The Joy of Genuine Help

5 replies
It is such a relief to get genuine help. One of the biggest problems online is people taking advantage of you to just get your money. It so unnecessary because the net is huge and there is enough for all to succeed. So I am sharing that I actually am receiving Genuine Help. I have a web host that is so inexpensive because they want you to get a start and then they help you set up, they are always available for questions, and so professional and knowledgeable, and willing to share it all. I have learned a lot. I also joined a place and learned how to design my own website and all that is involved with it; and it is so empowering. I even used a beginners autoresponder that cost only nine dollars. So, just don't give up. There are good people that want to help you succeed. I have a nice website and beginning to make an income now. Please feel free to share your experience with genuine help as well.
#genuine #genuine help #help for newbies #joy #skill pays
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Durham
    The URLs in your footer go to a 404 not fond page
    Thought I'd help

    yes, I am....

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2423261].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Authentic
      Thanks for the heads up!


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  • Profile picture of the author Caroline Lingard
    Thats great Authentic! I also have found some wonderful helpers in the internet marketing world. Restores your faith in mankind doesn't it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2423365].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pleurezyme
    I am in the same position and need help to start ..... can you tell me who you used
    to assist you? thanks PLEUREZYME
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary King
    Great to hear.

    Now, pass it down the line, ok?

    Help others (or at least offer) wherever you can.


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