eyePlorer.com - A Graphical Knowledge Search Engine

2 replies
This site is pretty cool.

You give the search a topic and it visually graphs related keywords.
You can explore the relationship between the keywords.

It will then show you websites based on the relationships.

I think this site would be great for research or even getting ideas for keywords related to your main keyword.

#engine #eyeplorercom #graphical #knowledge #search
  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    Wow - this is cool! I can see myself playing around with this a lot. It was a little slow but so what. They will probably keep improving as it gets popular. Thanks for sharing - I had never heard of this site.
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  • Profile picture of the author nixnash
    looks like promoting amazon products to me...but its good.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2573869].message }}

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