Does Anybody Know Where the Google Wonder Wheel Went?

12 replies

I can no longer find the Google Wonder Wheel.

Can you?

Does anyone have any information on whether or not it is gone for good?

What of the wonder wheel scrapers now?

#google #wheel
  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Perhaps an eye test is in order Charles, the Wonder Wheel is still there!

    On the left side of the search results page click the "More Search Tools" - and there's the Wonder Wheel under the "Standard View" heading.

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  • Originally Posted by Charles Harper View Post


    I can no longer find the Google Wonder Wheel.

    Can you?

    Does anyone have any information on whether or not it is gone for good?

    What of the wonder wheel scrapers now?


    Don't panic, the Wonder Wheel is still there.

    Go to Google and do a search query (on anything you want), then go to the far left where the Google options are, then select the arrow down button that says More search tools, then scroll down to:

    So, Wonder no more!

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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      If you can't see it, go to and turn Instant off. I tried just turning it off on the search page but my Wonder Wheel was still gone. Someone on another forum (E1KaD) posted the fix which was to go to the preferences. Then everything is back to the way it was before Instant.

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      • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
        Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

        If you can't see it, go to and turn Instant off. I tried just turning it off on the search page but my Wonder Wheel was still gone. Someone on another forum (E1KaD) posted the fix which was to go to the preferences. Then everything is back to the way it was before Instant.

        I read that on a blog post as well. Odd thing is that I have Google Instant enabled and my Wonder Wheel is still visible. Tried it on a few browsers and computers, on some i was logged in to Google and on some I wasn't. Wonder Wheels everywhere!

        But obviously it works for some people, so it may be the problem Charles is experiencing.

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        • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
          Originally Posted by mywebwork View Post

          I read that on a blog post as well. Odd thing is that I have Google Instant enabled and my Wonder Wheel is still visible. Tried it on a few browsers and computers, on some i was logged in to Google and on some I wasn't. Wonder Wheels everywhere!

          But obviously it works for some people, so it may be the problem Charles is experiencing.

          That is strange. Who knows with Google? LOL.

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      • Profile picture of the author TristanPerry
        Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

        If you can't see it, go to and turn Instant off. I tried just turning it off on the search page but my Wonder Wheel was still gone. Someone on another forum (E1KaD) posted the fix which was to go to the preferences. Then everything is back to the way it was before Instant.

        Thanks, this fixed it for me too (in Google UK DC) I'd 'lost' it too, although disabling Instant allowed me to see and use it again.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
    I checked out because I have another google question. The preferences page did not answer my question, so I'm asking it here...

    How can I get my google searches to be "unbiased." By that I mean, when I use google to do a search, it seems to "factor in" such things as:

    Other recent searches I've done

    My location, geographically

    Maybe other factors that pertain to me + my computer, but nothing to do with my particular search term, when google does this (it's trying to be "helpful" I'm sure), it also has the effect of making it impossible for me to see the search results as SOMEONE ELSE might be seeing them. And sometime I DO want to see what someone else might see, if THEY were to do a similar search.

    Is there any way to "turn off" google's "helpfulness" when it comes to having those other factors mixed into all my searches? It sure would be useful sometimes!

    Please advise. Thanks!

    -- TW
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  • Profile picture of the author David
    I read somewhere that Google rolls out changes in different markets to test stuff, to see if the users like it or if it alters what ever it was they were attempting to alter.

    So... some of us might see a wonder wheel and for others it may really be gone

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    • Profile picture of the author Peter May
      Either turn the new "google instant off" or just sign out of your Google account and it reappears.

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  • Profile picture of the author seotrafficcrew
    if you use Google Chrome too, I've been told the wonder wheel is still there.
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    Your thread title scared me for a sec but yes, it's still there thank goodness.
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