What tools/resources are affiliates looking for to promote an eBook?

6 replies

I have just finished writing 2 eBooks and I want to sell them via affiliates.

What are the main tools/resources that affiliates are looking for when deciding whether to promote a product?


#affiliates #ebook #promote #tools
  • Profile picture of the author ragnartm
    Banners, emails, Covers, "Reccomended" boxes with the ecover and some text to put on pages like confirmation and thank you pages.


    Quality over quantity. Hire me to write highly shareable, user focused blog posts or articles.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Guilfoyle
    First and most important, a good quality, value for money product.

    How about a brandable leaked chapter, articles, autoresponder content.

    The more tools you can give the affililiate the easier it is to promote you.
    Try to avoid a conspicuous sales page link promoting your affiliate program.

    This will put off potential serious affiliates as they will worry about losing their commissions.
    Hope this helps,

    Easiest, fastest way I know, and working for countless others to create an online income.
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  • Profile picture of the author Leanne King
    The first thing that I would look at is to make sure that you have a good sales letter. People often choose whether to promote on how good the sales copy is which is fair enough. Once they are willing to promote then a selection of banners (in all different sizes to suit different sites), as well as some text links, autoresponder messages etc.

    I agree that an extra for the affiliate is always good - depending on the product a q and a call, or an extra video are always enticing. The other thing that I think would be useful is an outline or something similar of the product which would help the affiliate compose their emails (if they have not bought the product).

    Hope that helps and good luck with your product.

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    • Profile picture of the author Johnson Tay

      Reveal to affiliates the conversion rate of your sales letter, period.
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  • Profile picture of the author markjuk
    Thanks Johnson, but as I stated in my thread post I have only just completed the eBooks and haven't started selling them yet.

    I have paid a Warrior to compose a sales letter for me. I wanted to start right from the outset by offering it to affiliates as well as selling it directly myself.

    So, at this stage I don't have a conversion rate.
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