Things that will make you money EVERYDAY

49 replies
Hey Warrior Pals,

I was listening to a very inspiring call that Eric Louviere gave last night and he made a point that really hit home for me.

He said that most people spend too much time each day doing things that don't make them any money. If you just focus on doing something each day that generates cash, you will increase your income substantially.

It sounded so simple, but when I thought about it - there are a lot of days where I'm really busy and spend the whole day working on administrative stuff that doesn't produce additional income. Things like responding to emails, chatting on social networks or forums, running errands, etc.

Increasing your income can be as simple as identifying the 20% of things that really generate cash and making them your focus each day.

So what are some of 'your 20%' that generates direct income for you?

For me, the first thing would be to send out an email promotion everyday. I have some lists in different niches that I only send to once in a while. I can increase my income right away if I just add more emails to the darn autoresponder. I don't have to mail them all everyday, but at least one email from one of my different lists should be sent each day.

How about you? Please share.
#everyday #make #money #things
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    What a wonderful timely word.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vogin
    Point well taken, I've just realized the very same thing today. That's why I'm going to write the damn posts to article directories right after my 30 mins on War forum are done ^^
    Signature - PPC agency

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  • Profile picture of the author David Jackson
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    Increasing your income can be as simple as identifying the 20% of things that really generate cash and making them your focus each day.
    What you're referring to is known as The Pareto Principle (also known as the "80-20 Rule." The 80/20 Rule simply means, approximately 20% of your efforts produce 80% of the results. In other words, it's not enough to work hard, you have to work hard at the right things - those things which produce the greatest amount of returns for the least amount of time invested.

    For me, that would primarily include writing new articles, while continuing to promote the articles that are already in the marketplace.

    David Jackson

    Powerful, Free Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business!

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    • Profile picture of the author howinfo
      After deleting all the spam signups from our forum and going trough all the unsuitable submissions in our article directory then I check the adsense account and see how much that has gone up and then back to warrior forum to find some ideas to make easy money fast.:rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author Katharin
      Originally Posted by David Jackson View Post

      In other words, it's not enough to work hard, you have to work hard at the right things - those things which produce the greatest amount of returns for the least amount of time invested.
      That's a very important statement there, David... thank you for posting it. It's definitely what I needed to hear this morning. I think a lot of times we believe we're working hard, but it's totally toward the wrong goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Such a great post! Seems like such simple advice, but how many of us really stick to it consistently? I know I don't as often as I should. Thanks for the kick in the pants, Ron.

    It usually comes down to writing something or shooting videos - content creation, in other words - in my business. If I cut out the 1-2 hours each day that I spend doing "busy" work, I'm sure my monthly income would jump significantly. So I'm making a pledge to do that, starting now!

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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      If I cut out the 1-2 hours each day that I spend doing "busy" work,...
      You could also put your monkeys to work

      Ron, I too found myself spending too much time on administrative stuff and realized that if I keep my head more in the books and less in the "game" then not only do you miss out on the extra profit but you actually start losing money.

      While there are a lot of residual profits from a lot of Internet business models, they too can start to slip through some cracks if you don't keep an eye on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    I listened to the same call, and am looking forward to being part of this beta group. Here's something I thought of . . . while sending out an email can bring in instant income, there's something else we should be doing most every day, and that's working on new products.

    By spending some time each day on product development we ensure we'll always have new products to add to our portfolio of goods to sell. New products sell well to previously satisfied customers, and brings in new buyers as well.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Content is the core of marketing, so I focus on researching and article writing. Additionally, I also focus on squeeze page building and list building and product discovery and creation.
    Do Your Copywriting Skills Suck?

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  • Profile picture of the author Leslie B
    Product creating is becoming very profitable for me, so I'm going to expand that in the near future. Guess a goal of working on a new product each day until it's finished might do me some good.

    Taking it one day at a time!
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Making sure that my opt in form or list gets a minimum number of subscribers per day and since I have an auto-responder that sends out about 20-30 emails, I know that people will come off and become unactive subscribers so I try to email them every 2-3 days.

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  • Profile picture of the author colinph970
    Look to buy income creating websites - the idea for me is to create multiple income streams and eventually generate enough passive income to stop working a job.
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  • Profile picture of the author brendan301
    i guess the easy thing for me is to focus on creating products faster, spend 10% on that and spend the other 10-30% of my time promoting those products, building backlinks and recruiting affiliates.
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    • Profile picture of the author Noonaa
      A great tip I read recently is before you go to bed write down 6 things you need to do the next day and do them before you do anyhting else.
      Personally when i get home tired and need to motivate myself a do a deal like just write one article or just send one email. If you undersell it to yourself once you start you fin you do a lot more.
      For more Internet Marketing Tips and to follow my IM journey go to my personal blog

      Let me help you achieve your dreams
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      • Profile picture of the author cashmagnet
        This is a thought felt post one does have to analyze exactly the methods or routes they take every day that lead directly to income. Brian Tracey puts it well

        as a business first decide how your business would look if it was perfect

        then to get to that perfection what things do you need to

        stop doing
        start doing
        do less of
        do more of

        waa la

        If your looking for fast success with low failure get a coach/consultation, DM for skyp bookings.

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    • Profile picture of the author WritingMadwoman
      Ron, I missed that call, but it's something I have to lecture myself about very often! I spend a lot of time doing things that are important but definitely don't bring in the bulk of my income. There are two main things I intend to spend more time on in the near future:

      - Creating more of my own products, and closely related, creating more PLR products. Right now I've got a LOOOOONG list of topics I want to create some variation of product for because I know people buy them, I know a lot about the subjects and I can easily create some great stuff that will sell. But I keep putting it off "until I have more time". :rolleyes:

      - Finding great affiliate products to promote. I have some very responsive lists that I could be earning a lot more from if I took the time to search out more great offers for them. Again, just something I keep putting off until I get to it, which doesn't happen unless I make it happen.

      Thanks for the reminder that it's important to just DO it.

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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    For me, that 20% would include more product creation and also making it a point to consistently write emails for my autoresponder to send out (this is something I can be incredibly lazy about, just like Ron). Additionally, I'd want to put in the extra effort in explaining and elaborating more on the additional upsell services (only the helpful/advantageous ones, of course) when talking to my offline clients.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Interesting post, these days i spend less time not more time doing. By that my focus has shifted from the i must be doing something as a priority to I must review and plan as a priority.

    Often in just do it mode it was I would be left in a kaleidescope of options and in the confusion of what i really should be doing effective time was lost.

    So now rather than do as a priority, it is review what was done, was it effective ? or what needs to change moving forward, then the biggest one after that is planning.

    This is being able to combine every single thing onto a plate and take away emotion and apply logic and balance into a ordered list.

    Then once i have this my effective work time is very pin point and more effective to a point where you just rattle of in order of schedule those mundane tasks required to move to the next review.

    A system I do not have it perfect (and doubt i ever will be perfect) but one i spent most of my time developing so it does run as smooth as i can get it.

    In my old days i though bashing out content / promotions was a priority, or doing things in that order, today it is 90% planning behind the scenes before anything happens on-line / on-line related.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author GoogleWarrior
    Most people on this forum aren't actually making money...
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  • Profile picture of the author odlanor9
    There is another principle called Parkinson's Law which basically states that work expands so as to fill the time allowed for its completion.

    If you give your job a deadline of two hours, it will take you two hours to complete, however, if you only give it one hour, the same holds true - it will only take you one hour to complete.

    I have found that by scheduling my tasks and errands, i can really be more productive and get more accomplished in my day - including proifts!

    Try it out, it works!
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    • Profile picture of the author BrittyBritt
      A lot of times, I think I'm doing things to help my business, and while I am in a sense, I'm not doing anything that is creating any money, which in turn is hurting my purse lol.

      So my 20% would be to finish building my portfolio and then began showing it to potential clients.

      Originally Posted by odlanor9 View Post

      There is another principle called Parkinson's Law which basically states that work expands so as to fill the time allowed for its completion.

      If you give your job a deadline of two hours, it will take you two hours to complete, however, if you only give it one hour, the same holds true - it will only take you one hour to complete.

      I have found that by scheduling my tasks and errands, i can really be more productive and get more accomplished in my day - including proifts!

      Try it out, it works!
      I'm definitely going to give this a try. Somethings seem to take me FOREVER to finish lol.
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      • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere

        How ironic man. I'm almost finished with a report that
        add's to what we talked about on the call - and what
        you picked up on here. You're a smart cookie man.

        BTW, That "Eric" guy has good stuff. Highly recommended.


        I've known IMers who have been in this business for many
        years who never realize this simple yet powerful principle.

        They spend many years -- doing busy work -- never to
        make any significant income, because they are caught up
        in the reactive "busy work" instead of the point-blank
        Cash-Flow generation.

        I know one major marketer who has a huge staff. He
        has people who do all sorts of stuff for his business.
        He has a big office and people in every corner of it.

        One time, he gathered his entire staff and told them
        to call home and tell their familes they'd be pulling some
        late-nighters for a few days... to get stuff launched, and
        get cashflow increased.

        The staff gets busy doing "busy work" and things drag
        on and on. A week turns into a month very easily. A
        month turns into two... (for many out there, months
        turn into years).

        But, he got them all engaged and they focused on
        getting it done whatever means necssary. They
        launched that week and brought in a ton of cashflow!

        We do that too -- in our businesses/ventures -- and
        weeks turn into months and nothing gets launched or

        The key is cashflow. And, if you are already successful
        in this business, then it's quite possible, you've become
        addicted to cashflow and you start getting restless and
        edgy if you are not generating cashflow. You start
        getting aggressive, and you force slow-moving things
        to "get done!"

        The key is cashflow. People who run WSO's... generate
        cashflow... and it's easy to get addicted to it. People
        who email their list and promote (things for sale) generate
        cash flow. People who run ads, advertise, strike JV's,
        recruit affiliates, on and on.

        Increase your "cashflow" by doing "cashflow getting
        tasks" on a daily basis. If you cant do that on a daily
        basis, get your business to the point you *CAN* do that
        on a daily basis.

        Like Ron here, he has different lists in differnt niches.
        That gives him the opportunity to promote every day
        while still not pounding his lists.

        All in all, I think the key to "business" success is
        what we are hitting on in this thread.


        Eric Louviere
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris1203
    What a great piece of advice. I, too, spend a lot of time on busy work that don't make me any money. I need to start focusing my efforts on tasks that will directly generate income for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Great point Ron.

    The minute I accidentally slip back into "web developer" mode and have my head buried in code, the money stops.

    When I get back to focusing on sales, the money comes.

    Pretty simple really.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    That is great advice that most of fail to adhere to...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author smarks70

    Great post! I used to work with a guy who was all about activity. He would go go go all the time, but when you looked at his sales for the month they were abysmal. Reason, he spent his time on the 80% not the 20% that would have produced results.

    By the way some of us may know that guy/gal personally

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    • Profile picture of the author Katharin
      Originally Posted by smarks70 View Post

      Great post! I used to work with a guy who was all about activity. He would go go go all the time, but when you looked at his sales for the month they were abysmal. Reason, he spent his time on the 80% not the 20% that would have produced results.
      This is such a vital concept that I'm surprised we're not bombarded with it much more often... once we figure out exactly what the 20 *is* the sailing should get much smoother.
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  • Profile picture of the author iSoftware
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    For me, the first thing would be to send out an email promotion everyday. I have some lists in different niches that I only send to once in a while. I can increase my income right away if I just add more emails to the darn autoresponder.

    How about you? Please share.
    - or automate or outsource it to duplicate those efforts 100+% fold
    For me it's about automation and delegation of what we all want - MORE PROFITS.

    I like to break things down into it's fundamental form, so for me it's about figuring out specific ways I automate the following:
    Revenues where R= P*Q*conversion%

    and the reduction of costs (fixed, marginal and average).

    When we focus specifically on ways we can automate and/or delegate the gradual increasing of prices (ex.offering more value), increasing quantity sold (either repeat sales from pre-existing customers or acquiring new customers) and converting more prospects to sales (conversion percentages), we know what we have to do to get more REVENUES!

    I don't think the average IMer has sat down and said "ok here are the 5, 10, 15 or 20 things I need to do in order to be able to increase my prices, increase my repeat sales, increase my new customer acquisition and increase my conversion let me go out and automate and or outsource those things!"

    Second part is costs. There are ALOT of hidden costs in the internet business specific hidden cost is related to "free traffic".

    There is no such thing as "free traffic", it is either going to cost you money or labor hours (which you have to pay for if you outsource the work). SEO is often times alot more expensive than people realize - one of the hidden costs I talk about.

    At the end of the day, I am always looking at my business processes and trying to figure out how I can automate and/or delegate/outsource those aspects of my business most closely related to increasing prices, incresing customer acquistion, increasing customer retention and reducing costs (fixed costs, marginal costs and average costs).

    It all boils down to 2 factors when it comes to making money:

    Increasing our Revenues...

    Reducing our Costs.....

    Once we figure out those few things that most closely impact those (2) factors, spending the bulk of our time doing those is key...

    As an example, a guy I know calls leads "money at a discount". He says if you find a good lead source (say a nice pocket of quality traffic) and from testing you know that on average say 5% of those leads are going to convert to sales, well then you are "buying money at discount". He would say devote every waking minute to figuring out how you can buy as many of those leads as possible because in effect you will sort of be buying money at a discount like an exotic interest rate options trader, lol.....

    Feel free to PM if you're are interested in some of the automation resources I use....
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  • Profile picture of the author F1SEO
    Hi Ron,

    Excellent advice. Sometimes I get in the train of doing things, rather than kicking back and looking at what's working and what's not.
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  • Profile picture of the author PaulSolid
    Nice Comments

    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    How about you? Please share.
    Mine Is quit simple, i will create an review site or blog, write the affiliate product reviews on it. Add the affiliate banners on it. Then use PPC [google adword] to promote it.

    The affiliate comission must be high @least $20-$40 per sale.

    The adword text must be well writen using the niche keywords.

    The result is very simple and easy. all i do is sit back and watch the money rolling in on a daily bases.
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    • Profile picture of the author dbarnum
      Good thread, Ron. Here it would be targeted networking and JVs that help bring home larger projects and $$. So having a goal daily, Monday through Friday, to follow up with 3-4 solid leads and closing at least one per day on average is a good way to grow business.

      And I'd don't mean emailing all day. I mean reach out with scheduled, chats, phone calls, webinars, etc. to really interact with your targeted leads, who could very well be past or present clients, vendors and others.

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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Olson
    Yep I have to admit I don't get enough done that should be done but hearing everyone else's story reminds me that I need to get off my ____ and just do it,now where was I?I have to find my notes and run through them to stay in the order of doing things.Focus,focus,focus

    Click here to cut electricity costs today! Learn how to reduce them here.

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  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    This is one of the best posts I have seen on WF. SO TRUE!

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dheer
    Yep I agree but some customers don't like emails
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    Creating content is my 20%.
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  • Great Method.Thanx
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamian
    Totally! Funny I was just thinking about same thing yesterday, what hit me yesterday was good old Nikes tag line "Just Do It" simple but powerful.
    Affiliate Marketing explained for beginners >> <<
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    I don't really understand how most people think creating content,
    writing articles, or any other creative task can lead to making can be fun if you do it by yourself or with a team, but
    all that is not what leads to making money.

    Personally, I spend 80% of my time MARKETING, and 20% doing
    everything else NOT related to marketing. Marketing, Sales, and
    Promotion is what makes things happen...nothing else does.
    **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
      Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

      I don't really understand how most people think creating content,
      writing articles, or any other creative task can lead to making can be fun if you do it by yourself or with a team, but
      all that is not what leads to making money.

      Personally, I spend 80% of my time MARKETING, and 20% doing
      everything else NOT related to marketing. Marketing, Sales, and
      Promotion is what makes things happen...nothing else does.
      Good point.

      For some people, creating promotional content and syndicating it is a form of marketing.

      Please say a bit more about your marketing process if you don't mind.
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    • Profile picture of the author iSoftware
      Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

      I don't really understand how most people think creating content,
      writing articles, or any other creative task can lead to making can be fun if you do it by yourself or with a team, but
      all that is not what leads to making money.

      Personally, I spend 80% of my time MARKETING, and 20% doing
      everything else NOT related to marketing. Marketing, Sales, and
      Promotion is what makes things happen...nothing else does.
      This is valid point, but technically MARKETING is one thing and SALES is another.

      Marketing is: creation of interest, desire, demand, leads and prospects

      Sales is: the process of turning a lead or prospect into a (repeat) buyer....

      One issue that alot of small businesses have is that "there aren't enough hands on deck" to actually go about following up with prospects (or current) customers and turning them into repeat sales.

      A guy at the MarketingSherpa email conference said "Customer Retention is The New Acquisition".

      A landmark study marketing study many years ago revealed something striking:
      a 5% improvement in customer retention can cause an increase in profitability of between 25 and 85%

      This is why I am always mentioning automation to people, not to push product but because THERE ARE ONLY 8700 HOURS IN A YEAR!!

      One person can't POSSIBLY follow up with all their customers....

      You know the saying "the money is in the list".

      Well I have another "the REAL money is in the FOLLOW UP"

      The cost of acquiring a sale from a PRE-EXISTING customer is INFINITELY LOWER than acquiring a NEW ONE.

      Many people agree that an upsell can convert at 40% - compare that to the typical internet web page that converts at like 1-5%.

      Online we need 3 things:

      a) a product
      b) traffic
      c) conversion

      One thing I am curious about is that alot of people are saying "I need to do this...." and "I need to do that....".

      In Robert Kiyosaki's book "Cash Flow Quadrant" he talks about the difference between being self-employed and being a business owner....

      When you are the latter you focus on as much "we" as possible realizing there's a limited to your growth if you are doing it all (i.e. the self employed).

      We could mean:
      a) you and your network of colleagues
      b) you and your software
      c) you and your outstaffers (I believe in permanent hires offshore which I call "outstaffers" vs. "outsourcers)

      More and more I seeing that it makes sense to spend most of your time on what you are good at and then try to partner up with other business owners who "play at what you work at".

      This along with automation is also important....

      As I said, there are only 8700 or so hours in a year and if you are even get 6 hours of sleep a day, not even that. If It takes 10x that amount of labor to get your big goals and ambitions done, you HAVE to create a system that allows for alot of work being done collectively - not saying I am always perfect but I try!

      Anyone see the value of "networking-based-on-the-80/20-rule", outstaffing (vs. outsourcing) and "smart" automation?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
    Writing is my 20% - writing emails to my list... writing blog posts... writing sales copy...
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  • Profile picture of the author sikaz
    We all should learn from this.It is great indeed.

    As for those who are unorganized l think the fact is that if you write down
    all that you intend to do you should be able to get things done from which
    you could make money every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author 100
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  • Profile picture of the author ccasselman
    I definitely suffer from this. Today, I was sitting at a red light and thought that I need to stop consuming products and start building some. Of course my mind said, just read the next 5 and THEN you build yours.

    Been going on for months...

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  • Profile picture of the author kaddeesh
    Advertising on Facebook and WomVegas.US everyday gets me sign ups for my programs and products. I also use free leads from!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Kumar
    Great point that most of us don't pay much attention to.

    There are so many things you can add to this list.

    My little input would be to...

    1. Test and track your results (so you know which 20% you should focus on the most.

    2. Create content. I realize that we live in an IM world where most of us (including me) buy a lot of content. But, for me personally, I've found that creating my very own unique content (even if it's for using as articles to be submitted) is very valuable.

    3. USE all the PLR we've got stored on our harddrive. If all you can do is take one PLR package (as is!) throw it up on one of your sites, and set up the order processing for it, you may get an extra sale or two without doing anything else.

    Of course, if your site isn't getting much traffic yet, I would also recommend that you submit at least one article for this new package/offer to get things rolling.

    In my other reports, I've mentioned stuff like "Send out at least one joint venture offer to someone new each day"...or...create one new article each day, etc.

    If you have my 50k report (offered free in the War Room,) you can see a whole list of things I did within a month to leverage existing assets and resources in order to create some new income streams (or at least some windfall profits.)

    I also posted something here earlier this year that was about focusing on creating at least one residual income stream each week.

    An example would be to take a hot PLR package, plug it to an opt-in form (depending on the distribution terms of the package, of cousre,) and then plug that to either your own or someone else's (affiliate) residual income-generating product/service.

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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    I need to create some type of content consistently - write an article, blog post, forum post, etc.

    Keep adding new content that brings in traffic.

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

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  • Profile picture of the author affenpinscher

    Good post.

    P.S. I walked in my Target store in Houston yesterday and saw
    Top Secret Recipes! Congratulations for your hard work and all your success.
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