Product Creation Advice Please
I'm working on launching my first product. I'm in the research phase and am stuck on which direction to go in.
I know people tend to not mention their niches on here but I need your help so I'm spilling my guts.
I have been in the parenting and baby equipment business for many years. I currently own a store and a family resource center. Prior to that I was a social worker.
I have researched the parenting niche, baby niche and work from home niche. They all seem to have potential and I plan on attacking each one at some point.
I am leaning towards creating a product for the work from home market. After spending time with literally thousands of parents, there is a definite desire out there to not have to return to a 9-5 job.
It seems that attacking the baby niche would be better done through affiliate marketing and forums. I have already set up several affiliate sites, review sites and forums. They have only been up and running for a couple of months so I'm not making any money from these yet. I have outsourced the work involved in these so I can focus on developing a product.
So, the questions I need help with.....
Does my logic make sense?
If I go with the work from home market, should I narrow it down even further....specific to moms or parents in general?
Will I be missing out on the work from home people that aren't parents?
There are so many products already out there in this niche but the market seems big enough for me to squeeze in (and hopefully take over...lol). The trick is obviously coming up with something different. Do I attempt to create a new product or utilize other products that are already out there and create a package?
I have a list of about 3000 from my current business which I intend to utilize. Is this enough to tempt others into a JV or should I work at building the list more before approaching JVs?
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and look forward to any and all comments.
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