Researching Keyword Research

by wbrant
12 replies
Hey Warriors, I have been a member here for a while now, and mostly been a silent observer of whats going on. I have been making a comfortable living working online in my niche, but am looking to expand and move into other areas.

Guess you could say Im a fish that is outgrowing his pond and looking for a lake to jump into.

So I have been reading and watching and listening to everything I can, and have found that proper keyword research is an essential art form.

Well the trouble is that all the information I have been taking in has now effectively canceled its self out, Ill read one thing one place then watch a video that says don't do that do this and so on.

I'm sure some of it comes down to what works for you, and developing your own style and technics but same basics are needed before that can be done.

So I would like to ask you.

What is the best advice you have for doing key word research? What about the worst advice some one has given you?

What are your favorite tools? what tools are a waste of time and or money?

What are some common misnomers you see being passed around?

If you were to train your own keyword expert what would you have them study?

I know that was a lot of questions but any feedback to any of them you may have would be greatly appreciated.
#keyword #research #researching
  • Profile picture of the author el-chucklebuck
    Well, if you don't want to pay for any software, the obvious choice is Google's keyword tool. You could take it one step further and use the suggestions they offer on their homepage to get a feel for what people are searching for.
    Now, if you don't mind paying for software, then definitely check out Brad Callen's Keyword Elite, or even Market Samurai (their is a free trial as well).
    As for techniques and theories, just browse the forums:rolleyes:,
    Personally, I'd stick with Google' tools, but hey, that's me.

    Well, Good luck. Hope I helped even a little.
    Josh Meyer
    Diet for Acne
    $2500/month is the goal.
    "The more I see, the less I know, the more I like to let it go." -Red Hot Chili Peppers
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    My best advice is to spend a lot of time evaluating the strength of the competition. I don't mean seeing how many sites have the keyword phrase in the title, I mean looking at the top 3 sites that come up and checking out the quality of their backlinks.

    Market samurai is the best tool for keyword research IMHO.

    Gone Fishing
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    • Profile picture of the author Andy H
      I'll cast my vote for Market Samurai - they have a great support section that walks you through the keyword research process step by step using the software.

      Noble Samurai - Dojo

      Plus, you can't go wrong with the free trial.

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    • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
      Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

      My best advice is to spend a lot of time evaluating the strength of the competition. I don't mean seeing how many sites have the keyword phrase in the title, I mean looking at the top 3 sites that come up and checking out the quality of their backlinks.

      Market samurai is the best tool for keyword research IMHO.

      I agree 100%. Sometimes it may not even be in your best interest to compete (everyone would love to think that they, themselves, could outrank anyone...however, sometime it isn't even 'worth' diverting resources to trying...)

      ...and, just because Amazon or YouTube has a top ranked position, doesn't mean that you can't (I know...double overthrow them. Even the 'perceived' big boys have weaknesses in their armor.
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  • Profile picture of the author wbrant
    Thanks for the great feedback,
    looks like market samurai is the favorite
    by far, and their training looks great.

    What about Traffic Travis that sdentrepreneur
    was using in his video, is that comparable
    to market samurai ?
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  • Profile picture of the author phsims
    i use the google wonder wheel
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    • Profile picture of the author DSB
      Originally Posted by phsims View Post

      i use the google wonder wheel
      Good call - that's great for building your categories / site structure.

      Also, remember, there's 2 Google's keyword tools - the External one and the Search tool. The search one produces less results but some people prefer it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carlsbadd
    Traffic travis is a good free tool, I also check out google insights and MSN ad lab center.
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  • Profile picture of the author ezimedia is what i use and it is all I think you need... what is worth the cost is all the regular updates
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Ignite
    I would recommend to use the Google Keyword tool..However, what you need to know is not only if the keyword is popular or not..What you need to know before an SEO campaign is whether it will turn into sales?

    The best advice I could give you would be to set up a Google adwords account and watch which keywords generates the business for you..Once you have generated a few thousands of clicks, you should know the real search volume but also more importantly the conversion...Last step, pick the ones with high conversion and optimize for those and you will be ahead your competition...

    Good luck man :-)


    Digital Marketing Consultant since 1998. Contact me for a free consultation.

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