Licencing someone elses product to add to yours - Urgent!

6 replies
Hey guys,

I'm about to licence some software that I'd like to add to my own product to boost value. My worry is...I don't actually know this when I pay up, I want to be sure I'm protected and that he can't simply turn around and tell me to stop using it. Anyone on here done this? Any words of wisdom?

Thanks guys

#add #elses #licencing #product #urgent
  • Profile picture of the author Pete Egeler

    Ask him if he has a PDF available that outlines your rights under his license. That should help.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Lazenby
    THanks for your reply Pete. The thing is, he is a little precious (understandably) over his products...he's not really a marketer and it's taken me a few days to convince him to let me licence his stuff. I'd like to send him my requirements that I'd need from the licence but want to be sure he can't change his mind afterwards and pull the rug out from under me after I've paid him. I'm not saying he would...just in case, I want to cover my back.

    Would the email chain of us discussing this and agreeing be enough to make it 'legal' or would we both need to actually sign something?

    Any ideas?

    Not Only That, It's Perfectly Legal & Whitehat!
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  • Profile picture of the author xtrecoolx
    If you have a company then just make him sign a contract.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Can't you use escrow for this?

    I'm not sure as I haven't used escrow for these types of deals.

    EDIT: you might wanna wait for a warrior more experienced with this

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author jhornung
    Yeah dude, you have to get a contract in this case - CYA...

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