Ultimate List of Linkbait Guides

10 replies
Lyndon Antcliff, a pro linkbaiter put together a library of links to resources on linkbaiting:
Linkbait Articles

For anyone looking to get into linkbaiting this is a good place to start.

If you know any more good resources share them here...
#guides #linkbait #list #ultimate
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Originally Posted by ChrisTew View Post

    Lyndon Antcliff, a pro linkbaiter put together a library of links to resources on linkbaiting:
    Linkbait Articles

    For anyone looking to get into linkbaiting this is a good place to start.
    This is good stuff...

    For those in the audience who do not know what "Linkbait" is, it is the concept that if you build strong content, people will link to it, just because they want to share it with others...

    The best way to build links to your website, according to Google, is through the use of Linkbait...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Munch
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      The best way to build links to your website, according to Google, is through the use of Linkbait...
      I can back Google up here and say that by-far editorial driven links from real websites that have authority makes a massive impact on rankings.

      You put yourself in a position just to post content and have it rank well without the need for additional link building. Takes time though and you need your site and backlinks to age before it truely kicks in.
      I rarely check my PMs here, if you need support, help or have a question please go to our support desk.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Thanks ... I'm always interested in good link bait articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    Originally Posted by ChrisTew View Post

    Lyndon Antcliff, a pro linkbaiter put together a library of links to resources on linkbaiting:
    Linkbait Articles

    For anyone looking to get into linkbaiting this is a good place to start.

    If you know any more good resources share them here...
    The list that you link to is link bait in of itself and proof that it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author lyndoman
    But wait, isn't it wrong to make up stuff just to get links?


    It's interesting when you actually look at the media and what they make up to fill the pages and airtime. Content is expensive so of course journalists make things up. Most people don't mind, but when an SEO does it to get links, shock horror.

    Thanks for the link Chris, although I am sure some are thinking this is probably a scam to job to get a link from the site.

    Chris know his apples too, he is a successful link builder and online marketer, and I don't even get any money for saying that. What a jip.

    Actually Chris is an old student of my linkbait coaching programme and no this is not a sales pitch, it's really expensive and you have to work really hard. And it has one of the worst sales letters ever created. So please, don't even bother thinking about joining. It's not really for the warrior forum crowd.

    Anyway, thanks again for the cool mention Chris and maybe whilst I am here I will have a mooch around.
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by lyndoman View Post

      Actually Chris is an old student of my linkbait coaching programme and no this is not a sales pitch, it's really expensive and you have to work really hard. And it has one of the worst sales letters ever created. So please, don't even bother thinking about joining. It's not really for the warrior forum crowd.
      Not a problem ... I've been a fan of the Master of buzz marketing and linkbait, Dean Hunt for years and have gotten great free information from his blog that has served me very well.
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    • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
      Originally Posted by lyndoman View Post

      But wait, isn't it wrong to make up stuff just to get links?
      Now THAT'S funny.

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  • Profile picture of the author RyanParenti
    Providing quality content is the easiest way to gain authority.

    There are many people out there willing to sell the dream, but the truth is that just giving readers and the search engines what they want is key to building an authority site.

    High quality content naturally presells visitors on your offers. The power of just helping people getting where their going is often overshadowed by the hype of get rich quick.

    The formula for success is results in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arcana Media
    It *is* wrong, imo, to make up stories just to get links... if you're doing it on a website that wants to be considered an authority site for legitimate news.

    For instance that website that posted the fake story about the kid who hired hookers to play videogames with him in a hotel room (using his father's stolen credit card) did generate some heat and controversy for the "legitimate" news site that posted it.

    Usually getting lots of exposure is a good thing - but it depends on why you're getting that exposure.

    If CNN.com posts a headline that states "Asteroid to Strike New York City at Noon Tomorrow", and quotes Stephen Hawking and the White House Press Secretary telling people to GTFO of NYC... it would get reported around the world as fact and there would be a period of panic and anarchy.

    If CNN came out the next day and admitted it was all a joke - not many people would be laughing.

    Some sites can get away with making up news stories (and some are expected to, like The Onion) but it can be a double edged sword for other sites. You can get a lot of press and links by making up something incredible *if you do it well* AND you have history or authority behind your site, but you'll want to consider the risks.

    Another way around this, and something I've done in the past, is to come out with a REALLY good idea for April 1st - or April Fools Day. Pull out all the stops with (digitally) edited photos and/or video, link it to something factual so there's an element of possibility to whatever story you've made up, etc.

    Of course even that can backfire on you if you don't know your audience.
    ie: UFO April Fool's Prank Sparks Panic In Jordan

    My 2 cents.
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