I need your help choosing my $2k blog prize

by sallyn
13 replies
Hey Everyone,

I am looking for a bit of help from you.

Just to quickly explain, I was lucky enough to win a $2000
blog redesign as part of a traffic competition ran by my coach and
mentor Alex Jeffreys.

Basically I got the most traffic to my blog, over a 4 week period,
than any other Marketing With Alex 3.0 student.

Now I have to meet with Alex's designer Tim, and discuss how
my new blog will look.

So I need your help...

Are there any blogs that you have visited that have made you think

Nothing too fancy, but packs a punch and makes you remember it.

And are there any essentials that you feel that every Internet
Marketing blog must have?

Any suggestions or tips would be really appreciated.

And if you can maybe suggest the links to specific blogs
you mention so I can visit them and take a look that would be fab.

Alex did say that he if I opt for a paid wp theme, he will pay for it,
so if I go for a paid one, I will use the person's aff link who recommended
it to me.

Many thanks Sally
#$2k #blog #choosing #prize
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I've built a lot of sites - but if I won a prize like that (congratulations), here is what I would do.

    Talk to Tim and ask his advice about themes - if a premium theme is offered, I'd jump on that.

    Give him an idea of where you plan to "go" with the blog in the future and any features/color/etc that you feel are important.

    Then I'd turn him loose. He can ask questions along the way and allow you to make decisions - but the more freedom you give him in the design, the more likely it is you'll have an outstanding blog in the end. Just my thoughts on it...

    Good job on the traffic!

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author sallyn
      Thanks for tips, I will let Tim loose and give him some freedom to design something unique.

      I like the idea suggested by sbucciarel, to have a blog no one else has.

      Will also check out shoemoney,

      Many thanks Sally
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by sallyn View Post

        Thanks for tips, I will let Tim loose and give him some freedom to design something unique.

        I like the idea suggested by sbucciarel, to have a blog no one else has.

        Will also check out shoemoney,

        Many thanks Sally
        I saw this site from JunkWriter at junkwriter.com
        I love it. I would love to have one similar designed for me with handwritten notes like that. Don't copy his site of course, but you can show him ideas you like and ask him to do something similar.
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  • Profile picture of the author pista05
    Make it pop but useful as well like shoemoney.com
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Premium themes are great ... I use them for my sites all the time, but if i won $2000 design job, I would have it custom all the way. Then no one would have one like mine.
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  • Profile picture of the author emmanraph
    Hi, am a newbie in Internet Marketing, can anyone voluntial to be my mentor?
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Crofford
    The designer will most likely have a questionnaire to get information on what you are looking for. In my opinion I would answer these questions and let the designer use their expertise to build you a nice custom site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
    Social Media News and Web Tips ? Mashable ? The Social Media Guide

    Awesome design.. very feature rich

    Though I guess it would cost more like 10k.

    AI also second shoemoney but I again guess more than 2k.

    Then there's problogger.net it's nice too.
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  • Profile picture of the author bedmo
    Hi Sallyn,

    I think it really depends on what you will use it for. If you plan to use ads (like Google ads...) so you need to tell him that.

    Anyway, I LOVE simple blogs with clear colors.
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