Two Different Schools Of Thinking

by 12 replies
Hey everyone,

Apparently there are two different schools of thinking when it comes to building a list. One is you drive targeted traffic to your website (whether a squeeze page or your home page with an opt-in), get the prospect to opt-in and send them either to a confirmation page (if double opt-in) or to a thank you page where they can click on the download link for the free incentive.

The other school of thought is to drive traffic to your website, get the prospect to opt-in AND THEN send them to a SALESLETTER to buy your product, upsell or cross sell when they go to buy, then send them to a thank you page instructing them how to get their product.

In my opinion, I think it would be better to get people on your list FIRST, then offer them good, valuable content for a bit before hitting them with a major product offer. That way you are building rapport and trust. Then when the subscriber is given a product offer, they will be more inclined to purchase. What's your take on this?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #schools #thinking
  • I agree wholeheartedly.

    If the sales-page came before the Optin, everyone who wasn't ready to pay right away can't even get onto your list.

    The idea behind having a list is to gain trust and keep in contact with your subscribers so you can send them to many sales pages.

  • "In my opinion, I think it would be better to get people on your list FIRST, then offer them good, valuable content for a bit before hitting them with a major product offer. That way you are building rapport and trust. Then when the subscriber is given a product offer, they will be more inclined to purchase. What's your take on this?"

    i agree wholeheartedly, the keyword is TRUST and it allows you to build relationships and ultimately you'd want the ones who arent interested to unsubscribe this way you dont have a large list of subscribers who will not buy. no one wants a non responsive list
  • I know there are a lot of people who try to sell someone a product right after they opt-in to the list, but I would think that most people wouldn't buy right away because they don't know or trust the person. Although if you are well known in your niche, it might work out well to have someone opt-in and then hit them up with a sales letter. The key to that is being "well known" in your niche though.
  • there are 3 types of subscribers (just like women)

    Those that buy right away and get bored if you dont offer them anyting up front (this is the girl that dumps you after 2 dates becuase you havent tried to touch her yet)

    Those that say whoah slow down stud we have to get to know each other first (this is the girl that dumps you after 2 dates becuase you did try to touch her)

    And there are the ones who never buy they just want to have the good stuff without ever having to pay the piper (this is the girl you dump because even after 5 dates she still hasnt put out)

    You have to make sure your process caters for them all

    Ducks for incoming
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [3] replies
    • LOL! That's pretty funny! Although it's very true! Good analogies.
    • lmao who says internet marketing is boring?

    • Why would you cater to someone that just wanted to use you?

      I say cater to the first two... screw (figuratively, obviously) the third.
  • correct because then you could start to come off as a "pushy salesman" as in "the only reason he/she wanted me to opt in was to send me spam" would be one of the reactions you may receive
  • That's what I usually do. It's the game I'm most at home with, but
    I won't tell you that other approaches (churn and burn) don't
    work, because they clearly do for some marketers.
    • [1] reply
    • Well again, I think if you are well known in your niche, other approaches might work just fine, but most of the time I think it would cause you to lose sales. I think it's very important to build rapport and build a relationship before you start selling products.
  • I don't think there is anything wrong with offering a genuine one-time offer after the user has signed up for your giveaway, as long as it is easy to receive the free product they asked for.

    You can set the tone for your entire mailing list with the way you approach it. Make it come across as a 'thank you' for signing up and you should be cool bananas.

    You can still capture the people who didn't buy down the track after you have built up the trust. Just make sure you don't contradict your one-time offer.

    If you are worried about being too pushy then just relax the copy on your one-time offer.
  • I think there are too many variables to say one method is better than another. What works best for one product / market / demographic etc., won't necessarily be the best option for another.

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  • 14

    Hey everyone, Apparently there are two different schools of thinking when it comes to building a list. One is you drive targeted traffic to your website (whether a squeeze page or your home page with an opt-in), get the prospect to opt-in and send them either to a confirmation page (if double opt-in) or to a thank you page where they can click on the download link for the free incentive.