4 replies
Does anyone know why someone would buy "facebook Likes". I just saw a site for sale that sold a service to get people to like your facebook page.

Also does anyone know an outsourcer that does this kind of thing?
#facebook #likes
  • Profile picture of the author fitz10
    If it's for a fan page, "liking" a page is now = to "faning" a page. Tons of people on Fiverr offer X number of fans for $5.

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  • Profile picture of the author Fairwar
    I think it is a way to get more people know about your site.By liking a page, the fan will receive information whenever the admin make a post and so maybe their friends too. It is a great way to get more people coming to your site and buy the product because you giving them information. It gives people the feeling of secure and reliable plus can help them whenever they have any question.
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  • Profile picture of the author abednego
    Have any of you ever outsourced this and seen results?

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