school, even the facts of life. I bet your first day at work wasn't just get on with it. Never be afraid to invest in your education.

    3. Stay away from the hype, and get off all the lists that you find yourself on in the first few weeks. Only stay with those that you believe offer you value.

    4. A good mentor will help with this. You must take action, it requires work to be successful and there is no magic button. Take what you have learned and follow through with it.

    5. Do not think that you have to jump into the how to make money market. It is so much easier to talk or blog about the niches that interest you. Have a look at your hobbies and interests. Much easier to be an authority when you already know about your subject.

    6. Remember to give back. Just as Andy is here in this thread. What you give is what you get.

    There is so much more I could say, but I think some of the more learned warriors in previous posts have pretty much covered it.

    Great thread. Good luck to everyone.

    Andy Beveridge

    Become a Digi Warrior and join us in the successful Dig Warrior IM Academy
    Join us at

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Ratliff
    One thing I've learned from the WF...

    No one person has all the answers...and there's no one answer to begin with.

    No matter what the question, it seems, there are a wide variety of "correct" (and "incorrect") answers to that question.

    Why is that important?

    To me, as I've read the forum posts where questions are being asked, where advice is being given etc... one constant always remains. There is discussion that follows.

    And that discussion is important, because just one answer given by any one person won't be enough to deliver the full solution. We discuss (read: collaborate) and reach a much more valuable, fuller solution.

    This forum has taught me that the discussion (read: collaboration), and not just answers, are what we are really seeking when we are here on WF.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    Lots of good stuff to be found here but the one thing I've learned that has made the biggest change for me is two little words that I kept reading over and over woven into sentences.

    It took a while before those particular words jumped off the page at me and it was like discovering "The Secret".

    Here they are...


    It's so easy to get overwhelmed with information, trying to think things through, make plans, compare alternatives, and so on and so on and so on that you can easily sit there for hours, days and even weeks without ever taking one step forward.

    Now, when I find myself hesitant about which direction to head, I just push myself to TAKE ACTION. For that I truly thank the Warrior Forum!

    Not only in online marketing but in all other areas of my life as well. (I am a procrastinator by nature) and I find myself muttering those words to myself many times daily about all kinds of things.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by Gail Sober View Post

      Not only in online marketing but in all other areas of my life as well. (I am a procrastinator by nature) and I find myself muttering those words to myself many times daily about all kinds of things.
      That's good to hear. When coaching people I've often ended up at the point where they've said they just need to take action. There are a lot of situations people get stressed about and the answer ends up being 'just do it' or 'just do something' because we often worry about things which in the grand scheme of life are insignificant we forget because we're living in the moment.

      nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheAnnoyingOrange
    Hi there, I will attempt to make this post quite short but there are no promises

    What I have learned: I have learned (from my short time here at the WF) that you CAN produce a full-time income from the internet and that if you want to become wealthy then you need to stop working for someone else and start to work for yourself.

    Another important thing I have learned that ties into this is that you can do this at ANY AGE! Unlike in an office job where you have to finish school and earn a degree THEN climb your way up the corporate ladder just to try and become wealthy; in IM you learn at your own pace and can get advice along the way by asking the friendly people here at the WF. Heck, I'm 17 and do not want to even come close to working an office job ever in my life.

    My advice to a new member: The most important piece of advice that I could give to a new member would be to find one of the thousands of methods here on the WF and STICK TO IT by taking CONSISTENT ACTION. You need to find a method that is proven to work for others (eg. Article Marketing) and take consistent action to make it work, even if that takes you two weeks to see your first dollar come in, the satisfaction of knowing that you CAN make money on the internet will boost your motivation and increase your productivity ten-fold (that is when you will truly see some money flow in).


    On a personal level: Personally, this forum has helped me view the world in a whole different light; every time I see an advertisement on TV or a new product coming out my brain begins to fire up and think about how they market their product, who they are marketing it to, if the product is even useful and is the market still open for new products (I am sure that I am not alone here ).

    It has also broadened my horizons to try new things (IM for one, I would not have believed worked if I never tried it for myself) and just getting out there to experience life, if you do that then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! I consistent try to view things in a marketing aspect which actually helps me in school to analyze my school work in depth a lot more and allows me to ask more detailed questions, giving me the best opportunity to succeed; so IM actually helps me in more ways than one.

    To sum it up: It is not about how much money I earn, but about the amount of freedom I can buy with that money.

    Sorry about the post, I expected it to be a lot shorter but I felt that I needed to share such important advice that most new members ask as soon as they join the WF.

    Good luck to all and follow your dreams!
    Reserved for TheAnnoyingOrange
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  • Profile picture of the author humbledmarket
    Wow Andy, First of all thanks for having this contest and opportunity for all members of this forum. It's great to know there are still people in this society who are willing to help one another. Usually what you find in business is a cut throat environment.

    Actually that's one of the biggest lesson I've learnt from this forum. Besides all the numerous lessons I've learnt about internet marketing and how to build a sales page the biggest lessons have actually been the motivation of having something like a support group to help you going.

    Warrior forum is unlike many other internet marketing forums. Many other internet marketing forums the members have their own motives but there are many experts and pros at the warrior forum who just have generally good intention with no ulterior motives. That's the great thing about this forum is a sense of community that you can't find in many other forums.

    I like how the warrior forum is very accepting to new comers and novice as I've found out and willing to answer just about any reasonable questions you have to their best of their ability.

    I guess you sort of see the better side of the human race in this forum; it's very refreshing compared to previous internet marketing forums I use to surf to read. It's sort of a sense of belonging and acceptance.

    Besides the motivational and metal benefits this forum was also very helpful in helping me focus. I remember crossing upon a thread which ever new comer to internet marketing should read. Essentially it's a short simple free video sharing how to actually succeed in internet marketing. Instead of purchasing product after product you most probably will never use. Stop buying and start working!

    To be profitable you have to sell more than you buy. It's a short simple lesson but it's also very important. Additionally there are a lot of information you can get free here form helpful members willing to share their opinion.

    I personally have not purchased any ebook that was better than the information I've found here on the warrior forum.

    There were just so many aspects of internet marketing I've picked up here not to forget I learnt about list, internet marketing list from the warrior forum.

    If you take some time to surf the forum, ask questions and be diligent you can actually pick up a lot of information to get footed on internet marketing. It'll save you a lot of money you'd otherwise have to spend on materials to learn about internet marketing.

    However as I've learnt there comes a point where you have to implement what you've actually learnt. As Nike says: Just Do It. So often we keep learning and learning but one of the best ways we can learn is by practicing it. So Go ahead adsorb and benefit all you can from warrior forum but also remember to put it into good use.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    It's good to see some brand new members posting here already.

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
    I don't have a war room account yet so I guess I am not eligible but nevertheless I would like to share some of the best things that I have learned over the last few years

    1) Treat IM as real business - Many people (especially newcomers) do not take IM seriously and instead treat it as hobby, way to earn some extra money, passing fad etc. My request to such people is that you must treat IM seriously in order to be successful.

    2) Test, test, test - Since there are so many ways to do a particular thing you must test each and every aspect of your business. Continuous testing & tweaking is essential part of IM business. Even if a particular method is making you lots of money, you should try to improve upon it.

    3) Take action - This cannot be stressed hard enough. Even if you have hundreds of money making ideas swimming in your head, you won't make money until you take some action.

    4) Outsource - This is a key if you want to make it to big league. This may be difficult in the beginning when you are starting out and have limited funds but trust me you cannot go far if you try to do everything yourself. Your job should be to identify profitable business ideas and strategies and outsource almost everything else. Of course you would need to test and tweak later when your site is live.

    5) Buy successful businesses - This is one tip that I got from one of my mentors. Apart from creating your own successful businesses you must also scout for successful businesses being sold online. Again this may not be possible when you are just starting, but once you have some money you must buy some businesses that are making money and are up for sale.

    Hope these would be of some help to warriors.


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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by anup.mahajan View Post

      I don't have a war room account yet so I guess I am not eligible
      The opposite is true - One of the prizes is that I'll pay for your War Room account if you don't already have one....

      nothing to see here.

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      • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        The opposite is true - One of the prizes is that I'll pay for your War Room account if you don't already have one....
        In that case, I'll keep my fingers crossed.. Thanks Andy

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    • Profile picture of the author TheAnnoyingOrange
      Originally Posted by anup.mahajan View Post

      I don't have a war room account yet so I guess I am not eligible
      You don't need to be a war room member to be eligible since the prize is obtaining a membership in the war room.
      Reserved for TheAnnoyingOrange
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2402972].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kos818
        This thread becomes pretty hot ;-)

        Another one: I got the 4hourworkweek from a reader of my private blog (as you might have seen I'm living in China and the only way to get it is going to Hong Kong, as nobody wants to read English books over there...). Buy it. It is worth the money asked.

        Lessons learned: Don't check your mails 10 times a day (I have had times where I checked them 10 times an hour ;-)). Also avoid distraction by forums and blogs... When you have a Windows OS, you might modify your hosts file (google for it and make a backup first). You can type in blocked sites, like the WSO section of WF! I have had modified it in a way that I couldn't open my most loved news websites (my Mandarin is pretty good, but newspapers in China suck), Warriorforum, Gmail and my other webmail client! That made me way more productive... Everytime I'd like to check my mails or just wanted to become up to date about what is going on in the world I have had to use my girlfriends netbook. As she owns a own business and normally carries here computer with her, There where only limited spots available while she have had a shower or when she already where a sleep. GREAT!

        I bought a small software called "distraction eliminator" or something like that. Only works with Windows and it comes without ANY WARRANTY... I bought it with Resell and Giveaway rights, so feel free to grab your copy and run with it (the link is only a download link, so nothing like a sign-up or sth. else required!). As said, make a backup of that host(s) file before you start it. When you have Windows XP (I am old school) you might have to change the permissions for the file or just edit it!

        Another thing I would like to mention is the power of upsells. Whenever you sell a own product, you should have an upsell. But something valuable please ;-) You would leave money on the table without it! There are loads of ressources, where you can get videos or sth. else with MRR or even PLR vor dirt cheap. Use them! I have another project, that I haven't started promoting, where I have had 4 sales from my frontend product from affiliates. As I have a 100% affiliate comission policy, I made $0 from it. But I made 3x$27 from my upsell, which is indeed great value. No refunds, no hazzles, happy customers and a conversion of 75%. Ok, to be hounest it may go down to 1 figure sooner or later, but I still make money from that buddy...

        Last and least: Spread your pages out! The more you have up and running the more money you might make. Don't limit yourself to one main project and wake up in the middle of the night only to check if you are still indexed with Google. Also avoid only one marketing channel. If you are a fly by night AdWords cowboy, you might get your account shut down by them (happend to me ones, but I was lucky as I do nearly no PPC and it was a minor account). Also use something that doesn't need to much time. I have had (and still have) used the $7 script, only for finding out that I need way to much time for installing and maintaining it. Sometimes my transactions fail and I have to deal with my customers personally. Nothing I would complain about, but it is NO hands free business. Use the best or die like the rest (a friend of mine has that one on his Harley Davidson) ;-)
        I changed from $7 to and have no hazzles anymore. OK, it still takes to much time, but my payments work and I only have to ask once if everything went fine (and in future I will have somebody asking in my name if everything went fine ;-)). Also be patient. When I started my first WSO a couple of days ago, I reloaded the WSO Plus page every 20 minutes, only for seeing nothing. Not it gets better and better and I open it maybe once a day. As said above, don't get distracted!


        PS: Get organized! I just searched 5 minutes for my external harddrive. My desk is a mess and so is my inbox! I'm working on it, but as I moved from town to town and created a huge mess (have had a kind of "what doesn't fit into my backpack, doesn't fit into my life policy until I meet my girflriend") ;-)
        Nothing to sell...
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  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    I need just 5$.Please please please please.Due to paypal terms I am not able to fund my Account.I need this money to make an account on help me.
    I don't need 50$.just 5$.Please
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by vishalduggal View Post

      I need just 5$.Please please please please.Due to paypal terms I am not able to fund my Account.I need this money to make an account on help me.
      I don't need 50$.just 5$.Please
      Sorry - but if you'd read the post and actually posted your most useful lessons for other members - I would happily have given you $5, but since all you did was ask for money - I'm afraid I can't obligue.

      Why don't you go to a site like or offer you services to fellow warriors - you'll easily make $5 today if you offer people value to get it.

      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2403549].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        Sorry - but if you'd read the post and actually posted your most useful lessons for other members - I would happily have given you $5, but since all you did was ask for money - I'm afraid I can't obligue.

        Why don't you go to a site like or offer you services to fellow warriors - you'll easily make $5 today if you offer people value to get it.
        I already go to the site and make 6 sales in 2 days from 2 different accounts.Actually 1 and a half day.
        But they are paying after 14 days.Very long for a person like me.
        If you give me just 5$ I will give you your money back after 14 days.Promise.
        Really need 5$ right now for Tradebit.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2405322].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
          Originally Posted by vishalduggal View Post

          I already go to the site and make 6 sales in 2 days from 2 different accounts.Actually 1 and a half day.
          But they are paying after 14 days.Very long for a person like me.
          If you give me just 5$ I will give you your money back after 14 days.Promise.
          Really need 5$ right now for Tradebit.
          Are you seriously begging for money?
          Need Custom Graphics Work? - Message Me For A Design Quote!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2435078].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ShaunJohnson
            Umm what have i learnt..

            I guess its a number of things, one being that mindest is probably the first thing you should change. Positive thinking can make your dreams come true!

            Most of the people i speak to in real life (family/friends) about making money online think its a scam. It cant happen. I actually avoid telling them when they ask what this "buisness" is that i keep telling them is going to make me financially independant. I think even if i was making 6 figures they still wouldnt accept it.

            So back on topic, the forum has taught me to ignore these nay-sayers. It can and does happen everyday, this forum is proof!

            Its also taught me...actually everything i know about IM to be honest lol. I dont think a long list of things i know about IM is either helpful or insightful to readers but it has taught me alot!

            Probably one of the greatest lessons learnt from this forum is this:

            Remember you were a noob once, and strangers in different parts of the world were willing to help you for nothing.

            Give back what you take, just like andy is here!

            I see Pride. I see Power. I see a Bad ass mudda who wont take no crap off of nobody!

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonTBA
    The best thing I have ever learned from here can be summed up in one sentence:

    Build a list of customers and a list of partners, promote to one and promote with the other.

    There are just simply too many different ways to go about building these lists for me to go into but the real money in this industry IMHO has to be in the lists, both of customers and of the people who can really help you out in your niche!
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    • Profile picture of the author kos818
      Why don't you go to a site like or offer you services to fellow warriors - you'll easily make $5 today if you offer people value to get it.
      Pointing that fellow warrior to was my first intention. I might be wrong, but I guess that his country isn't supported by PayPal. They have a couple of countries that they don't accept for opening an account.

      Just open another thread asking for alternatives for PayPal if I'm right. Otherwise do 2 jobs on Fiverr and you have $8 in your account. Just ordered some fancy job (was in need for sbdy. sending me a gift and a handwritten letter) for $5 (and I'm paying shipping and handling as an additional payment ;-))...

      Nothing to sell...
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  • Profile picture of the author REW72
    Hi Andy
    Nice idea, and happy to contribute my voice for what it's worth.
    The single biggest benefit I see in WF is in my pocket. Like anybody who has circulated the IM space for more than 10 minutes, I am on a LOT of lists. Right now I'm hearing more about Ryan Deiss and his new shiny object than I am about my daughter.

    It's way too easy for a newbie to reach for their credit card and buy every new whizz bang, super powered turbo charged big red button that will make them a millionaire before bedtime, with no work and no prior knowledge.

    So when I see todays latest millionaire machine, I simply head over to WF, check out a few opinions, and 9 times out of 10 keep my credit card firmly locked up. And on the one out of ten that I buy, I'm pretty certain that it will add value to my IM efforts and support me along a sensible plan, that sadly involves work, and knowledge. Reading WF means you avoid all the "review" sites that are anything but impartial.

    Anyone new will learn a lot and save a lot just taking 5 minutes to do this.

    Have a good day.

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  • Profile picture of the author Derwin
    In my country PayPal does not work also. I also need few alternatives to PayPal. I m ready for this job. I can give you quality work.ll the people will make their best effort to win this which is their right. You re giving good opportunity.It will give benefit many people.
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  • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
    Andy, you are the man! I appreciate your kind gesture.

    The best thing I have learned here is how to think outside the box - you don't have to follow the herd.

    And my best tip for a new member is to look before you leap - you have to understand that all that glitters are not gold and if it sounds too good to be true, then it is most likely to be false.

    If I win, please send $5 to vishalduggal and the remaining $45 to a charity of your choice, give the war room membership to Gail Sober and offer the Skype chat to REW72.

    I wish all the contestants all the best but I have to advise them to make sure that they really need these freebies because it would be a great waste to collect these awesome gifts without putting them to good use.

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  • Profile picture of the author tbuie30
    Yep... don't really have much at all to contribute since I haven't really earned much yet, but thanks for starting this thread so people could share their newbie advice. Have learned quite a bit of quality information from this thread alone.

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  • Profile picture of the author cyolland

    I am a newbie, and thank you for this thread. They do get read and are greatly appreciated.

    But I have learned one thing very well so far:
    When I get the multitude of offers for THE NEW Amazing System- I run and not walk here to check on what is being said.

    This one thing has saved me both money and time- and allowed me to focus on the topic at hand.


    P.S. Oh Yeah, I also found Ed Dale's "the Challenge"- and I am going past theory, one day at a time.

    Thanks Everyone!
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  • Profile picture of the author commercee
    Anything you learn is good and more knowledge to your bank. What I've learned is that you just have to do it and take action. Time and time again people talk about it, but seldom do they act and put their talk into action. You have to sit down and do it to make those dreams come true.

    I joined an ecourse on here a few weeks ago and this is true. You hear people talk about what they want to do or an idea for a website, then you talk to them next month or year and they still have the idea and talking about it, but never take the action. Just do it.

    Thats' my advice, from one to another that I've learned. ~Sean.
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  • Profile picture of the author milkyway

    thanks a lot for that wonderful thread and the generous offer. The Warrior Forum offers so many positive things that I had a hard time deciding on the best lesson and best tip...

    One of my most important lessons in the forum was that all of the successful people seem to have some kind of "system" in place. A repeatable process which can be tweaked, tested, improved, and transfered to other markets or opportunities.

    In short: They don't only know what they are doing, they also know why they do it, right then, in just that way.

    Thus, my tip for somebody who is starting out is more like a sequence of steps:

    1. Figure out roughly what you want to do (what appeals to you? What are you good at? Which topics or methods do you like? What kind of knowledge and experience do you have? What wouldn't work for you at all?)
    2. Browse through the forum looking for threads which are related to the techniques or methods you have chosen. Read the threads and get a feeling for the posters. If you use your common sense and your brains, and do some digging, it's not that hard to find out who has experience in a particular area and is willing to share it.
    3. Pick a few warriors who are successfully applying the methods that you have in mind. Make sure you choose people who "resonate" with you, i.e. you like their style and approach.
    4. Find the threads which were started by the people you have chosen. Some of the threads might be questions, but oftentimes experienced warriors start threads (like Andy started this one) which provide an amazing amount of knowledge on some topic.
    5. Go through those threads and figure out the system that the successful people are using. Once you have the system figured out, find out if anything is missing for you to implement it: any knowledge, tools, software, partners etc. Get whatever is missing.
    6. Implement the system you have chosen until you begin to see some success.
    7. Once you've got a little bit of experience, test and tweak and improve.
    This won't make you rich overnight (well, most likely... ), but in the long run, it will give you a good foundation for your business and a lot of experience to build on.

    Hope this helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author Ronald Nzimora
    I have learnt how to build backlinks on this forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author yourfortune123
    I havent been here that long and have a lot to learn but I am seeing why I have been failing for years by reading posts here.

    I think the biggest lesson here though is that for the most part people are good and willing to help a fellow person out. Regards of your level of experience or education or anything else for that matter.

    So I put a huge thank you out there for everyone being helpful and encouraging to someone who has been a newbie for a long time for whatever reasons.

    Jeremy Selb
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    • Profile picture of the author kos818
      Originally Posted by yourfortune123 View Post

      I think the biggest lesson here though is that for the most part people are good and willing to help a fellow person out. Regards of your level of experience or education or anything else for that matter.
      That might be the best post in the thread: ASK! When I was 16 and made my apprenticeship (pretty cool system that only exists in Germany) one of my collegues, age 50+ told me that you could only ask a question if you know something... He was wrong: You HAVE to ask questions to get some knowledge. And for sure keep your eyes and ears open ;-)
      Nothing to sell...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2405883].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    King Shiloh, you are awesome!

    If I win, please send $5 to vishalduggal and the remaining $45 to a charity of your choice, give the war room membership to Gail Sober and offer the Skype chat to REW72
    But... I was going to pay it forward myself if I won

    I've been at this since online stuff since mid 96 and do pretty well, kind of hit a brick wall when making the move to mainstream a few years ago. Ran into soooo much information that I found myself reading, reading and reading and never taking that first step but finally started taking action. Stumbled and fell a few times but never quit moving forward.

    I'll admit, it would be extremely hard to pass on that hour of consultation with Andy but I'm sure there are many here who could benefit from it much more.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by Gail Sober View Post

      King Shiloh, you are awesome!

      But... I was going to pay it forward myself if I won
      I love reading things like this - it's hard for new members here to realise how many members are looking to help others.

      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2407836].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TheAnnoyingOrange
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        I love reading things like this - it's hard for new members here to realise how many members are looking to help others.
        Oh it's not as hard as you thought Some of us new members are very aware about members trying to help one another and we are grateful for such kindness and generosity on their behalves since they are not obligated to say or do anything that will help us in any way. If they wanted to, members could just focus on their business and not give a stuff about us... luckily we are at the WF where thing like that will never happen!

        Even if we do not always say it, we really do appreciate it.
        Reserved for TheAnnoyingOrange
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  • Profile picture of the author samcarson
    Do what works repeatedly and dont get attracted to shiny new objects, I mean WSO's.
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  • Profile picture of the author Online Domination
    Hi Andy

    Great initiative, thanks.

    I consider myself relatively new to WF, but I must admit - it's in my blood now and find myself spending more and more time on it.

    The biggest thing I've learned, and greatly appreciate, is that the WF is a brains trust. The value and worthy information on here truly is all you need to know. Yes, it is time consuming and yes it may be dispersed amongst many, many threads, but the fact remains - the info contained within this forum is GOLD!!

    As for what I would say to a newbie (even though I am one still) is to "look" before you "leap". Unfortunately I"m one of those that has been suckered into many courses (expensive and cheap) and have walked away with little additional knowledge. Unfortunately there are some scam artists out there. So now my approach is different - the WF is my guiding light. Before I act on ANYTHING, I come to the WF and seek advice from those more knowledgeable than me. Let me tell you, I've saved a fortune, and gained significant lessons in the process.

    The WF rocks!! There's no doubt about it. It is empowering, self-developing, invaluable and most importantly contains members willing to share their honest opinions - priceless.

    Thanks to all warriors, which make this the "place to be".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2414759].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author relicah
    Hey andy!

    Thanks for the opportunity, this could be just what I need to get me back on my feet

    So here goes nothing

    To start off with I'm 16 and last year I had sone sites and I was really enjoying it, was doing ok had server space and everything( ino that doesn't sound alot but for me owning a 500£ site was huge) but sadly someone very close to me died and (my choice) I sold everything I had to pay for funeral costs and everything :'(

    Now I'm back to have another go but am starting at 0 funds

    But what I have learnt above all else at this forum is NEVER GIVE UP, some really inspireing people around ghat have truer so many times and keep going

    Thanks for you time and for the opotuneity

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  • Profile picture of the author krystalm
    The best thing I have learned in this forum is that there are really genuine marketers out there who truly do want to give back and help others succeed. Case and point...Andy. It is really not hard to find those with good intentions and not just wanting to get in your pocket. Others will have nothing but good things to say about these marketers. Social proof is a great thing. Plus those marketers will answer questions thrown at them instead of just trying to string you along before smacking you with a WSO or something.

    Best advice for a newbie is not to believe the hype. Sure it is hard not to fall for the sales letter or video that says how easy it is to make thousands of dollars by just doing a few minutes of work. After all, these videos and sales letters have strong marketing principles behind them making most of them irresistible.

    But in reality, this is not so. Anyone here can tell you that in order to make a good living online, it takes work. But once you get down a method, over time it may get easier, if you are able to outsource the grunt work.

    Really and truly, I know that I have learned more here for free than I have from many of the courses I have purchased. So if you are just starting out, you are lucky to have found this forum early on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trucker

    Nice thread which gave me insight about giving tips & suggestions to my fellow newbies.

    I will put here my comments regarding what actually I have learnt in last 2 weeks I've joined this place.

    I got to know many things that our Fellow members sharing their personal thoughts & ideas to bring opportunities to success in everyone's life.

    I came to know about how people belong to each other & interact like a mentor to each newbie coming up for learning some new ideas.

    I hope for a long lasting relationship with this online space.
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  • Profile picture of the author mctavish100
    Without doubt the biggest lesson I have learned on this forum is that I as a newbie am going to succeed because you guys are going to help me.

    I recently joined looking for IM inspiration and help because there is a possibility that I might need to diversify in this recession hit country that I live in. I think I will get it. Why? Because there are a lot of selfless, genuine people on here willing to share or pay it forward.

    I am inspired and humbled when I find a warrior member that gives people knowledge at no cost when quite honestly he or she could quite easily charge for it.

    I hope that one day I will be in a position to pay it forward to other newbies when I hit the higher levels.

    What goes round.........
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  • Profile picture of the author JCTunes
    Hi Andy! It's great that you're doing this giveaway, and even better that fellow Warriors are being so generous with their tips.

    The biggest lesson I've learned is to get the War Room membership ASAP! I've was a WSO junkie for a while, and since I've been a WR member I've been able to obtain a lot of valuable information and saved my membership amount many times over.

    One tip that I would give newbies is two-fold. One is not to get too caught up with reading all the posts here. After all, you do have a business to build! :-) The other half would be to check out the Mind Warriors Sucess-Power-Self Improvement area on this website. It can provide many tips to help you build up a success mindset, which is an essential feature for anyone in business and in their personal life.

    If there's a will, there's a way!

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    • Profile picture of the author Vogin
      Well, what I've learned? That there are people who want to do honest and nice business, who don't hesitate to offer valuable advice for free and whose products make sense and work.

      I was too proud to realize that I really need advice and while my set of skills is good, it's not good enough to reinvent the wheel. My pride was driven away on August 5th, 2010 and now I'm finally going to take advantage of this unique community.

      I really don't know a lot of users, but I can give two testimonials:

      MatthewOlson - I bought his Newbie Struggling WSO and it was probably the best purchase I've ever made online.

      edmltw - I was looking for free traffic generation methods and his thread finally brought all the puzzles together and I know what I will do tomorrow.
      Signature - PPC agency

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  • Profile picture of the author Sparhawke
    What I have learnt here the most is not to be overly-paranoid about sharing your ideas with anyone, the internet is a huge realm with limitless possibilities and no one can kill it off so if you find someone needing some help then share the ideas, or point them to where they can find some help.

    In 2 years time everything we do now will be superceded by the techniques of someone else, and maybe if they don't have a helping hand in the beginning they might not feel any need to pay it forward.

    If you help someone today to get a leg up maybe in 2-3 years they will share a secret of their with you when all your strategies are failing, it is all a merry-go-round and I don't wanna get off!
    “Thinking is easy, Acting is difficult
    And to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world ~ Goethe”
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  • Profile picture of the author charlieboy61
    I do hope that you have not given out the gift get. The best thing that I have learn from this forum is not to give up. I have been interested in IM for the past 2 yers but have not really make any money yet. But I am not giving up because I can see that a lot of warriors are successful and I know that if I perservere I can be successful too.

    My advice to new members is not to give up. Learn from the success of the warriors here. If at first you do not succeeed, try again

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  • Profile picture of the author n8rm5n
    Best thing I have learned in this forum will be Determination, I tried to be copywriter a year ago, look around in this big forum, write a few articles, got rejected by some website and I gave up because I didn't see any result. Until one month ago, I happen to drop by CPA thread and got interested in it. Thought back how I failed one year ago, I was too anxious in reaching success ! Now I just started my website and received many great tips from this forum, ideas keep poping out in my head.

    I feel much happier working for myself now, and my tips for newbies will be, start taking action, at least do some marketing each day until it becomes your hobby. Success is a journey, not destination.

    More good years ahead

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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Giannetti
    the best tip i have learned from this forum.....thats a tough one...sorry hard to narrow that down to one tip......but the best advice to a newbie would be to take action ....any action.... even if you fail you doing better than most..and you can't succeed if you don't fail first.
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  • Profile picture of the author vip-ip
    I learned that there's a place better than DigitalPoint. I would see mentions of WarriorForum here and there, but never decided to take the leap. I'm glad I did.

    Best Regards,
    vip-ip ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Splinterbiz
    I am not joining your contest, as others need it more than me. I just wanted to say thanks for doing this. I believe in paying it forward, and I just wish I had more to offer myself. Feeling a bit frustrated lately with all the non-genuine newbies attempting to exploit our community and give honest newbies a bad reputation, it is nice to see that the true spirit of the WF community remains.

    Thanks again for sharing, and good luck to the participants.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gclunis
    i'd like to enter my hat into this ring...

    The best thing I have learned from this forum...hmm...well honestly I learned everything I know about IM from this forum..when I first started I didn't have a mentor, or even just someone I could talk I guess everything..but If I had t pick one thing that I thought would help me the most..I would say it is the connections with different business owners that I Have made through this forum.

    This connection will allow me (in the future) to generate an income whenever I want to by simply utilizing those connections, launching a product, and getting my very first affliates (the connections).

    One piece of advice? NETWORK....even thought being on this forum may not grow your business talking to different people and making friends you will be surprised at the possibilities. Anything you launch in the future automatically has a support group...which means money
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    • Profile picture of the author DJorge
      Hi Andy,

      The most important thing I took from the forum is to decide being an eternal newbie. Never stop learning.
      As in the "real world" this is a profession and it demands:
      I was lucky enough to get here to know good people sharing their knowledge, experiences, ideas, etc.

      You are one of them with your initiative and I thank you for that.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vyliss
    Advice For Newbies!

    1. Know where your money is going and ALWAYS save at least 10% of it!
    Always pay yourself first. Record money you make, money gone to advertising/ebook courses etc, and how much of it you actually keep for yourself. This is sooo important. I didn't do this for a year when I first started. (Duh, business 101). As soon as you start investing your money (and you should as soon as you have steady cash flow, keep a check on it and always pay yourself first!

    2. Outsource as soon as you can all the stuff you don't like to do. That and mundane stuff like article marketing, seo, linkbuilding, customer service, (most traffic generations except ppc). BUT, keep a close eye on the people working for you and hold their hand through it in the beginning until you are confident they have it down the way you like it. Never give out a task you don't know how to complete yourself.

    3. Work smarter, not harder. Always be looking to streamline the work, for shortcuts, for that 20% of activity that brings in the 80% of earnings. It took me a long time to figure this out. Don't know why it's so obvious, but you can easily miss it and worry yourself over the small stuff that makes no difference to your pockets at the end of the day.

    4. Get good at ONE thing. After doing a lot of stuff yourself, you're going to notice stuff you like doing, stuff you're good at and stuff you just hate to do. Gradually you want to eventually do more of the stuff you love to do and you're good at doing, and outsource the rest. Preferrably this should be apart of the 20% activity that gets 80% results too.

    5. Make your own products, fall in love with your customers and treat them like gold. Well treat them like your friends at least. Keep in regular contact, listen to what they have to say. Answer their problems with more products and give them insane amount of value. They'll love you for it. With all that said.. don't let any of them walk over you either. Stand up for what you believe in, ditch the rest who don't believe in you. You're creating your own temple full of worshipers, there will always be people who don't like you, and there will always be people who like you no matter what you do. Get more of the latter people on your list.

    6. Expect to fall on your face a lot and have a lot of master plans fail. Always expect this! But always forsee the next step so you're always ahead of yourself. Just think, ok if this plan doesn't work, I got this next thing to try. It keeps the momentum going. And also be realistic. If you do fall down, expect it and then get back up as fast as you can. Sometimes a good break is in order to do this though.

    7. Your business is your business, not your life. Take care of your life outside business. Be grateful to your friends/family and take time to look after your health! Internet business is 90% sitting in front of the computer, scratching your ass and drinking soft drinks lol. So, get out as often as you can or you'll have health issues later on. Health is more important than money in my opinion. Live longer and you'll have more time to make money and enjoy it. There's no point in making a million dollars then dying from a heartattack or something.

    Oh, the best thing I've learned from here is to stop coming here if you want to make money No offence WF. There's good information here but I would say 90% is not worth the effort to read it because it's probably something you've heard of or read somewhere else already. If you want to make money, stay away from here.. for a long time. Like a few months
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  • Profile picture of the author TheAnnoyingOrange
    Congratulations Dennis! Job well done!
    Reserved for TheAnnoyingOrange
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