Could Just 3 Articles Per Day Equal Massive Profits?
Well article marketing is a great way to get some traffic to your site.
Can you write 3 articles per day? If you make it a priority you can (suck it up and do it)
It should take you under an hour to write 3 articles, and if you do stick to that plan even if you average just 3 articles per day that's 90 articles each month.
Assuming each article averages only 5 new visitors to your site that's 450 visitors. Lets say you convert only 1% of those visitors into buyers that would equal about 4 and ½ sales for the first month.
Now lets assume you continue writing an average of 3 articles per day. Eventually your going to get a lot more traffic due to other factors like your articles getting syndicated on other sites some that might bring in a lot of traffic. Your articles might rise to the top of the search engines again bring in lots of traffic. You could even have your own sites rise in the search engines and get more traffic from that (from the article back links).
The point is starting out with simply creating a few articles per day and overtime it will lead to massive profits (many people have already done it and so can you).
Plus you could outsource your article writing, spin and submit your articles to other sites, turn your articles into videos, audios and viral reports.
The more content you have out there the more chances you have to make more money, start with a few articles per day, be consistent and move up from there.
Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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