Do you skip the first paragraph of a long post or page?

3 replies
For some reason if a post or a web page is longer than the initial browser screen I almost always skip the first paragraph. Why? I have no idea.

Anyone else do this?

Rob Whisonant
#long #page #paragraph #post #skip
  • Profile picture of the author JennSpencerIM
    I skip the whole thing!! hehe But I think its just cause you figure there's a long story first and the real question is just gonna be at the end anyhow! Just my thought!

    ps - that was your post 666....whoooooa!
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinm
    I look at the title, skip the entire post and have a scroll down to look at who is involved in the conversation, if I don't see familiar warriors, I just hit the back button.

    But if I am in the war room its a completly different ball game, I read word to word.

    Well thats me


    Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

    For some reason if a post or a web page is longer than the initial browser screen I almost always skip the first paragraph. Why? I have no idea.

    Anyone else do this?

    Rob Whisonant

    In Impossible you will find I am possible.

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