should i give away my product to war room members for testimonials?

4 replies
my products need testimonials. shall i give away free to war room member to ask for feedback?
but our product is language seminar, not about marketing. i wonder if it is still ok?
#give #members #product #room #testimonials #war
  • Profile picture of the author funlearnchinese
    it will be zipped mp3 files about Chinese language seminars for kids.
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    • Profile picture of the author skatir
      if it isn't about internet marketing then it will not be approved.
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      • Profile picture of the author KenJ

        Start selling it and get REAL testimonials from customers who think your product is good.

        This is true for IM and non IM products. IMHO

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by funlearnchinese View Post

    shall i give away free to war room member to ask for feedback?
    I think soliciting testimonials is against the forum's rules, anyway.

    (There's also the different question of whether your future customers have the right to expect that the testimonials they read are unincentivized ones, isn't there? How would you feel if you bought a product on the strength of the testimonials, didn't like it, and then found out later that all the testimonials had been incentivized? I imagine you might not be too pleased about it, perhaps? Might you even feel that the vendor had been a little on the dishonest side?)
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