Bevo Media Tracking Platform Launched Today

by numba8
3 replies
Some big news in the industry today. I just got an email that the Bevo Media Tracking Platform is doing their official launch. This video pretty much says it all:

I’ve been a Bevo fan for a while now, since I started testing, but now that they are doing their official launch, I wanted to tell all you guys about it. For those of you using Tracking202, definitely check out Bevo Media…absolutely blows T202 out of the water (no offense).

Bevo Media is a full blown internet marketing management platform. I got on the beta list a few months ago and couldn’t believe how much stuff I was able to do. Pretty much, you can manage all of your PPC, PPV and Media Buy Campaigns by tracking your keywords, getting all your offers and stats from your affiliate networks (right from the interface) and optimize with all the tools they have available. Best of all, the product is free to the userbase.

I’ll link them up here Bevo Media - Your Internet Marketing Homebase so you can all see what I’m talking about.
#bevo #bevo media #launched #media #platform #prosper202 #today #tracking #tracking202
  • Profile picture of the author JMLebeau
    Yes! I was a Bevo Beta tester as well, and very excited that they are launching to everybody today. They literally do everything…they have a campaign editor that allows you to install your PPC accounts onto the interface (sort of like the Adwords editor) so you can edit, upload and even “cross-post” campaigns to multiple traffic sources. Bevo is a huge time saver…it’s about time this industry see’s some quality products…Bevo takes things to a whole new level.

    2 words : Awesome Platform

    Seriously, if you're serious about your IM business, if you plan to make it big and you'd like to save A LOT of time, don't waste your time and go subscribe. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author numba8
    yeah that's a good point grasshopper. I didn't really mention all the resources for new guys in my OP. when I was new, I would have loved all that actually still benefits me.

    did you test on Bevo for the last few month's too?
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Mc Donald
      just took a look, looks pretty awesome

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