One Plus One Does Not Equal Two ... ITS BIGGER!!

2 replies
Ever heard the saying two heads are better than 1?

I am going to unveil an principle that I have found to be a short cut that some of you will simply dismiss ... its called collaboration.

Let's say you want to build a list in the health niche all you do is find someone who has a similar business model (and yes may even compete at some level) and agree to work with them towards a common mutually beneficial goal that will build each others lists.

You may agree for example to give each other a bonus which can either be added to an autoresponder series of each others download pages in order to achieve this. In fact you could agree a series of joint activities until both of you reach certain milestones.

Try approaching someone and put a proposal to them for contra deals. Agree to match each others activities i.e. send the same amount of emails, provide the same amount of value and so on.

You will find that working together like this does more than double your reward, it increases your firepower by much more. Hence my One plus One not equalling Two headline.

I was trying to think of an illustration and came up with this ...

Imagine a guy trying to lift weights manages to lift 500lbs on his own. If he works with someone else of similar size and strength they will lift more than double the weight 1000lbs ... they may even lift an additional 500lbs and finish up at 1500lbs.

I am sure a fellow warrior reading this may have some science or a case study that backs this up ... or even be able to explain it more succinctly.

Just so you know I do this in a music niche I am in and it works brilliantly.

Need a cup of fine English tea ... speak soon

#bigger #equal
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    It actually called :

    Joint Venture.

    Doing this can increase your income and theirs too.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mangozoom
    Hi Tal

    Agreed JV is the same ... but classically most ppl consider JV to be about getting someone to mail their list with your offer (I appreciate there are different types).

    But this is also about thinking a bit outside the box and joining with others to grow more quickly.

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