Ad sites, traffic exchanges, safelists : is this a good strategy ?

13 replies
Hi everyone,

A week ago, I registered to about 20 sites for : Ads, Traffic Exchange, SafeLists.

Now, every day, I receive hundreds of emails.

Is this a big waste of time ? Or are those kind of sites a good strategy for someone with no list ?

Thanks for your feedback !

#exchanges #good #safelists #sites #strategy #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Curt8888
    Traffic exchanges do get you lots of traffic quickly... the problem is you have to consistently surf... and that takes A LOT of time... the sooner you can get away from having to use them, the better!!!

    Buy Ad Packs (Rev Share Programs)

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  • Profile picture of the author goingup
    There is one that i am aware of that does not require you to surf or spend any of your time other than setting up your ads--its called Instant Buzz. There is a one time offer where you can choose colors and from what i understand choosing that (and choosing your ad colors as red or orange) can greatly increase results. If anyone knows of any others like this-please share.

    Only dead fish go with the flow.

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    • Profile picture of the author phmoisan
      Thanks for info, goingup. I'll check it out.

      I know some ( all ? ) TE sites offer to become a top member ( Platinum, Diamond, Elite, whatever, depends on their choice of level names ).

      IIRM, by becoming a top level member, you don't receive other members emails. But it's out of my reach financially right now.
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      • Profile picture of the author phmoisan
        I did some research on Instant Buzz. Here's what I wrote in ( in the Chrome address bar, actually ) : Instant Buzz

        The 2 or 3 threads I saw were all saying to stay away from it.

        Do you actually get good results with it, goingup ? Just asking.
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  • Think about the type of visitor you get from exchanges, how annoying it is to try and monitor them, and the other people that are participating and that should pretty much answer your question.

    Traffic means nothing unless it's Targeted and you can convert it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Traffic Exchange traffic is targeted if you're promoting a "how to get more traffic" product, hello ...

        Philippe... they've been around forever. As mentioned above, you're looking
        at marketers trying to get traffic for whatever they're selling.

        Really, there are more productive ways to get traffic that is better quality,
        meaning targeted.

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  • Profile picture of the author TonyNorton
    My own personal opinion, but you asked for it so here it is...

    Traffic exchanges = worthless

    Safe lists = lawsuit waiting to happen.

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    • Profile picture of the author phmoisan
      Hi everyone,

      Thanks for your useful answers. I think I get the picture.

      I might choose to keep one or two TEs. One that comes to mind is instant Blog Subscribers.

      I'm not sure if it is actually a TE. I did register to it and I posted once or twice on my IBS blog to see what it looks like.

      Tony, you say Safelists is a lawsuit waiting to happen. I don't know what you mean, but what I do understand is that it's better to stay away from that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rockmanfl
    I've had some good success with them, but it does depend on what you're promoting - they do seem to work pretty well in the IM niche, but it can still be hit or miss at times, one thing I can recommend is to change out your ads and copy that you write - you'll have more success
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  • Profile picture of the author TonyNorton

    Imagine this...

    I'm a lawyer and I sign up for a "safelist" a couple weeks ago. You send out a promotion to the list and it comes to me.

    Well, since it's been a couple weeks ago that I signed up for the list I've now forgotten about signing up in the first place. I don't like whatever it is you're promoting. So...

    Since I'm a lawyer and I know how to do it with very little expense (it's what I do after all), I decide I want to teach this spammer (you) a lesson! You damn spammer you.

    So I sue you for a jillion dollars for spamming me.

    Now you go to court and defend yourself against the lawsuit, maybe you win maybe you lose. But even if you do "win" against my suit you still had to pay your lawyer (which aint cheap) to defend yourself. Not to mention all the time and hassle.

    I know of one particular marketer who had something similar happen to the tune of around 50k in legal expenses. It's not as far fetched as you might think.

    That's why (in my personal opinion) safe lists aren't that safe.

    As far as the traffic exchanges go... just think about it. The people who use them are other marketers like yourself who are looking to get lots of "cheap/free" traffic. When you're "earning" your clicks by surfing, do you actually read any of the sites you land on? Buy anything from them? I'm guessing probably not.

    You might be able to get somebody to look at a product aimed at marketers but honestly, are you qualified to teach marketing? I'm not saying that to be an ass or anything, for all I know you might know everything there is to know about marketing. I'm just making an assumption based on the question you posted.

    If you're selling to any other market the "traffic" is totally untargeted. You might as well put fliers on a thousand cars in a parking lot. You'd actually probably get better results with the fliers.

    Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but you did ask.

    Also (for any lawyers who own a safe list or traffic exchange) you should know this is all my own personal opinion, which as far as I know I'm still allowed to express.

    Hope that helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author frqhuss
    Its waste of time and i personally don't think it will work for a site..
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  • Profile picture of the author PeterGarety
    Free traffic exchanges are a waste of time. If you can pay for the membership and then email to their members, then it works.
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