How do you deal with cheeky replies to your emails?

44 replies
Every time I mail my list I get a couple of the same people who respond with some kind of snide remark. Complaining that I am selling too much and then when I do send a free tip they respond by poking holes in the tips.

When I check my buyers database, of course these are people who never buy.

Lately I have begun to fire back my own smart responses including telling them where to find the unsubscribe link. But they stay on my list LOL

This morning I have their replies and I am feeling the urge to just remove them myself. But I must say I kind of enjoy the banter (call me crazy).

Do you get people like this on your list and how do YOU handle them?

P.S. This could be karma getting back at me for being a class clown all those years
#a$$ #cheeky #deal #emails #replies #smart
  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    I would just manually unsubscribe them, especially when it's the same folks doing it repeatedly. Life's too short to deal with that kind of stuff.


    p.s. If you enjoy the banter, then just post something controversial on this forum. Heck, praise a "guru" and you'll get your fill of snide for the day. LOL (Just kidding, btw.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Voss
    The banter can be fun! But ultimately the naysayers are like a virus. One day you might be in a vulnerable place because of something not going just right in the business and they could set you off.

    Just delete the punks and if you feel the urge to listen to that type of crap, then watch an episode of Jerry Springer.

    Go for the manual unsubscribe.
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesJeffery
      Originally Posted by Scott Voss View Post

      The banter can be fun! But ultimately the naysayers are like a virus. One day you might be in a vulnerable place because of something not going just right in the business and they could set you off..
      Oh so true!

      The same thing reminds me of Facebook groups. When you have 20k+ people on the group a good few with knock what you're doing. The only thing with groups is the majority can see their comments. Which is worse. I just remove them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    I agree with Becky. I just remove them from the list. I try not to ever reply back to nonsense. Show the idiots how insignificant and unimportant they are by ignoring them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Thanks guys I needed the common sense head check. I removed the 2 pains from my list.

    Life is too short you are correct
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Complaining that I am selling too much and then when I do send a free tip they respond by poking holes in the tips.
      At least they are reading your emails Repeat complainers, like serial refunders, may need to be quietly removed.

      There are people who try to establish a connection by complaining or picking at something - not worth replying to if they are rude. They will argue endlessly - but don't buy.

      If you do reply to a negative comment, make your reply totally professional and don't stoop to their snide level. Don't tell them you are unsubscribing them - just take them off the list.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author joshril
      Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

      I removed the 2 pains from my list.
      Brad... For some reason I'm not getting your emails lately... What gives, man?
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by jlucado View Post


        I say you can learn something from the people who complain. It automatically calls into question, that which you may not otherwise have, about your email campaigns.

        Study them and learn my friend.

        However, chronic complainers are time wasters.
        Chronic is the key word for me. Like Paul has advised many, many times, an honest critic is your best friend. That said, there are people in the world whose only source of entertainment seems to be complaining, and they do it often.

        If someone simply tells me I'm full of it, or wombats me to death like a Chinese water torture, they are not giving me any value. Once they show such a pattern (key - multiple offenses), or they simply piss me off enough, they get the psychic upgrade.
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    ... and how do YOU handle them?
    My email client (Eudora) comes with a nice, shiny button labeled "DELETE".
    I click it - and poof! They're gone.

    (Some days, though, these folks are good for a smile!)

    All success
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I remove them from my list myself. Who needs it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      I've adopted the Paul Myers tactic...

      I move them over to the "psychic edition" of the list.

      (Thanks, Paul, I love that phraseology.)
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        I've adopted the Paul Myers tactic...

        I move them over to the "psychic edition" of the list.

        (Thanks, Paul, I love that phraseology.)
        lol ... hadn't heard that one before. I like it.
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      • Profile picture of the author reapr
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        I've adopted the Paul Myers tactic...

        I move them over to the "psychic edition" of the list.

        (Thanks, Paul, I love that phraseology.)
        Hey is there a WSO on how to do that or is there a special auto responder series on it?
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        • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
          Hey is there a WSO on how to do that or is there a special auto responder series on it?
          The course is only available through the RPS* feed.


          * Really Psychic Syndication
          Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    While removing them from your list was probably the best choice there was one other potential option.

    You could have asked them to write a guest post for your list detailing their ideas, tips, methods, and plans. You may have discovered they were actually quite intelligent and would have jumped at the opportunity. Probably not, but it could have changed their mindset.

    But then again....I just wasted more of your time, too...
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author marketguy
      Originally Posted by KansasDragon View Post

      While removing them from your list was probably the best choice there was one other potential option.

      You could have asked them to write a guest post for your list detailing their ideas, tips, methods, and plans. You may have discovered they were actually quite intelligent and would have jumped at the opportunity. Probably not, but it could have changed their mindset.

      But then again....I just wasted more of your time, too...

      i also want to add to that. i have been in sales my entire life (off line) and i have trained many salespeople that became very successful.

      one thing i teach is a basic mindset. most salespeople will go the route of least resistance. let me explain this. i sell diamonds (big and medium size pieces). naturally, the most interested people are woman.
      most salespeople will sell to the woman, because that's easy. they forget however, that it's the husbands that pay the bill.

      i teach to make a friend with the husband, while showing the jewelry to the the end, the husbands are much less likely to object.

      and here is the kicker: when the couple come back to visit where i live, it's the husbands that say "let's see myname at mystore", not the wifes (although they never complain about that ).

      by dealing with a segment of the market that feels neglected or misunderstood, you can create the most loyal of all customers. why? because no one else took the time or cared.

      so, even though i do not have a list (i am not in need of one yet), i would suggest that you smother the complainers with kindness and ask them lots of questions.

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  • Profile picture of the author crazyken
    My first reaction to your post was the same as everyone else, get rid, or better still "Terminate" them.
    But then after reading KanasDragon's reply I think that would be a brilliant idea, you can then judge if they are total wasters who deserve Termination (OK so not literally) or whether they can actually contribute and add value to your site - you'd also probably get them onside and prevent any further negativity.

    Nice one KD.
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    • Profile picture of the author l23bc
      Originally Posted by crazyken View Post

      My first reaction to your post was the same as everyone else, get rid, or better still "Terminate" them.
      But then after reading KanasDragon's reply I think that would be a brilliant idea, you can then judge if they are total wasters who deserve Termination (OK so not literally) or whether they can actually contribute and add value to your site - you'd also probably get them onside and prevent any further negativity.

      Nice one KD.

      I could not agree anymore on that one Well said! Retaining customers in any businesses offline or online is my number one business so keeping in touch and building a business or just when you have time to talk to them dont half bring more respect or business. so taking five minuites to know someone might be worth it.

      You can either ignore them or remove them from your list... whats the point in keeping a non-buyer that harasses you?
      Not really when i used to work offline for some major u.k brands (Which are big known businesses) There first rule is in business customer satifaction.Its optional to go the extra mile and help them, Just comman business manners.

      Let's break it down. You spent alot of time building your business,tweaking out the fraudsters to the Good customers who generally buy and email to see how you or your business are...would you really ignore them? course you wont. That not professional.

      I would suggest finding out then deciding a action brad,


      No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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    • Profile picture of the author Ambius
      I used to run an email list for an inground swimming pool company. I remember getting a response once that read, "how much to rip out the one you installed last year to put in one big enough"

      It sounded like a sarcastic response from an upset customer, but I forwarded it to sales anyways and he did end up buying a bigger one and having us dig out his less than a year old pool. I was very surprised, but learned to take all leads seriously!

      Unfortunately, it sounds like your responders are not interested in buying anything, so I agree with the others that it's best to remove them before they flag your account as spam.
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  • I just pay no attention. Those are the type of unproductive distractions you don't need through your day of work.
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  • Profile picture of the author jitterbug978
    You can either ignore them or remove them from your list... whats the point in keeping a non-buyer that harasses you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacer
    I send them a "invitation only" link to get a sneak peak of my next $97 product free. Really it is just a rick roll with a big "please unsubscribe from my list" link below it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    You needed to post a thread and ask the warriors if you should manually delete these jokers from your list? Do you do everything by committee rule? I have to run though because I have to post a new thread to ask the warriors if I should swat at this mosquito draining blood from the back of my neck. It really is bugging me and I'm wondering what to do about it. Any help please???

    Maybe I should opt in to your list and give you the banter you're looking for.

    On a serious note it's pretty easy to opt someone out who is replying to your autoresponder messages. If you scroll down far enough you'll find your original message to them and then copy and paste the remove link into your browser window. Then voila...they just went bye bye. Those kind of smart asses never buy anything anyways. And when I say never I mean NEVER!

    Free Training for SEO Providers in the United States -

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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    HAHAHAHA.. dude thats classic.

    we just remove them..... as kern said to us once, never deal with those negative ppl, let your support do it and remove them from your list.... puts you in a bad mood answering them.

    i don't want dbags on my list.... especially when it takes so much time to create content and write.... if they don't appreciate it, let them go somewhere else.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    It's not that anyone here would ever send out a crap email responder series. You must admit there is some pure crap being posted out in some responders, give a little crap out it must be expected to get a little crap back in some cases.

    Sometimes people seem one way and expect a pretty street of chocolates kisses and roses, i send my emails you will buy without voice or reason or bugger it i don't like you any more.

    last time i looked we were dealing with people not machines and the art of dealing with people is one of the toughest jobs going around, so I am not sure why people are surprised with the odd reply.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author CianMcCarthy
    At the start, I always wanted to have the last word. But now...unsubscribe them
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    Do you get people like this on your list and how do YOU handle them?
    In my view, there are four things you can do... pick one:

    1) Delete them

    2) Ignore them

    3) Politely respond

    4) Move them to a "special list" that you send fewer offers to (i.e., only your best stuff)

    - John
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  • Profile picture of the author John Chatman
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    Every time I mail my list I get a couple of the same people who respond with some kind of snide remark. Complaining that I am selling too much and then when I do send a free tip they respond by poking holes in the tips.

    When I check my buyers database, of course these are people who never buy.

    Lately I have begun to fire back my own smart responses including telling them where to find the unsubscribe link. But they stay on my list LOL

    This morning I have their replies and I am feeling the urge to just remove them myself. But I must say I kind of enjoy the banter (call me crazy).

    Do you get people like this on your list and how do YOU handle them?
    Brad, I haven't read what the others have posted on this question yet but I can tell you right off the bat that those folks would get booted SO FAST from my list it would make their heads spin.

    I am a firm believer in cutting out all negativity in my life. If something does not serve you then it takes away from you.

    The very energy which has been expended in creating this post could have been used for something more productive.

    This is not even to consider the psychic energy toll it has taken on you thus far.

    I use the same strategy when dealing with my Facebook friends. If there is someone who gives me grief in the slightest believe me they get cut...QUICK!

    Do yourself a favor partner and get rid of the negativity. You will feel a burden lifted from your shoulders.

    To Your Massive Success,
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    You guys are awesome. The goofy replies were getting more frequent and it's new to me (I only started list building in Jan.)

    Thanks so much for the feedback. I am now blacklisting them unless they are customers in which case I will politely respond

    My assistant deals with all my customer service but I like to see the replies to my mailings. Keeps me on my toes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
      And it's so easy to unsubscribe them - since they usually quote the original email in their reply, all you have to do is click on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom yourself!
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    • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
      As soon as I send you an e-mail saying how awesome you are, I find this thread.


      I just wanted to tell you that even though I have never bought one of your products, you are one of my favorite if not my Most favorite marketers on the WarriorForum, and one of the very few people who send me e-mails in which I do not consider spam.
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      • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
        Originally Posted by FaJeeb View Post

        As soon as I send you an e-mail saying how awesome you are, I find this thread.
        I appreciate the awesome emails. Those make my day thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    It's really a pain in the butt upon opening your e-mail inbox and the first thing you saw is a long list of unwanted mails, spam emails and other non-sense advertisement messages. In this case, the best thing to do is do not subscribe to websites or don't enable subscriptions unless if it really matters to you. These mails will flood your inbox and your spam folder.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    I like to think I'm fairly tolerant of folks, but I've quietly removed a few malcontents from my list before -- and one not so quietly. I made an example out of him (but I did NOT reveal his identity). Some of my occasional malcontents got real nice after that. I'm guessing they saw themselves in the example and decided they didn't like what they saw.

    If you've been at this for any length of time you'll see your share of people who seem to think it's their duty to run you down. In reality, they're probably dissatisfied with something about themselves or their own life, and you probably represent what they feel is missing. By running you down it somehow brings them up to your level in their own perception.

    So, you may have just been doing your part to make someone feel momentarily better (it never lasts because they're not addressing their real issues).

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      I move them over to the "psychic edition" of the list.
      Ah. A perennial favorite.

      As Dennis said, anyone who does this for long will get those emails. You have to develop a thicker skin if they bother you. It's part of dealing with any group of people. There will always be some portion that thinks their preferences should determine how everyone else will behave.

      Personally, I read everything I get in response to an issue of the newsletter. Intelligent criticism gets special attention. That's what you learn from. Pointless rudeness just earns them the complimentary upgrade.

      Watch that line. Dump the jerks, but treasure your critics. They're your best friends.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author bauger
    99% of the time I just unsubscriber them. Sometimes I just go ban their email too
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  • Profile picture of the author BoJon
    So isn't there a way to have a noreply mail? That would be great to not get replies at all! =)
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    • Profile picture of the author marketguy
      Originally Posted by BoJon View Post

      So isn't there a way to have a noreply mail? That would be great to not get replies at all! =)

      makes me wonder, why i even bothered making my post.

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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Amith
    I know what you feel. At the same time, it's common and since it's a known - it's something that you should accept mentally. I've shifted my focus to building buyers lists instead of giving out freebies. Both work, it just depends on what you want to put up with and what your ROI is.
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  • Profile picture of the author tdj
    They are sucking up your time. Show them how to unsubscribe.

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  • Profile picture of the author reapr
    Well often those types are not the sharpest pencil in the box or the brightest bulb of the lot it is sometimes too easy to tell them to stuff it. Cultural differences aside not knowing what you mean it is sometimes just best to remove them from the list.
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  • Profile picture of the author jlucado

    I say you can learn something from the people who complain. It automatically calls into question, that which you may not otherwise have, about your email campaigns.

    Study them and learn my friend.

    However, chronic complainers are time wasters.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Kovats
    I am surprised Brad you take the time to email them back! From my other ventures, anyone like that replying back...I just remove them myself. Their a pain in the ass. Or, as you would say, "Fire them from your contact list".
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