PLR or product creation?

by 19 replies
Hey guys, I have picked my niche and new business plan.

My niche is muscle building (bodybuilding or body sculpting since it is something I have been heavily involved with this last year, and something that I know a ton about.

I did affiliate reviews in this niche a year ago and saw success so I know it sells well.

Anyway, my main question is, should I write my won product, make my own website, and sell it on there?

Or just buy a plr online and use that instead?

My only problem is that so far all of the PLR products i've found online are really not very good.

I don't know if I can really sell a product I don't believe in.


- Nils Evensen
#main internet marketing discussion forum #creation #plr #product
  • What many of us forget about PLR is that it can just be bought to give you an outline and you edit a lot of the info, yourself. Most PLR is so cheap that if you want to just have a base product to edit and alter for your own use, it makes sense to use it as it can save you a lot of time.
    • [1] reply
    • Agreed. write your own product and sprinkle in some PLR. Or just pick out some pieces of PLR that are good and beef it up with your own content.
  • I think you need to write your own product, at the end of the day you will feel much better for it and I am sure it will be more profitable. Of course, there are good PLR material in the market but if you are an expert in this area, why not give it your best shot and I am sure the results will be there soon.

    Don't forget to give an update here, I might just buy one of the first copies. (with a WF discount??)
  • Banned
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    • I think you should do all of the things you mentioned.

      Buy PLR product

      analyze it

      improve on it

      collect as many PLR articles as you can find on your niche

      use the PLR articles for the basis of as many quality articles as you can write

      build a site

      pack it with content based on the PLR you have

      SEO the hell out of it with as many keywords and LSI as possible

      begin submitting to article directories with quality articles leading back to your site

      acquire some relevant back-links

      get some relevant affiliate products on there

      produce a product to offer for free (short report)

      get an autoresponder (build that list giving away free report)

      produce a premium product and begin selling it

      go on 5 vacations per year and sleep in piles of money
  • Thanks guys,

    I think i'm going to just write my own product and have my dad (he's a professional journalist, works as a newspaper editor) edit the product.

    I'm going to just base the outline of the product off of the books that I already own, and have had great success with.

    Thanks for the advise guys, I figure it shouldn't take too long to type up, i'll just describe the exact method I have been following.

    I just feel guilty not being sure that my customers are going to see results.

    Thanks again guys,

    - Nils Evensen
    • [1] reply
    • Slin,

      YOU are going to be working in a field in which YOU are the "results" of your product, so, I agree with your decision to go ahead and create your own.

      Maybe you can use PLR for an "outline" as suggested, but then maybe you are wasting time.

      I suggest you start with your personal story.

      Something like, 'I was a skinny runt (or fat azz) and took up body building and look at me to day'...and here is how I did it.

      You will be creating the PROMOTION for YOUR product, which you can brand with your name and have something that ONLY you can sell...and perhaps, build the brand of YOU into a substantial business.

      PLR in some niches is OK (at best in my opinion) but ORIGINAL content and straight from the horse's mouth is much better.

      Do your own.


  • Thanks for the advise, my product model is similar to this.

    But it's not as complicated, I want to get things rolling as quickly as possible, and i'm sure this will work.

    Offer a free ebook on building quality good muscle. (this ebook is going to be a PLR viral ebook, I found one that works great)

    Send customer to my site, that sells my product.

    And that's it, just a basic squeeze page sales set up, right now i'm trying to decide if I want to set it up as a full site, or a mini site.

    I'm thinking mini site to start off, get the ball rolling, and get some money.

    Driving traffic i'll do article and video marketing.

    I excel at article marketing, and i'll use article video bot (or whatever it's called) for videos.

    Then profit

    Just finished an outline of my product, shouldn't take me more then a few days to write it, after all, I live it every day!
    • [1] reply
    • Yes kudos to you, use your strengths and know your skills.

      I would say a mini-site would be good to start and even go as far as building many which relate. Keep expanding until you have the capital to really dominate your niche market with a serious authority site and you could possibly build a huge list and basis for the next top selling Clickbank product, even the next big exercise program with "As seen on TV" or QVC plastered all over it. Possibilities are endless with a positive outlook and the right foundation. Best of luck and always think big!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • In my opinion go with both. Focus on PLR products you like that match your niche and you want yourself, so that you can make sure you keep a theme for your followers/list/sites...
    Then as you learn and grow it will become easier to make your own products.
  • I would write your own and then add a bunch of PLR as bonuses.
  • This depends on several factors, one major factor being have you got the money to invest in to creating your own product since you have to remember it's not just about creating the actual material, the content, the's also about creating the minisite, the branding, the sales page, testing conversions, collecting testimonials, tweaking, experimenting, researching.

    Creating a product and testing the product can be a very time-consuming and costly process.

    However, you have the choice of purchasing PLR and halving the time spent whilst minimizing costs from the start. Granted, 90% of PLR is generic, old, re-used garbage however if you just do a little research, ask around you can find some very high quality PLR for a good price, especially when compared to your own product creation.

    You can then take this PLR, rewrite the content or at least edit the graphics, rebrand the material...whatever you want.

    If it's high quality, like it should be...then you shouldn't have to change much.

    You can find excellent quality PLR through the WSO section of this forum and why not give me a shout, I create high quality PLR in the health niche through a membership site and also do one-off product creation.

    Good luck.
  • You could start with a/some PLR product(s) so you can start focusing your energy on builing traffic and lists. Once you've done that, you can communicate with your audience to collect information and test new products and offers. The marketing machine is the important piece. Once you have that in place, there is no shortage of products and ideas that you can come up with (especially in that industry) to monetize your traffic.
  • If you have search engine optimized your site then your own site is the best place to sell your products or services. If its the question of selling a PLR pack then I am not sure if it will sell or not. I myself have more than 40,000 PLR articles but have not recieved more than $60 for it and still trying to sell.
    • [1] reply
    • Many people are saying that it would be better to create your own product. What they don't know about PLR is that it saves you a lot of times than creating a product on your own.

      If you are just starting out, you can try a very cheap but quality PLR ebook, but you need to take some time to edit the graphics (pay someone to do this), change some of the words. I've seen a lot of marketers having so much success selling PLR ebooks and convert them to a much better version, because they're so busy and doesn't have much time to create one by themselves.
  • Typically, PLR products are written by some guy overseas who based it all on wikipedia (if he/she did any research at all).

    But, even if you do find decent PLR (and, every once in a while, you can)...

    The reason you're better off developing your own product (or hiring someone who knows what they're doing) is you get to put inside your product EXACTLY what your prospects want, need, and, as mentioned, you can build the product around your story.

    Because at the end of the day... your market is ultra-competitive. Why should the prospect choose your system over the rest?

    This is a hard question to answer if your product sucks.

    On the other hand... when your product offers more proven, effective, quicker, and easier solutions than everyone else... selling it becomes much easier.
  • Creating PLR packs is better option if you know the upcoming or hot niche. I'm not familiar with product creation stuff.
  • You would rather go for PLR products. This is the easiest way to do it, furthermore, PLR products are very cheap and you can easily edit them. It is unfortunate, that all the PLR products you have so far come across are not good enough. I have been researching for PLR products and I believe produce the best PLR products. I am currently using their products and I no longer look for more of this products. They have a variety of products that are going to suit your needs. You will do very minimal editing if you will require any
  • It's all up to you, but I would definitely invest the time and money into writing your own original product. Even if you aren't the best writer, don't let that stop you, you can always hire a ghostwriter.

    Good luck, hope it all works out for you whatever you choose to do!
  • Use the PLR as a starting point to your product creation process
    and also look at what you have sold and what is selling in the market
    to make your product better.

    Now this is where your personal experiences with the niche comes
    into play because you can draw from that database of experience
    to find that hidden angle within the niche that the other products
    are not really paying to much attention to that is also part of the
    pain elements your potential customers will want a solution for.

    Even if your are starting with an ebook, I would suggest to also
    add audio and video to your product, plus check list or logbook,
    workout logs and even have a members area where you have
    online training tools for them to use so they are spending time
    getting help and motivated from you and other members of your membership that are going thru your program.

    Also driving people back to your members area makes your site
    a magnet, there you have a better chance to get them to spend
    more money on other tools products you have to sell...

    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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  • 22

    Hey guys, I have picked my niche and new business plan. My niche is muscle building (bodybuilding or body sculpting since it is something I have been heavily involved with this last year, and something that I know a ton about.