How much to charge to create simple video

9 replies
Hi everyone,

Earlier today, I created a video with Jing to teach someone how to upload videos on YouTube.

That person appreciated it. She asked me a quote for doing other videos like that.

How much should I charge ? I'm new to this. What is reasonable ? $1 ? $2 ? More ?

Thanks for your feedback.
#charge #create #simple #video
  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    I would charge as much as an article - I mean it's probably about the same amount of work, right? So $5 - $10. Maybe you should charge by how long the video is?

    Gone Fishing
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    • Profile picture of the author phmoisan
      To be honest, I have no idea. I have never written an article on the Internet. I have seen lots of discussions about it, but reading about something and actually doing it are 2 very different things. And I don't want to appear like I want to rip off people.
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      • Profile picture of the author phmoisan
        When I created this topic, and when I post a reply, the SEOQuake images keep appearing, I have to edit each post to remove them. I'm not familiar with that SEOQuake Firefox plug-in. I will try to stop it. Sorry for the nuisance.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    And I don't want to appear like I want to rip off people.
    Yes, but don't rip yourself off in the process!

    come up with an hourly rate.
    That's sound advice. Figure out what your time is worth and then you'll know what to charge by how long it takes you to make the video!
    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Hi Philippe,

    STOP, LOOK And LISTEN cuz Michael's Here with a New Rendition!
    Not sure where that came from...?

    Anyway, Do a little research and find out what other people in the niche you're
    working in charge. Once you have an average, Then to get your self started in the niche
    undercut the price and build a group of people that love your work.

    If you already have someone that wants more from you then make that person a great
    deal and then have them help you help them by asking them for a review of your work.

    Once you have the review(If it is a good review)ask them if you can use it as a testimonial?

    If they agree(not before they agree, but rather after they agree)use the testimonial
    on your site. Then turn around and give that person a discount as a gift.

    If your work is good and the person you have helped really likes it then word of mouth
    advertising will start to take hold.

    Rinse and repeat till you build your customer base enough that you can
    raise your prices and take on fewer customers.

    Another thing, If you're going to do this then remember to reinvest the
    money you earn into the business. Purchase the tools you need to get the job
    done faster with higher quality.

    Hope that Helps,
    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    Would you chagre the time it takes, not only to create the actual video, but also the time it takes to deliver it to the customer ? Sorry if my question sounds stupid.
    No that doesn't sound stupid. Yes you should charge for the entire time everything takes you to do. When you provide a service like this you are basically trading your time for money so you need to figure out what makes it worthwhile for you to do.

    Of course, if you want to create a business out of it you will want to take Michael's advice above!

    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    I paid 5 bux to a guy on fiverr{dot}com to creae a video for my free ebook thats on a sqeeze page and I felt like I got a really good deal.

    I don't know the quality of yours but if you would like to compare it to what I thought I got a great deal on go here. cobywright{dot}com/freedownload.html

    So to answer your question in short. I'd say 5 to 10 bux
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