So, you want a testimonial, huh?
Here it is--with all identification of the person removed:
Dear Elmer Hurlstone, You have received a new private message at WarriorForum - Internet Marketing Forums from [Redacted], entitled "Hello!". To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here: {link removed so you wouldn't spend too much time in your own PM boxes} This is the message that was sent: *************** Hello Elmer. I have finished creating a WSO but I like some testimonials from some warriors. I've picked you as one people I would like to offer a review copy. I will offer this review copy on the condition that you: * PM me your testimonial (duh). * Post that very same testimonial on the WSO page of the product. If you are interested, please reply to this message. |
1. I don't know the person. In itself that's neither good or bad, it's just fact. When I first joined WF a few years ago I knew absolutely no one. Over the years I've come to know several folks fairly well. Mostly from participating in threads and finding folks who seem to be generally compatible with me. Although there are a few notable exceptions that are also friends--again, I won't mention names.
2. There is nothing in the request to indicate why I'm a logical choice to review the product. There are many areas of the IM about which I don't have a clue.
3. What is the product? Why would I want it? Do I need it? Is it germane to anything I do?
4. Testimonials are earned not 'exchanged'. My "price" is above rubies--or ebooks. If your product is, in my opinion, worthwhile and something I can objectively evaluate I may provide a testimonial or review.
5. Purely and simply this ain't the way to request testimonials. If the testifier isn't qualified to testify, the testimonial is worthless.
6. Some folks just may consider this type of request "PM Spam". I'm not going to report it as such since the particular requester has not been a member for long and may not know better. It's also possible someone "taught" this as a "Good Technique".
In any event, for anyone looking for a testimonial or review these are a few things to think about.
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