Is it Flippa's Responsibility To Stop This Worrying Trend

by Dave d
47 replies
Hi guys I have noticed something very worrying on Flippa lately. There has been a load if the usual studio press auto blog sites but the difference this time round is that the title usually goes something like this " auto pilot auto blog guaranteed adsense income $300 a month."

The description usually goes on to say that its a brand new blog with no traffic and no revenue and they fully expect it to make $300 monthly because of some skewed traffic stats they just contrived.

Personally I think this is nothing more than stealing and outright fraud. As well that the market place will sink lower into the pit that its already sliding into with all these scammers who wont give damn about the effect it will have on the marketplace as they just sharks out for fast buck. It will make flipping harder for the genuine sellers who do have real actual monthly earnings.

It reminds me when these type of sites and scammers sprang up all over ebay many years ago when many people got conned myself included.

But who is responsible for cleaning this up, is it flippa or this FTC crowd that everybody keeps mentioning lately.

I shall not post a link to the most prolific of these seller as I do not want to libel anybody.
#flippa #responsibility #stop #trend #worrying
  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    If they use the word guarantee, they're going to get in trouble. Report the listing to the mods. and let them deal with it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kieks
    I don't really see anything wrong with it, if they are honest in the description. They clearly state it makes no money, so what is the problem?

    They are just getting eyeballs to offers with there titles,

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    • Profile picture of the author Dave d
      Originally Posted by Kieks View Post

      I don't really see anything wrong with it, if they are honest in the description. They clearly state it makes no money, so what is the problem?

      They are just getting eyeballs to offers with there titles,

      You dont see anything wrong are you serious . Some genuine buyer spends $300 or so on a site that is GUARANTEED to make them a monthly income to which the seller knows full it wont make a cent and thats ok is it?

      Would you be ok buying a car that was guaranteed for 3 years and it broke down within the 1st 10 miles with no recourse.. You would be ok with that right.
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      • Profile picture of the author dmadnani
        Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

        You dont see anything wrong are you serious . Some genuine buyer spends $300 or so on a site that is GUARANTEED to make them a monthly income to which the seller knows full it wont make a cent and thats ok is it?

        Would you be ok buying a car that was guaranteed for 3 years and it broke down within the 1st 10 miles with no recourse.. You would be ok with that right.
        Coincidentally enough, I know the exact seller you're referring to. The problem is if the seller continues to receive good feedback and flippa is making money I don't see an end to it anytime soon.
        Check out my latest blog post...

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      • Profile picture of the author Kieks
        Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

        You dont see anything wrong are you serious . Some genuine buyer spends $300 or so on a site that is GUARANTEED to make them a monthly income to which the seller knows full it wont make a cent and thats ok is it?

        Would you be ok buying a car that was guaranteed for 3 years and it broke down within the 1st 10 miles with no recourse.. You would be ok with that right.
        But in the listing it says it makes no money, so its there for all to read. So clearly if they want to buy it then its up to them.

        The only thing misleading is the title, which is cleared up in the listing.

        Like the above member states its just like all the BS wso titles

        I make $x,xxx over night blah blah blah, you say clean up flippa I say clean up here too
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        • Profile picture of the author Dave d
          Originally Posted by Kieks View Post

          But in the listing it says it makes no money, so its there for all to read. So clearly if they want to buy it then its up to them.

          The only thing misleading is the title, which is cleared up in the listing.

          Like the above member states its just like all the BS wso titles

          I make ,xxx over night blah blah blah, you say clean up flippa I say clean up here too
          First of all within the description they also guarantee an amount of money. You must understand they are preying on newbies. You and I know that it will be difficult for a start up to all of sudden start maiking $300 - $500 a month but a newbie will be going on the guarantee and thats flat out cheating and fraud.

          The WSO section is completely different for many many reason including

          There are many reviews on the threads,

          The majority have guarantees that are routinely honoured

          etc etc.

          This is not about WSO's its about flippa and surely flippa can see the damage this is doing or maybe they dont care so long as they are making bank.
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by Kieks View Post

      I don't really see anything wrong with it, if they are honest in the description. They clearly state it makes no money, so what is the problem?

      They are just getting eyeballs to offers with there titles,

      Here's what's wrong with it. The average Flippa buyer is a newbie. Knows very little about buying sites (contrary to what Flippa would lead you to believe). They are not savvy buyers.

      Just like here in the WSO forum ... when they see the blazing headlines, that's all they see.

      They don't think beyond the "Wow ... I can make $4,000 per month with this site" BS. They want to believe so they do believe.

      So they buy ... they don't make a dime. Even if they know how to promote a site, which many of them don't, the site will take massive amounts of work to get it to be a money maker.

      They're pissed and disillusioned and it looks to them like Flippa sellers are a bunch of ripoff artists ... and it's true ... many of them are. Just a bunch of lazy jerks who think (know) they can throw a blog up with a couple of hours of work into it and make a profit.

      They don't think at all about the buyers of the sites. That's not their concern. They don't think at all about flipping as a long term business. They don't need to make their customers happy. There's always more suckers to be found who will buy this crap.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Terry Gorry View Post

        I agree but I don't think selling crap sites/blogs is confined to Flippa..

        There is plenty of crap being sold elsewhere which will never amount to a hill of beans,especially in the hands of a newbie.

        Of course there is, but the OP is about Flippa and Flippa is where a lot of us Flippers do business.

        I've seen newbies buy great sites and reduce them to rubble in a week or two. They've done it to a couple of mine. lol.

        It just makes me angry, mostly because I've heard so many people say Flippa sellers are just a bunch of ripoff artists ... guilt by association. They give all of us a bad reputation.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I have noticed the same thing ... either guaranteed to make blah blah
    or $4000 Month Potential

    It all means exactly the same thing ... yet another startup loser site with ZERO traffic and ZERO revenue.

    I used to buy as many sites on flippa as I sold but I haven't bought a Flippa site in ages ... it is so full of pure crap.

    Flippa clean it up? They don't have any quality TOS and they make a bundle from this garbage.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    The problem with feedback is that it usually goes along the lines of "great looking site easy transfer seller was very helpful". There will be very few people that will actually hold out the 2 months or so it takes the site to earn before leaving feedback, presuming they put the effort into making it earn.

    Again going back to ebay thats why the feedback system is useless because the majority of it is "fast delivery great seller" "looks nice cant wait to use it"
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

      The problem with feedback is that it usually goes along the lines of "great looking site easy transfer seller was very helpful". There will be very few people that will actually hold out the 2 months or so it takes the site to earn before leaving feedback, presuming they put the effort into making it earn.

      Again going back to ebay thats why the feedback system is useless because the majority of it is "fast delivery great seller" "looks nice cant wait to use it"
      If it's a startup and the seller isn't making unreasonable claims or unfounded guarantees, that's all the feedback that is necessary, but you're right. They are pressured by the seller to give feedback as soon as the site is transferred. Then the seller is safe ...
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    There's another problem too with this.

    Now that this seller "guarantees" $300 a month - guess what? All the other sellers of brand new sites are going to feel like they have to make the same claim or no one will buy their sites.

    I used to sell a LOT of brand new sites over there. Supported my family with it and never once claimed that they made any money. I had a lot of happy buyers and actually some of them still email me wanting to know when I am going to list more sites (I haven't sold one over there in over 6 months!)

    Gone Fishing
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave d
      Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

      There's another problem too with this.

      Now that this seller "guarantees" $300 a month - guess what? All the other sellers of brand new sites are going to feel like they have to make the same claim or no one will buy their sites.

      I used to sell a LOT of brand new sites over there. Supported my family with it and never once claimed that they made any money. I had a lot of happy buyers and actually some of them still email me wanting to know when I am going to list more sites (I haven't sold one over there in over 6 months!)

      And there in lies the problem. You work your socks off on a niche site that makes a genuine $200 a month which you are obviously not gonna guarantee. You have yourself a decent site which under normal circumstances should be worth $1000 - $2000. But why should a buyer pay that when they can get one with a guaranteed $300 a month for a fraction of the price. As sbucciarel correctly pointed out numerous times these buyers are raw newbies. This destroys the marketplace.
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  • Profile picture of the author MeghanK
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by MeghanK View Post

      Yes the titles are misleading. And it's wrong.. But I have a but...

      A "newbie" will be damned lucky to get one of those Amazon store sites for the $50 - $300 they are selling for.
      I don't know how familiar you are with Flippa, but I've been involved with Flippa and Sitepoint before it was Flippa for years now.

      There are many buyers that still buy $2 PLR junk minisites and change the title and some words in the sales page and make $100 from the sites. Some of them even claim them as unique and it takes a snoop like me to find the source, and I have found many of this type of site on Flippa. Lucky newbie? Not really. They just paid $100-$120 for a site they could have gotten for $2.

      Naturally, this type of fraud goes a bit beyond the normal "You Will Make $4000 Month Guaranteed" type of fraud ... but fraud is fraud.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    And there in lies the problem. You work your socks off on a niche site that makes a genuine $200 a month which you are obviously not gonna guarantee. You have yourself a decent site which under normal circumstances should be worth $1000 - $2000. But why should a buyer pay that when they can get one with a guaranteed $300 a month for a fraction of the price. As sbucciarel correctly pointed out numerous times these buyers are raw newbies. This destroys the marketplace.
    Oh - I wasn't even thinking of it that way! Of course, that really sucks then. I just don't understand how the person can GUARANTEE that and then still be able to sleep at night. Karma's gonna get 'em sooner or later.
    Gone Fishing
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

      Oh - I wasn't even thinking of it that way! Of course, that really sucks then. I just don't understand how the person can GUARANTEE that and then still be able to sleep at night. Karma's gonna get 'em sooner or later.
      I agree ... Lee and I have both sold many startups on Flippa and never felt compelled to lie about them. They were well put together sites, great design, great content ... a good start for anyone interested in that niche.

      The lying is destructive to the marketplace in general. It makes us all look bad and when people resort to that, they look at the great sites that DO make money and have traffic with a tainted eye.
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

      Oh - I wasn't even thinking of it that way! Of course, that really sucks then. I just don't understand how the person can GUARANTEE that and then still be able to sleep at night. Karma's gonna get 'em sooner or later.

      Lee: You are assuming that this kind of marketer has a soul or a conscience...
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Taylor French
    The trouble is, many former "honest" sellers have grown tired of seeing their unique content (which takes hours and hours to create) get passed over while these autoblog sites and PLR sites that take 5 minutes to put up sell consistently for higher prices than unique stuff.

    I know several people who used to sell exclusively unique, quality blogs and ClickBank sites who now sell exclusively PLR and autoblogs simply because they make far, far more money. Buyers do not appreciate quality sites, anymore. They will not pay for "unique" content these days. I've even seen sites with unique eBooks never even reach $200.
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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      I'm a newbie and it is true that a lot of Flippa sellers are setting up trash sites and making a lot of money and it is sad that those who lie set the standard and those who are honest are made to look like liars.

      Maybe this opens the door for a site to be built that will only showcase the quality sites that out there from quality flippers like sbucciarel, cashcow, etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by Taylor French View Post

      The trouble is, many former "honest" sellers have grown tired of seeing their unique content (which takes hours and hours to create) get passed over while these autoblog sites and PLR sites that take 5 minutes to put up sell consistently for higher prices than unique stuff.

      I know several people who used to sell exclusively unique, quality blogs and ClickBank sites who now sell exclusively PLR and autoblogs simply because they make far, far more money. Buyers do not appreciate quality sites, anymore. They will not pay for "unique" content these days. I've even seen sites with unique eBooks never even reach $200.

      I've been a Flippa seller for several years, have 100% feedback, and a trust rating higher than 95% of all Flippa members.

      About a week ago I listed a brand new site, sales page style, with a 100% unique eBook that I wrote myself.

      Now, OFF Flippa, in the WSO forum, and through my own site, I sell these packages of a site +eBook for $500+, $500 being the WSO range, and up to $1100 on my own site.

      I just listed it to see what would happen, I started it with no reserve, and a $1 bid. The auction ended with 4 bids, and a final price of $200. What a waste of time that was. The buyer got a heck of a deal, that's for sure.

      So I don't know if I'm going to try Flippa again or not....there's no reason to sell something for $200, when I can get over twice that by running it as a WSO, and 4x selling it on my own.

      My only reason to try again, would be to see if the $200 price was a fluke....but from what others are posting here, and from the OPs post, it looks like it may be not be a fluke....
      100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
      + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

        About a week ago I listed a brand new site, sales page style, with a 100% unique eBook that I wrote myself.

        Now, OFF Flippa, in the WSO forum, and through my own site, I sell these packages of a site +eBook for $500+, $500 being the WSO range, and up to $1100 on my own site.

        I just listed it to see what would happen, I started it with no reserve, and a $1 bid. The auction ended with 4 bids, and a final price of $200. What a waste of time that was. The buyer got a heck of a deal, that's for sure.

        So I don't know if I'm going to try Flippa again or not....there's no reason to sell something for $200, when I can get over twice that by running it as a WSO, and 4x selling it on my own.

        My only reason to try again, would be to see if the $200 price was a fluke....but from what others are posting here, and from the OPs post, it looks like it may be not be a fluke....
        A year ago unique ebook/clickbank sites were going for $900 and sold almost immediately. Unique video/clickbank minisites were going for $1200 and sold almost immediately.

        I've also noticed a "cheapo buyer" trend. I've had people pm me and say they'll give me $50 to end the auction right now.

        .... duh ... how big of you. Now go run along to DP please.
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        • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          A year ago unique ebook/clickbank sites were going for $900 and sold almost immediately. Unique video/clickbank minisites were going for $1200 and sold almost immediately.

          I've also noticed a "cheapo buyer" trend. I've had people pm me and say they'll give me $50 to end the auction right now.

          .... duh ... how big of you. Now go run along to DP please.
          Yep, seems the "cheapo buyer" trend is all over the place.

          You would think the market has hit rock bottom, I don't know how anyone can create and sell a website +graphics +ebook, all unique for $200. I really don't think they can. Not unless they are happy with working for $50/$100 a day, and that's BEFORE Flippa and any other fees, and your own costs to build the site.

          The problem is sellers passing off work as unique, when it's not. They haven't put the work into it, so they don't care what it sells for, it only took them 30 minutes to throw it all together, whatever they get is basically all profit.

          As you mentioned, most buyers on Flippa are "newbies", and won't do the research to see if it's really unique, they think they are getting a good deal, when in reality they aren't.
          100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
          + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
            Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

            Yep, seems the "cheapo buyer" trend is all over the place.

            You would think the market has hit rock bottom, I don't know how anyone can create and sell a website +graphics +ebook, all unique for $200. I really don't think they can. Not unless they are happy with working for $50/$100 a day, and that's BEFORE Flippa and any other fees, and your own costs to build the site..
            The economy, combined with newbie buyers plus all the sellers who sell barely rewritten $2 PLR sites all contribute to the problem. It's not hard for me to find that rewritten junk they're selling, but newbies just gobble it up and think they've gotten a real deal.

            You cannot and should not list unique ebook and video sites and settle for $200. Like you said, take out the listing fee, the success fee and any enhancement fees, and you're not making anything for all that work.
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        • Profile picture of the author Taylor French
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          A year ago unique ebook/clickbank sites were going for $900 and sold almost immediately. Unique video/clickbank minisites were going for $1200 and sold almost immediately.

          I've also noticed a "cheapo buyer" trend. I've had people pm me and say they'll give me $50 to end the auction right now.

          .... duh ... how big of you. Now go run along to DP please.

          Aside from those selling established sites with proven traffic and income, it seems like the only people making a decent income on Flippa are the dishonest sellers who are charging $200 for PLR and claiming it to be unique, or claiming guaranteed income. Even established sites are going for ridiculously cheap prices compared to 2 years ago.

          And when buyers see they can get a site for $200, they don't understand why they should pay more for unique. With all of the PLR being listed, buyers are confused. Most of them don't know what PLR is, and so they assume the site with unique content is the same as the site with PLR.

          I think the trouble is the buyers who used to buy unique sites on Flippa are no longer buying sites on Flippa, and the buyers that are left are newbies who really have no clue what unique content is worth, or why they should pay more for it.

          I've also noticed the same disturbing trend of people offering ridiculous prices for sites, or waiting until the end of the auction to send a PM basically mocking the seller because their site didn't sell and offering to "take it off your hands for $50".

          Um. No.

          I don't like losing the (absolutely ludicrous) $19 Flippa listing fee, but I can't just throw my hard work away, either. I usually just tell them I know the value of the site, and I will gladly keep it myself and make 10 times that little $50 they offered and then sell it off with income at a later date for even more.
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  • Profile picture of the author MeghanK
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
      While we're working on Flippa, we should probably get started on Ebay, the ads in most major national newspapers and magazines, TV and radio infomercials ...

      Someone pays to run an ad, they will take the money.

      And in all fairness, would they really have the time to vet each and every offer?

      How well does that work here?

      It's no ones responsibility but the buyer.
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      • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
        Originally Posted by Eric Lorence View Post

        While we're working on Flippa, we should probably get started on Ebay, the ads in most major national newspapers and magazines, TV and radio infomercials ...

        Someone pays to run an ad, they will take the money.

        And in all fairness, would they really have the time to vet each and every offer?

        How well does that work here?

        It's no ones responsibility but the buyer.'s not just "Caveat Emptor" ("buyer beware") - that's why you have watchdogs like the FTC - to protect the public from con-artists.

        If you see scam ads anywhere - notify the FTC - Google Answers: Federal Trade Commission - Truth in Advertising Complaint Mechanism

        The process of filing a such complaint against a competitor with the Federal Trade Commission is a simple one. Basically, all you have to do is to prepare a document in which you explain as clearly and extensively as possible the reason why you believe the FTC should intervene in that particular case.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    The scariest thing I have gathered since starting this thread is the amount of people that think this is ok and its just marketing at its finest. Yikes !!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author jlucado
    Flippa.....seems to me like the name itself implies fast money.
    But for who?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alchemium
    Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

    Hi guys I have noticed something very worrying on Flippa lately. There has been a load if the usual studio press auto blog sites but the difference this time round is that the title usually goes something like this " auto pilot auto blog guaranteed adsense income $300 a month."

    The description usually goes on to say that its a brand new blog with no traffic and no revenue and they fully expect it to make $300 monthly because of some skewed traffic stats they just contrived.

    Personally I think this is nothing more than stealing and outright fraud. As well that the market place will sink lower into the pit that its already sliding into with all these scammers who wont give damn about the effect it will have on the marketplace as they just sharks out for fast buck. It will make flipping harder for the genuine sellers who do have real actual monthly earnings.

    It reminds me when these type of sites and scammers sprang up all over ebay many years ago when many people got conned myself included.

    But who is responsible for cleaning this up, is it flippa or this FTC crowd that everybody keeps mentioning lately.

    I shall not post a link to the most prolific of these seller as I do not want to libel anybody.
    I fully agree with you on this one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gator1
    I agree that flippa should have a responsibility in the postings. I remember when it was sitepoint and I got ripped off once. I reported it to them and they acted like the could care less. They just advised me to get legal counsel and wouldn't even ban the guy who did it. I since have sued the guy in court and won but it took almost 2 years and now I have to hunt him down and try to get payed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Droopy Dawg
    Its not much different than 95% of the WSO's that are sold here. Is there something wrong? Yes I guess... but it will never change. Flippa could raise the flag in their TOS, but if the seller lists stats and revenue its on the buyer to do their due-diligence in researching the offer before they buy.

    Just my $0.02.. I don't buy sites, and I have listed a few, but I didn't promise wealth from it.

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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by Droopy Dawg View Post

      Its not much different than 95% of the WSO's that are sold here. Is there something wrong? Yes I guess... but it will never change. Flippa could raise the flag in their TOS, but if the seller lists stats and revenue its on the buyer to do their due-diligence in researching the offer before they buy.

      Just my $0.02.. I don't buy sites, and I have listed a few, but I didn't promise wealth from it.
      To be honest, there's absolutely nothing that Flippa, or any of the Freelance sites can do with a buyer/seller dispute, except ban the offending party ... and they should do that.

      But when you do business online through a website, you're on your own. You have to do the due diligence before purchasing or get scammed.
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      • I agree with Suzanne 100% on this. Yes, Flippa should ban the bad sellers (and buyers) when they can, but aside from that, buyers are on their own. They need to get educated on what buying and selling websites is all about. There are some of us that are trying to educate people through our blogs and forums like this, but at the end of the day the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the buyers. They need to do their due diligence and educate themselves on the process.


        Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

        To be honest, there's absolutely nothing that Flippa, or any of the Freelance sites can do with a buyer/seller dispute, except ban the offending party ... and they should do that.

        But when you do business online through a website, you're on your own. You have to do the due diligence before purchasing or get scammed.
        TVS Internet Marketing: Helping small businesses get more visibility & sales online.
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        • Profile picture of the author Dave d
          Originally Posted by tvanslooten View Post

          I agree with Suzanne 100% on this. Yes, Flippa should ban the bad sellers (and buyers) when they can, but aside from that, buyers are on their own. They need to get educated on what buying and selling websites is all about. There are some of us that are trying to educate people through our blogs and forums like this, but at the end of the day the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the buyers. They need to do their due diligence and educate themselves on the process.

          Travis everything you said is right. However Im disappointed that flippa will allow auctions that guarantee earnings with no traffic or revenue details.

          Yes a buyer has to have some common sense but flippa should be playing thier part as well. I know there is a warning when making listing regarding income claims but they dont seem to practice what they preach.

          My very first auction was pulled due to a listing violation so I know they check auctions it thier duty to.

          It seems flippa does not realise the huge knock on effect this will have. There will be new flippers watching these scammers making easy money and deciding to join in on the party.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    With these garbage MFA sites you will make zero money. Yeah, I said zero. This is a scam. Hope Flippa stops this now. They keep getting worse. Still miss the old site point, but it is pointless now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aabayommy
    From my point of view, the best practice is to make public comment requesting the seller to provide proof of revenue or PM the seller about it. Couple of people who have bought sites from me have done it. There is no point buying shadow!
    ***I Joined 20 Other Partners In A 60 Days Challenge To Turn $100 Into $2000 With 60 Minutes Work A Day. Click Here To Discover Exactly What I Did, How I Did It And The Shocking Results I Got.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Holmes
    WSO's have to be approved to be listed... I think it's up to Flippa to adopt the same attitude and hire someone to help them do the same.

    Saying that however, the buyers whether they are new to IM or not - need to take responsibility for their own purchases.
    "Live like you'll die tomorrow, Learn like you'll live forever" - M. Ghandi
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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    Are you guys educating the buyers with your own sales copy as to why they are bad and selling false promises and you are good and selling a real business model?

    This problem is not limited to Flippa. Someone mentioned the WSO section as a comparison before. All markets are the same. There are always people out there stretching the truth and under-cutting the competition for quick sales. Get in your customers face and tell them what to avoid or get burnt.

    Most smart buyers want value for money, no matter their budget. Let them know what real value is.

    If the headline is suckering buyers into a scam then write a better headline (without the lies) and give them solid proof about why your site is better than the auto blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
    Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

    Hi guys I have noticed something very worrying on Flippa lately. There has been a load if the usual studio press auto blog sites but the difference this time round is that the title usually goes something like this " auto pilot auto blog guaranteed adsense income $300 a month."

    The description usually goes on to say that its a brand new blog with no traffic and no revenue and they fully expect it to make $300 monthly because of some skewed traffic stats they just contrived.
    I have actually been watching a particular seller quite closely on Flippa who has been doing exactly this tactic.

    The seller was taking PLR blogs that were bought for around $17 or less and selling them for over $500 without changing anything and guaranteeing income of $300 minimum. These were sites with 0 traffic and 0 previous revenue.

    So, the seller wasn't really selling a website...but rather a marketing package or tactic. The marketing package would be revealed only to the winning buyer.

    Whenever I see income guaranteed I get concerned. So I waited and watched closely. You can't say its fraud if the seller actually is sending traffic and getting results. However....

    Just recently, her numerous customers Adsense accounts were banned and so was the sellers Flippa account, but only after these buyers lost...not only their initial investment in the website, but they also got their Adsense accounts banned as well as the traffic tactics being used were obviously against Google Adsense TOS.

    Unfortunately the marketplace just isn't what it used to be. The emphasis used to be on providing unique content...unfortunately, the unique content is simply not valued and the buyers are just not willing to pay for it, obviously to their own detriment.

    There are also many sellers who emphasize the fact that you are not buying a are in fact, only buying a 'website' only. WOW, really...thanks for clarifying that one! How stellar of you - lol.

    As always, buyers must beware, especially in today's economic market.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Fier
    These are the types of sites that really makes Flippa look bad.

    Whenever I sell a site on there, I clearly state all of my income and traffic proof so every viewer can see it. I try to be the more transparent I can so I don't raise any questions.

    If I'm looking to buy a site, those are some of the first things I'm looking for. If they don't look legit or something seems even the slightest fishy, I'm getting far away.
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  • Profile picture of the author Angela Neo
    I was following this seller as well... the "$300 adsense guarantee" listings. When I first saw his/her listings, I was really curious what this person is up to. Now I feel really bad for those buyers who got their adsense account banned.
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  • Profile picture of the author sax.sunny
    I am a Flippa seller myself. Usually, even if my website has a track record of guaranteed income for past 6 months, I mention, Monthly Steady Income. How can one guarantee an Income?

    I think there are two aspects of this issue.

    There are experienced and new buyers. Unfortunately Flippa is having more new buyers, I guess. And those scammers are specifically targeting those new buyers. Now, we could say, it's always buyer's responsibility - but this is okay if the buyers are experienced. Can we expect a child buying an Oil for $150 a barrel (Current rate is $75) and still blame him that, it was his responsibility before buying?

    This is where I feel it's wrong. And I think all sellers should ask Flippa to create their Quality Guidelines to support the business. After all sellers are the ones helping Flippa prosper. Sellers are the actual customers of Flippa. I believe, there must be a Strict Quality Guideline for listing an auction.
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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Here's the problem I think the OP is talking about. There are only a certain amount of buyers w/ a certain amount of money. If the buyer buys a legit site that makes them legit money, then that money goes right back into the system. It only takes one buyer to cycle a lot of money around in flippa.

    However, when people start selling this illegitimate crap, it ends the buyers spending cycle. The buyer buys the site, knowing that whatever he makes will go back into buying another site. So when the site doesn't make money, the buying ends.

    We can only hope that buyers are savvy enough to eventually see through this crap. Or that flippa is smart enough to regulate the bad element out of the system.
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  • Profile picture of the author DannyBatelic
    I disagree! The market flooded with these "garbage" auto sites can actually help those making REAL sites.

    It's not that hard to show that your site is the real deal, provided it is.

    We're all too quick to "blame" flippa for the worlds troubles.

    Ostensibly, flippa is simply a market place. Just like the local Chruch, Council etc who offer their grounds for a fee for people to setup flea markets, flippa is a place to "trade" websites.

    Other than making the market place safe from "unethical" sites, fliipa is not responsible for what is sold and for how much.

    Selling websites on flippa is the classic example of "if something sounds too good to be true, it is" The fact that people think that a site registered and made yesterday, will earn them $1,000 a week without doing a thing, is in my opinion not flippa's responsibility.

    It's sad though that people believe in and others still sell snake oil.
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