Forcing Me To Read........

27 replies
There have been lots of complaints about being forced to read thread, or rather being sold to here.

On the old forum Allen used to send us an odd PM to tell us about something, here he asks us to read something.

But, here is something a lot of people are missing or maybe I am missing it and they are seeing it.

So often we have people asking what's the best to buy for [place in the name you want] especially if there is something people are talking about.

The advice given at the moment, is create a review site, because people buy when a product is recommended to them by someone they know and trust.

Go back and read that last paragraph again and again until it sinks in.

Allen is recommending a product, I have at times been sitting on the fence wondering will I, won't I, and then Allen tells us about it. Perfect, recommendation from a friend and trusted source.

But the other thing which is funny is the marketing strategies of those who complain they are being forced to read something. They are the ones who make you jump through so many hoops. Yesterday, I bought a wso and it was my pet hate. If you want to get this then you will sign up for my list or words like that. Excuse me I will sign up to your list, I bought I want my product. So we have to sign up, wait for confirmation, then confirm and then wait for the next email or thank you page, which still doesn't have the product link but the upsell, and then the next upsell until finally you get your download link.

I would far rather Allen ask me to read a thread, and have him tell me something is good, than these so called marketers who have nothing to offer than holding you hostage until you sign up or lose your product.
#forcing #read
  • Profile picture of the author ragnartm
    I would have to agree with you that listening to allen's recommendations sound like the better of the two.


    Quality over quantity. Hire me to write highly shareable, user focused blog posts or articles.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
    I've always been of the opinion that this is Allen's forum, and we should all be thankful that this great place exists for us to get together.

    I can't count the number of friends and business associates I have made here over the years. I can't tally up the amount of money I've made off WSOs here. And there's no way to quantify the valuable tidbits I've picked up here.

    So, if Allen wants me to look at a thread ... I'm quite happy to look at that thread. I owe him a lot more than the few minutes of my time.
    Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Bravo Bev..

    You are not the only one who thinks like this... most of us do.. just occasionally you get the idiots popping up who think the whole world owes them something...

    Personally.. I'm just glad Allen lets me in the door every day... there is no better than the WF and I would gladly read an ad each visit if Allen thought it necessary...

    It's his joint and I'll do it his way.. just like bondage gear is mandatory in my office ;-'

    Have a great day Bev and thanks for speaking straight...



    Bare Murkage.........

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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      It's his joint and I'll do it his way.. just like bondage gear is mandatory in my office ;-'
      A good reason for me not to visit your office again. I've still got serious chaffing from the last time.
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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      • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
        Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

        A good reason for me not to visit your office again. I've still got serious chaffing from the last time.
        mruhahahaha... it goes up a notch every time, if you come back it means you like it so we crank it up a notch on the pain-o-meter....

        Bare Murkage.........

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        • Profile picture of the author Peter Bestel
          We live in a world that fortunately allows us choice. We choose to be members of Allen's forum, for all the benefits it affords us.

          If anyone of us doesn't like it, for whatever reason, they can simply choose to go elsewhere. If they shout about it loud enough their choice will be made for them.

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          • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
            Too many people confuse 'public places' with 'private property the public is granted access to', both online and in the physical world.

            Like most teens in my generation, I did the "paper hat and name tag" job thing. The absolute worst customers were other teens. The place I worked at was a popular hangout after Friday football games. The place would be packed from the time the game ended until closing.

            The average ticket during those times was one of whatever was cheapest on the menu.

            We hired an off-duty cop for security, otherwise the little monsters would demolish the place. Even with our regular security, whose other moonlighting job was unloading steel trucks by hand, cleaning up took much longer on Fridays.

            Whoops, got sidetracked there - flashback...

            Anyway, from time to time we had to have someone thrown out for getting too far out of line. They would always holler that we couldn't kick them out, it was a public place.

            It's the same thing here online.

            In the physical world, a street corner is usually a public place. I haven't thought of the online equivalent...

            Forums like this one are like that burger joint - private property the public is allowed to access, subject to the conditions imposed by the owner. My old burger joint's rules for Friday nights were pretty simple - buy something and don't tear the place down. Allen's are very similar - don't trash the place, and look at a thread if he wants us to. No big hoohoo, for the value received, in my book...
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            • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
              Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

              Forums like this one are like that burger joint is ...

              I'd describe it as more like a gourmet buffet.


              Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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              • Profile picture of the author Barbara Eyre
                I can't believe people would even complain about having to view a thread every so often.

                It's not like you have to view such a thread EVERY SINGLE time you log into the WF! I don't. Maybe once a week I do ... maybe.

                The burger joint scenario was good - this is Allen's joint (place, not wacky tobaccy LOL) ... he makes the rules. You don't like 'em - leave! Simple as that.

                People need to stop thinking that the world revolves only around themselves - they have to remember and realize that there are others who have an equal right to things here at WF and in the world as a whole.

                UGH! Woke up on the wrong side of the bed ... am cranky and am wanting to stand on my soapbox all day. Pent up thoughts and emotions LOL I think I need to spend some time in Jay's office
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      It's his joint and I'll do it his way.. just like bondage gear is mandatory in my office ;-'
      That brings up visions of Dateline's "To Catch a Predator".

      (That's a US news series where they go online posing as kids to lure pedophiles to a house full of cameras, where a reporter confronts them and they get arrested as they leave.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Million
    I like the forced users to read a thread feature. It allows Allen to direct us to where he feels members of this forum should go...whether its a product to help people move onto the income they want to achieve or like the recent one asking for donations to a Warrior that's in dire need of medical attention.

    Allen's not about the money. Check out Kiva - Loans that change lives (his sig) if you question his intentions
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
    Bravo Bev...what they say 'if you don't like it...go somewhere else'. It's really that easy.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Gallivan
    Hi Bev

    I can't understand when people complain about having to read Allens's posts, recommendations or whatever else he would like us to read.

    Now, if he expected us to 'buy' something before we could continue into the forum that would be different. But to 'read' - c'mon!

    Best wishes

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    • Profile picture of the author admin
      Originally Posted by Mary Gallivan View Post

      Hi Bev

      I can't understand when people complain about having to read Allens's posts, recommendations or whatever else he would like us to read.

      Now, if he expected us to 'buy' something before we could continue into the forum that would be different. But to 'read' - c'mon!

      Best wishes


      Hey Mary you mean like a $1 toll charge or something?


      :-) I'm just kidding...
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      • Profile picture of the author John Rowe
        Originally Posted by admin View Post

        Hey Mary you mean like a $1 toll charge or something?
        Funny thing is... had you gone this route... the complainers would have instead been racing to their PayPal account so they could be first to learn what "Allen Says" thinks is hot for just a buck. LOL!
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      • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
        Originally Posted by admin View Post

        Hey Mary you mean like a $1 toll charge or something?


        :-) I'm just kidding...
        Interesting idea... Upon the 100th post read, the WF asks for a dollar to continue. PayPal the dollar and get to view another 100 threads. Those who just float around will stay at the dollar investment. Those who contribute valuable threads will get upped before the next dollar request. How's that for an income model? The non-contributors wind up paying the most as it should be...

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        • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
          Originally Posted by tommygadget View Post

          Interesting idea... Upon the 100th post read, the WF asks for a dollar to continue. PayPal the dollar and get to view another 100 threads. Those who just float around will stay at the dollar investment. Those who contribute valuable threads will get upped before the next dollar request. How's that for an income model? The non-contributors wind up paying the most as it should be...

          Well if that was set in place, I would have paid two dollars so far and be well on my way to my 3rd dollar - bloody excellent value for money I say!

          Only last night I had a problem with my host and FTP, where is the FIRST place I came, without hesitation to get some help? yup, here and I have seen countless other do the same, the help I got (even just knowing someone cared enough to try and help me) was worth way more than 3 dollars.

          So being asked to read a thread by the OWNER of this forum is a real no brainer!

          Nice thread, thanks
          One-to-One WordPress Coaching Service Available at Low Hourly Rate - Let the frustration end now! WordPress Installs, Theme Design, Site Tweaks & other WordPress services available
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      • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
        Allen just think if you charged us $1 toll a day how much that would be a day never mind a year.

        $1 toll would be so cheap for what we get here. :rolleyes:

        Originally Posted by admin View Post

        Hey Mary you mean like a $1 toll charge or something?


        :-) I'm just kidding...
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Elliott
        Thanks, Allen!
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  • Profile picture of the author ggross
    I look at it this way, I am visiting Allen's house. He has been kind enough to let me in. And if the Host asks me to read something, I will read it.

    It is kind of like the old saying: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".

    Allen might not feed us directly, BUT, he has provided us with a place to come & learn, to make money, & to help us get to where we want to go.

    And it is his privelage, as owner, to ask us to read something. And, I, for one, have always found Allens suggestion very useful, & profitable.

    If I didn't, I wouldn't have joined the War Room.

    Bev, a very excellent post.

    And, people should mind their manners when they are invited into someones home.


    P.S.: Taking off to watch the Race. Only 3 more left. And my favorite is on the Pole today !
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Gallivan
    Oh Goodness - I hope I haven't given someone any ideas! :-)

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff B
      The way I look at it is... show me another site that gets this kind of traffic geared towards possibly the biggest money niche on the internet that doesn't have ads, promotions, monetization methods all over it.

      Find one yet?

      Having to look at an ad for a product that is obviously a quality product or Allen wouldn't stake his name on promoting it is a fair price to pay for the kind of information that is available on here.

      We could always each pay Allen a modest monthly membership fee that would be fair value for the content, say around $10,000 per head per month?

      It's funny but I bet the same people that are bitching about this have all kinds of Adsense and crap banners covering their sites and bombarding their visitors with ways to squeeze every little penny out of them.

      "Give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value; then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction." - Wallace D. Wattles

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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Toth
    >>>> But the other thing which is funny is the marketing strategies of those who complain they are being forced to read something.

    It's especially interesting to hear these complaints on a business/marketing forum where users should *expect* that the leading IM forum would have all sorts of monetization strategies in place... of which a "we recommend you read this before you continue" thread is one of them.

    I saw one the other day on here which I immediately expected to be a sales offer. In this case it wasn't. But it very well could and SHOULD be. And I'd be a little dissapointed if WF didn't implement something along those lines.

    To me it's no different than adding a "recommended resource" affiliate link (or cross promo) to download and thank you pages. Let your customers grab what they purchased, of course. In fact, toss in related and high-value un-announced bonuses where possible... but why WOULDN'T you take the time to present them with a relevant affiliate offer?

    There are plenty of memberships that, when I first log in, an advert is shown. It's often not even a personal recommendation, just an affiliate offer in rotation. And that's fine. I expect it and businesses that don't use it somewhat let me down.

    But within a large enough group, there will be segments who will complain about just about anything. That's just human nature. Even among "marketers" you'll find a few who simply won't welcome or appreciate "marketing" (it's an interesting career decision they've made).

    The flip side of the equation is to define "forced". Actually being expected or "forced" to read content is silly... it's interruptive and somewhat abusive of the audience/community attached to it. But presenting it is certainly smart (much like forced continuity is never actually forced).
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    • Profile picture of the author Michelle Brouse
      Originally Posted by Rob Toth View Post

      >>>> But the other thing which is funny is the marketing strategies of those who complain they are being forced to read something.

      It's especially interesting to hear these complaints on a business/marketing forum where users should *expect* that the leading IM forum would have all sorts of monetization strategies in place... of which a "we recommend you read this before you continue" thread is one of them.

      I saw one the other day on here which I immediately expected to be a sales offer. In this case it wasn't. But it very well could and SHOULD be. And I'd be a little dissapointed if WF didn't implement something along those lines.

      To me it's no different than adding a "recommended resource" affiliate link (or cross promo) to download and thank you pages. Let your customers grab what they purchased, of course. In fact, toss in related and high-value un-announced bonuses where possible... but why WOULDN'T you take the time to present them with a relevant affiliate offer?

      There are plenty of memberships that, when I first log in, an advert is shown. It's often not even a personal recommendation, just an affiliate offer in rotation. And that's fine. I expect it and businesses that don't use it somewhat let me down.

      But within a large enough group, there will be segments who will complain about just about anything. That's just human nature. Even among "marketers" you'll find a few who simply won't welcome or appreciate "marketing" (it's an interesting career decision they've made).

      The flip side of the equation is to define "forced". Actually being expected or "forced" to read content is silly... it's interruptive and somewhat abusive of the audience/community attached to it. But presenting it is certainly smart (much like forced continuity is never actually forced).

      Ok, I'll fess up and say I was one of the folks that took the time to PM Rob, (instead of immediately slamming him) and say hey - might want to read the thread you posted in basically, because I didn't really think that he was the type to be that rude INTENTIONALLY. I can understand not reading a post, and I can understand the irritation of being "forced" into anything.

      Just ask my kids, and they'll tell you what a mean MOM I am by "forcing" them to eat good food before they dig into their Halloween candy. :rolleyes:

      But, I'm having a different outlook Rob. I can see why you would be irritated with all the posts in the other thread, yet, at this point (not only from what you've been posting, but also the total "ignore" factor by some) - after reading what you wrote afterwards -it seems that you are not how I originally thought.

      What I originally thought was that you goofed, and would be a bit considerate of that - which you were to an extent. I have no intent of getting into any discussion about this right now, because by the time I get back on a PC - you'll all have been done with this whole thread - but wow.

      Really - wow. I thought I knew you a bit from TIMIC, and I'm guessing I musta been wrong. Wouldn't be the first time, so therefore not too surprising.

      So let me just say this. I tried to give you a heads up, and tried to say hey - here's the deal, and left it up to you to repair the damage. Doesn't look like damage control is doing well at this point, so what that does, is makes people like me tend to think they were/are wrong about you. And it's definitely not because I WANTED to think that, but wow. All the posts I've read to this point make me think that you kinda pretty much meant what you said...

      And I don't really know how to take that right now.

      Are you sooo into business techniques that the fun, cool relationships are beyond you at this point? Or what gives? I can't figure this out.

      Hope that makes sense.

      I need to just go to bed. Long few days coming up. Sorry to have to wonder about you, but now... really... I do.


      I have no signature. :-D

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  • Profile picture of the author jhongren
    Thanks Bev for the wonderful thread.

    When a friend (a trusted source) recommended a product, we are sold. Not because we believe in that product BUT we believe in our this case Allen.

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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    I was explainin this to one of my students a few minutes ago.

    When your friends make recommendations, you buy without hesitation. In fact, I was showing him the power of tetimonials.

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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  • Profile picture of the author PRandContent
    Great post, Bev! I, too, cannot understand why people have to complain. This is Allen's forum and you are, by all means, free to leave the forum if you don't like the rules. It's a recommendation and you have the choice to buy the product or not.
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