Things that will make you money EVERYDAY
I was listening to a very inspiring call that Eric Louviere gave last night and he made a point that really hit home for me.
He said that most people spend too much time each day doing things that don't make them any money. If you just focus on doing something each day that generates cash, you will increase your income substantially.
It sounded so simple, but when I thought about it - there are a lot of days where I'm really busy and spend the whole day working on administrative stuff that doesn't produce additional income. Things like responding to emails, chatting on social networks or forums, running errands, etc.
Increasing your income can be as simple as identifying the 20% of things that really generate cash and making them your focus each day.
So what are some of 'your 20%' that generates direct income for you?
For me, the first thing would be to send out an email promotion everyday. I have some lists in different niches that I only send to once in a while. I can increase my income right away if I just add more emails to the darn autoresponder. I don't have to mail them all everyday, but at least one email from one of my different lists should be sent each day.
How about you? Please share.
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