Hundreds of Keyword; Barely Any Traffic, What Gives? (Google PPC)
I have put together a list of 650 keywords to start with via Keyword Elite.
They are all on [exact match] and obviously a lot of them are long tail keywords.
All keywords are in groups related to their root keyword and I have written two distinctly different ads for each ad group.
This campaign has been running for over a week and a half now and I have pruned out keywords that:
A: Highly unlikely to convert into a sale based upon instinctual analysis (e.g. free, tips, report, etc)
B: Are pulling my CTR down ( usually give 100 impressions per keyword to find out unless I know its not right for my campaign )
I have multiple keywords converting at around 2% and but they are only getting about 7 clicks per day???
There are plenty high traffic keywords throughout that don't seem to be getting the kind of impressions that I thought they would and I am curious if any one else has had this issue? (I am sure)
Also, I have grouped the keywords that are converting into separate campaigns with broad, phrase, and exact match on; and I have actually lowered my traffic. ( da fuh?? )
Any and all help is appreciated, I have read Perry Marshall's book and taken his advice as well as many others.
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