Seth Godin: Woman Builds List Sells for $100+M - Check It Out

8 replies
I was listening to a video last night where Seth Godin was discussing the power of permission based marketing and specifically optin email marketing.

As many people may know Seth is a much bigger fan of email than he is of new social communication technologies like twitter, facebook, etc....

In a way it makes sense as email has proven itself and been around for more than 20 years (if you recall Warren Buffett always talks about the value of sticking with the fundamentals and what has proven itself over the long run...).

Anyway the importance of the conversation was not so much about email vs. twitter/facebook but about the encouraging story of the woman who started (About Us - DailyCandy).

From their website they claim over 3 million subscribers and apparently they started off very basic with just a newsletter sending out daily fashion tips (and it appears the business model hasn't changed alot).

I think this is very encouraging and just shows that a permission based list is a truly valuable new media asset that companies are willing to INVEST IN AND PAY MONEY FOR.

I think in IM people get so obsessed with getting links, traffic and a whole host of other factors that have less of a determining factor in how much a business is worth THAN PEOPLE REALIZE.

Coming from a corporate and investment background I know that companies would take a website that has a 10th of the traffic as another website if the first website has a targeted and responsive list (and even better a subscription based business model).

You can check out the video here:

Do you think that alot of IMers still don't realize the importance of building a *quality relationship* and a responsive list? Perhaps info marketers yes but alot of people doing CPA don't see to - what do you guys think?
#$100 #builds #check #godin #list #listbuilding #sell website #sells #seth #seth godin #woman
  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Relationship marketing rocks. Keep solid integrity, get permission and always over deliver. People will always remember the people that helped them along the way.

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  • Profile picture of the author iSoftware
    ^^this. Couldn't have said it better myself! The best thing about relationship marketing is that is puts the power (and competitive advantage) back into the hands of the value-adders....not those with the best seo tools, technology gadgets, etc.

    When you have a list that you are speaking directly to, it's all about THEM and YOU, plus you have their contact info and you can speak directly to them - and not be hampered by a filtering mechanism such as a search engine or huge social media site....
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2502935].message }}
  • List building is only as good as the value you provide the list. Most people can not provide and real value and are short sited thinking the list is all about them and making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harold Lindsey
    Maybe I'm a little slow here, but where is the part where the woman sells her list? Is in the video? I haven't checked out the video yet? But just idea, simply blows me away.

    And it helps to keep on the right track, towards applying relationship marketing thanks.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheRichLife
      Originally Posted by Harold Lindsey View Post

      Maybe I'm a little slow here, but where is the part where the woman sells her list? Is in the video? I haven't checked out the video yet? But just idea, simply blows me away.

      And it helps to keep on the right track, towards applying relationship marketing thanks.
      It's in the last 30 seconds of the video. Seth said she started the business in her living room and sold it for $115 million USD.

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  • Profile picture of the author simmonsmike7
    Thanks for sharing. I've always been a big Seth fan. Relationship marketing works because it takes away fear, builds trust, and makes you feel warm & fuzzy before buying... couldn't agree more, Seth!
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  • Profile picture of the author Charleskidd
    Email marketing is by far where most marketers make there money. Every real business does it because it works. Creating the relationship is challenging sometimes because too much information is somewhat bad. However, no matter how much information goes around people still buy into the same information all over again. I agree that Seth knows what he is talking about.

    Does internet marketing seem to hard? Click here and you will see how much you learn.

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