WHO'S emails do you ALWAYS open and why?

74 replies
Feel free to post their optin link (if mod is ok with that).

Id like to use this opportunity to observe some great list builders at work.

So, WHO'S emails do you ALWAYS open and why? What makes their emails stand out from the crowd?

And if you are building a list, I would like your opinion too...

What are some hard lessons learned that you WISH you knew back when, that you know now, which has increased your roi from your list?

Thanks warriors. I look forward to your feedback!
#emails #open
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
    John Reese and Frank Kern are some,

    because......I can see and stydy the style of their email writing, and the copywriting in the emails.

    If you study emails you can actually see some clever hidden copywriting that goes past some readers eyes.

    Studying these emails can teach you how to structure your own emails.

    Not to forget Jeff Walker!

    I also open my own, just to 'quality check' that it reads fine and everything is going fine, and to plan
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  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    Mr. Paypal, Mrs. Ejunkie and Ms. Clickbank of course. For obvious reasons!

    Free Training for SEO Providers in the United States - https://happyseoclients.com/happy-seo-clients-training/

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    • Profile picture of the author Richnana
      Amen to that one. Payment notifications, of course

      also George Pluss, Cindy Battye(?) free niche that she gives away monthly.
      the nicheaday guy Scott Stan???
      Stuart Stirling great info on instant cash products

      I know I am butchering these guys names but you get the picture. These individuals are giving me something... most of the time. They provide excellent products also.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vincenzo Oliva
    Let's see, I just looked at my gmail, 4 pages of unopened emails (from just last 2 days) from every marketer under the blue sky. Probably the only ones I would open are, Ryan Deiss, Keith Baxter, and Jeff Johnson's.
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    • Originally Posted by Vincenzo Oliva View Post

      Let's see, I just looked at my gmail, 4 pages of unopened emails (from just last 2 days) from every marketer under the blue sky. Probably the only ones I would open are, Ryan Deiss, Keith Baxter, and Jeff Johnson's.

      Why theirs and no one elses?

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    • Profile picture of the author IndigoJack
      Originally Posted by Vincenzo Oliva View Post

      Let's see, I just looked at my gmail, 4 pages of unopened emails (from just last 2 days) from every marketer under the blue sky. Probably the only ones I would open are, Ryan Deiss, Keith Baxter, and Jeff Johnson's.

      I unsubcribed from Ryan Deiss because he was sending out too many emails in a short space of time.

      So I was interested enough to subscribe but then the bombardment put me off.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chad Heffelfinger
    I am on all the usual IM'rs lists, but would have to say Frank Kern's are the ones I open more than any other. When I get 10-20 emails all promoting the same big launch I will open Franks or maybe Jason Moffat's because they stand out and don't send out the typical canned emails. They take a different approach and put a different spin on things to make it more interesting and stand out.

    I like to open thiers if for no other reason than to learn from and see what they can come up with just to be different yet affective. I guess it shows that being real and just being "You" can have a big impact on standing out from the crowd.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikebrooks
      I opt into anyone's and everyone's list. I have a special email account just for internet marketing emails. I look at it each day once or twice. I scan the list and read the emails who's subject lines catch my attention and draw my interest.

      Mike Brooks
      Affiliate/JV Manager for Job Crusher

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  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    My Mum
    Josh Todd
    Adam Short
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    • Profile picture of the author KevL
      Originally Posted by bravo75 View Post

      My Mum
      Josh Todd
      Adam Short
      My mum


      My reply :

      Mike Filsaime
      Bravo75's mum....... (sorry, couldn't resist)
      looooooads more - but I tend to scan them for research purposes rather than read them.


      SEO Kev
      Small business SEO / Web Marketing Tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Ed Dale, Lynn Terry, Ryan Moran, Tim Gorman, Travis Sago

    Ed Dale because most of the time it has a point and some entertainment value.

    Lynn Terry because she always has a point.

    Ryan Moran because I enjoy his style and stories.

    Tim Gorman because he never sends me garbage, only the most solid content under the sun.

    Travis Sago because he's a good old boy from Arkansas, a good sense of humor, and solid information in most emails.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    My own Aweber test emails.

    Tony Shepherd's a favorite. Great guy to learn from re: sales funnel creation and simple systems with lots of scalability.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      My own Aweber test emails.
      Thank god.

      I thought I am the only weirdo in here

      “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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    • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      My own Aweber test emails.
      You actually test them? Maybe I aught to subscribe to yours.

      ans: Tiffany Dow. Mostly they are full of useful information or they point to one of her blog articles because of a special interest or content. Occasionally she sends links to one of her special sales, but rarely, if ever, does she send affiliate links. She NEVER Sends an affiliate link to a product or person she does not have first hand experience with.

      I have no time for those who just send affiliate links every day. I tolerate those who mostly promote their own products, But when there is something informative in most of the emails and each has an affiliate or product link, that is ok, too, even if they include some affilite only emails.

      I also open all of Chris Farrell's email. He uses a relationship model.

      My preference is this. Take time to build a relationship. Offer useful, valuable information for while. Then share your product or the affiliate product YOU USE.

      If you can compile all your emails over the previous 6 weeks to 3 months and put together a book worth buying, then you are on the right track.


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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
    Farewell (though he doesn't seem to mail his list anymore)

    Those are the main ones...I may have forgotten a couple.

    One reason I like emails from the guys listed above is because they are such great reads and so well worded.

    Reading their emails usually puts me in a buying mood, even if they're not selling anything, at least not directly.

    You can learn a ton just by following their emails and seeing how they progress from one thing to the next, how they sell stuff, how they build goodwill, and all that.
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
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  • Profile picture of the author MilesT
    Chris Rempell and Chris Haddad. oh, and Chris Kringle. Something about the name Chris. Hm.
    Internet Marketing's Top Daily News (Updated today)
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    • Profile picture of the author Lance K
      Always open...
      Jimmy D. Brown
      Jim Edwards

      Paul Myers
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
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      • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
        I always open emails telling me how much I've earned or offering me money for my services. I also always open invoice emails or update emails from services that I use or updates on software.

        I don't always open anybody elses emails and especially product launches because I've become too jaded with them. The marketer who gets the highest open rate from me is Ed Dale, otherwise I only open them if the subject line is related to something that I'm particularly taking an interest in at the time and even then they only get opened if I have some spare time.

        However, there are a couple of Warrior members whose lists I might be more interested in joining and opening in because I find their posts on here entertaining and informative.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    When it comes to marketing in the online medium, I only always open e-mail from FOUR people:

    Ben Settle and Sean D'Souza are two of them. The other two I'm not going to name because they are incredibly brilliant and their e-mails are PURE GOLD. I don't see their names mentioned in this thread, which is good for (selfish) me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ldimilo
    Paul Myers. I open Kern's stuff on occasion but other than that I am pretty much done with blatant "offers" emails. It's not a matter of right or wrong though. It is more a matter of time equity....and reading emails and watching videos tied to offers is pretty low on my "to do" list these days.

    Paul Myers does a good job on his newsletter because it feels like they are carefully put together.
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke McCormack
    Chris Freville - Always puts his list first and does not jump on the swipe emails of affiliate offers doing the rounds.

    Matt Carter - Good information emails linking to his videos and blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarteJ
    Frank Kern - because he is pure magic when it comes to IM
    John Reese - Because I like him and his content
    Jeff Johnson - Because he offers great free content (but he sends out email all too often)
    Jeff Walker - sometimes, because he is good
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  • Profile picture of the author lukemeister
    I'm not on any lists in which I open every email, it usually takes one hell of a subject line to get me to open marketing emails anymore, too desensitized I think

    However, I do always open all emails from all my clients

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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    I open a lot of emails. I hardly ever click. I'm simply interested in tracking what's happening across the bizop market.

    The ones that I find have the most raw informational value are:

    Clayton Makepeace
    Perry Marshall
    Robert Middleton
    Michel Fortin
    Paul Myers
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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    I open everything.. Which ones do I read? Possibly, none....

    I don't really have any good lists I'm on right now... Oh Maybe Maddi Murtaza, Dani Schaeffer, and my own TEST MAIL.


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    In the beginning I accepted almost EVERYONE as a customer. Lesson learned? I DON'T WANT just anyone and everyone as a customer.

    Another lesson. The guys who spend the least or want the most FREE from you, are the ones who will eat your lunch.

    The higher cost customers gave/give the least amount of problems.

    The LIFETIME value of a customer is equal to or greater than the largest sums of money you could extract with a one time "launch".

    And having LIFETIME Value customers gives you better referrals. As you know, I prefer a smaller, almost "private" list of satisfied customers who will spend years with me...over the thousands of names on a list which, for the most part, are simply to be exploited (an opinion).

    So, list building advice...be choosy about your customers and do some sort of screening and go for the higher quality customer.

    Or not.


    Originally Posted by TheSalesTechnician View Post

    What are some hard lessons learned that you WISH you knew back when, that you know now, which has increased your roi from your list?
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  • Profile picture of the author Pedroskovic
    I used to be on everyone's list, then about 3 month ago I just cut the lot and got on with running my business. Much happier now and I no longer worry that I might miss the next amazing product that will make me a millionaire. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidSaaf
    Frank Kern,
    Jeff Walker,
    Mike Filsaime
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  • Profile picture of the author dremora
    The only marketers whose emails I always read and read 100% are Maddi Murtaza and Imran Naseem. The other one whose emails I mostly open is Erica Douglass from erica.biz. I skip and delete the salesy emails except for Imran and Maddi's. As for Imran and Maddi, I look out for their next product announcement, so I'm looking forward to their salesy emails! Sorry other marketers, I am not interested in guru products, I am not interested in the stuff you promote as an affiliate and I am certainly not interested in $2000/pop coaching sessions (I have a free coach at home who teaches me million dolar stuff... why pay for it when I get it 100% free?)

    Anyways Imran's products are 100% solid gold (or should I sya platinum, it's mroe expensive than gold!) and the stuff he shares helped me a great deal in my offline biz so I will buy whatever he sells. Not only I read Imran, Maddi and Erica's emails but I closely follow their blogs too and comment in them when I have the time.

    The other person whose emails I always read is Steve Pavlina, but he mostly gives valuable info than selling stuff, since it' a personal development newsletter, and sinec I'm interested in getting into this niche, it's really helpful.

    I read the emails from Frank Kern, Jeff Walker, Fabian Tan etc to learn launch tactics and email copywriting. They repeat themselves too much so I read about a quarter of their emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author teamincome
    The only marketer whose emails I always open is James Jones. Not only does he have the best keyword tool ever but he puts on the best webinars too. Yes they are sales webinars but normally very good products and also they are a ton of fun. Get there 30 mins b4 they start, its a blast
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Jimmy D. Brown
    Paul Myers

    Because they are consistently good.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Justin.Zimmerman
    Justin Brooke from SiteFling.com
    He always has some piece of great content in his emails.
    I usually feel like I owe him money after reading. I have
    learned a lot from him.
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    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      "Re: WHO'S emails do you ALWAYS open and why?"

      You know, that's a good question. I'd have to say my answer has kind of evolved over the last year or so.

      As of now, I always generally open emails from:

      Frank Kern
      Trey Smith
      Bob Serling
      Clayton Makepeace
      Jeff Walker
      Jeff Johnson
      John Reese
      Matt Carter

      ...And that's pretty much it, as far as people I care about reading from.

      The second answer I'd give to this is that I subscribe to almost any list I can get on, mainly to get content for my swipe file. Although I only generally care about reading the emails from the people listed above, I'm on more than numerous lists, and I open the ones that have compelling copy for headlines.

      Then, I open the email and see how it goes. If the copy is consistent and makes me want to click through, first of all I DON'T, but instead I analysis what made me want to click through and add that to the swipe file.

      Works for me

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  • Profile picture of the author Cardsearch
    Travis Sago
    Tiffany Dow

    Both have emails full of great info

    Spend your vacation in a log cabin in Maine!

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  • Profile picture of the author Gary King
    Nearly all of them.

    I study them.

    What's good about them.

    What's bad about them.

    Heck, I even open spam that sneaks through my filters... now THERE'S marketing for ya.

    OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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    • Not very many emails from internet marketers that provide any real value or substance. But these are people that actually do in my opinion.

      Jason Fladlien
      Clayton Makepeace
      Marlon Sanders
      Tony Shepard
      Frank Kern
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    • Originally Posted by Gary King View Post

      Nearly all of them.

      I study them.

      What's good about them.

      What's bad about them.

      Heck, I even open spam that sneaks through my filters... now THERE'S marketing for ya.
      Good advice Gary, I have an email address setup which is opted in to about 200 different newsletters, lists, etc. It's very enlightening to see who are making the same offers, who are swapping lists, who are using pre-fab content and who are actually doing something unique and actually "marketing" in a smart way to their lists instead of flogging them with junk. It's also quite amusing to see some well known internet marketer's emails with the classic {name}....{use this keyword} gibberish in emails.
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      • Profile picture of the author Gary King
        Originally Posted by internetmarketer999 View Post

        Good advice Gary, I have an email address setup which is opted in to about 200 different newsletters, lists, etc. It's very enlightening to see who are making the same offers, who are swapping lists, who are using pre-fab content and who are actually doing something unique and actually "marketing" in a smart way to their lists instead of flogging them with junk. It's also quite amusing to see some well known internet marketer's emails with the classic {name}....{use this keyword} gibberish in emails.
        Thanks Jeff - I do pretty much the same thing.

        I do pop off and on some lists, but squirrel most of these messages away. Then when I'm looking for fresh meat, I'll scan them, see what trips my "buy" triggers and roll my own.

        My favorite part is to see those that were too lazy to even customize the pre-built emails in the affiliate center. You know, the ones that say how they are really old friends with the seller and you just know they've never met.

        Still a great learning tool though!

        OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
        I have one email that I used to sign up to most email lists. If the content is great, I move them to another email that is my "need to read" email. With those, they may not get read as they come in, if I'm busy, but I save them until I can catch up.

        I just scanned my inbox so I wouldn't leave anyone out:

        Don and Jeremy
        SMS Warrior
        John Rhodes
        John Ritz
        Tiffany Dow
        Veit Schenk
        Marcia Yudkin
        Dennis Becker
        Eric Louviere
        Kevin Riley
        Brian McLeod
        Michael Fortin
        John Schwartz
        Randy Smith
        Dennis Gaskill
        Paul Myers
        Martin Avis

        These guys all have worthwhile emails with good content almost every time. It's rare with any that they send just a promo and they all know their stuff and walk the walk.


        P.S. The last three put out some fantastic newsletters and I print many of these and keep them in a binder next to my desk.
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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    Perry Marshall
    Glenn Livingston sometimes

    Both segment their lists. I sometimes buy something just to see what other emails I get because of that purchase. Fan of the Maze, want to 'get' it.

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  • Profile picture of the author good2go4
    I am on heaps of lists and so usually only open things that have a catcy subject line, but the five IMers emails I always open are

    Jimmy Browns
    Tiffany Dows
    Jason Fladlien
    Justin Brookes
    Paul Myers

    They all provide really good information in their emails and not a lot of promo stuff - I particularly like Tiffany's just because she is human and seems really great. I have boight a lot of Jimmy Brown's and Jason Fladlien's stuff so I am always on the look out for more and Justin and Pauls are recent signups but they seem to know their stuff.

    Now back to work for me, lol
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  • Profile picture of the author TelZilla
    I've unsubscribed from every list I was on. I got sick of the endless stream of launch emails. If I'm curious about a launch, I'll find out what I need to know here or on one of the few other forums I'm a member of.

    Basically when it comes down to it, building my business is more important to me than building someone else's business. My money is better spent investing in my own business.
    Don't get so wrapped up in making money that you forget the important things in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author nakmuay7
    Never have never will.

    we all need to have some respect for our fellow man!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author SmallFry
    Travis Sago...not only do I open them, I actually look forward to them.Why?Because he gives very good info, & he's funny.He makes his emails fun, gotta love that!
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Definitely from my ISP, must read, especially when it refers to your account
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    • Profile picture of the author Vogin
      1. my working partner
      2. Ed Dale from The Challenge

      That's about it, no one has ever kept my full attention (ok, except Michael Gunn, but that was just one-time ride).

      ppcsluzby.cz/en - PPC agency

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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Ruffoni
        Originally Posted by Vogin View Post

        1. my working partner
        2. Ed Dale from The Challenge

        That's about it, no one has ever kept my full attention (ok, except Michael Gunn, but that was just one-time ride).
        I forgot Ed Dale, but I also open his emails. Great stuff for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author Law
    Mainly from people I know or have paid for subscription. The rest goes to trash.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    I only open emails of warriors I have grown to appreciate over many posts and try get on their lists.

    But most of these people do not send a whole bunch of Mail and when they do it is quality.
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    • Profile picture of the author plifter
      I only open when there is an important webinar or an advertising method that helps me build my business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Ruffoni
    Originally Posted by TheSalesTechnician View Post

    Feel free to post their optin link (if mod is ok with that).

    Id like to use this opportunity to observe some great list builders at work.

    So, WHO'S emails do you ALWAYS open and why? What makes their emails stand out from the crowd?

    And if you are building a list, I would like your opinion too...

    What are some hard lessons learned that you WISH you knew back when, that you know now, which has increased your roi from your list?

    Thanks warriors. I look forward to your feedback!
    Matt Carter - He always gives free information and videos. Learned a lot from him.

    Mark Ling - Same as Matt Carter.

    Chris Farrell - Same as above.

    These 3 guys are among the best in the industry and give out so much free information to help you build your business.

    I pretty much delete everybody else.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
    Chris Guillebeau, Paul Myers, and some blog subscriptions. That's all I have time to read.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    I read;

    Paul Myers
    Don and Jeremy
    Martin Avis
    Kevin Riley
    Caleb Spilchen


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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    There's no one who's e-mails I always open, without exception.

    I generally open Kern's mails because I love his marketing style and there's usually a lot of entertainment value in his messages.

    I also open most of Jason Fladlien's mails because his stuff is usually valuable (whether it's free or something he's promoting).

    There are a few more that I pay above-average attention to, but I also gotta say that I don't check my "guru-inbox" very often anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    Adam Horwitz(a 19-year-old Internet Marketer) because he is so intelligent and always he has something nice to say

    Dave Guindon - one of the best in my opinion, Internet Marketeers.He always offer terrific bonuses when you buy affiliate products through his link, he knows what he is doing,very smart,offers a lot of free video series.

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  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Seems like I'm opening less and less these days, but maybe I'm just on too many lists. The ones I do open are:

    Jay Abraham
    Perry Marshall
    Frank Kern (not as good as a few years back though)
    David Frey
    Andy Black
    Jon Leger
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  • Profile picture of the author Jusiam
    I Open James jones from MNF and Ewen Chia's emails as they are the only one I am subscribed to at the moment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Koolestnerd
    I alwasys look out for Chad Kimball and Colleen slater.Because these two are the ones who DO NOT teach us marketing by making us their customer and making us an example for us

    Also i open emails from the software support.............imean support related to softwares ive bought and thier update info
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  • Profile picture of the author John Pawlett
    I always open the ETR (Early to Rise) emails, probably the biggest player in the IM (direct Marketing) niche.

    They are part of Agora marketing, there is so much you can learn from these guys.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sam1985
    I always opens my Orkut, facebook and gmail ids...........
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  • Profile picture of the author Shana_Adam
    A lot of spam emails so I can mark them as junk, and old emails from years ago so I can unsubscribe!

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  • Profile picture of the author iSoftware
    Jimmy D Brown
    Charlie Page
    Terry Dean
    Perry Marshall

    ...pretty much anyone who talks about building long term business and not the latest greatest traffic generation strategy or hot fad offer..

    Funny how those "ole school" guys seem to stand the test of time..
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffhard
    Hydra Network
    Imran Naseem
    WSO Alerts
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    • Profile picture of the author mrbawb
      Frank Kern
      Travis Sago
      PotPie Girl Jennifer
      James Martell


      ...I trust them, enjoy what they have to say and the way they say it.

      I feel comfortable with them.

      They're fun.
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    It changes for me over time....at one time, I would always open Mike Filsaime as I was a customer. The more I learn, I never open anything from him due to how he treats his list and the phone calls, ect...

    I always open Jeff Walker, Frank Kern, Jason Moffat, sometimes Glenn Dietzel and a few others including Eben.

    My goal is to learn what the real successful IM's are doing, not just to buy everything they are ALL hocking at the moment.

    One last thing, I will click a link and watch a video long before I will read a 30 second email.

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    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      Honestly, no ones.

      The only lists I'm on are the ones I get automatically added to after I buy a product and I usually end up unsubscribing at some point, anyway.

      The day I unsubscribed from all of those lists that I was on was the day I started to get productive and started making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author fullmatrix
    I opened many emails daily, but emails that I ALWAYS open and read are from:

    1. Geoff Shaw - A simple and straight to the point marketer, minimum fluff!
    2. Brad from WP Bl4ck h*t - He's never sent email about offers other than his own releases from his forum, and his guides are freakin awesome!!
    3. Eric Louviere - I like his style and looks like he likes me too
    4. Tiffany Dow and Kate Anderson for their great PLR offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author great2bme
    Ryan Deiss (regarding his own products ONLY)
    Daniel Tan (innovative)
    Matt Carter (seems like everybody steals his material, so I go to the source)

    Dropped all the others as many of them have become affiliate whores, willing to peddle some new product without even looking at it. (e.g. Matt Bacak, Mike Filsaime, James Rogers, Dave Guindon, George Brown, et cetera)

    Go Fun Rewards lifestyle dollar customers at: Go Fun Places customers at http://RewardsControl.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author manishrawat
    for me it is always my acquaintance, for my personal mails. And if I am checking my marketing ID I make sure to discard all the spams, but still there comes few mails which catch my attention with their subject line and content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gregster
    I don't know if you are still looking for responses, but I am replying because I would also like to know:
    Who are Don and Jeremy?

    I have been on a number of lists, some of which are mentioned here. There are a few I will get onto, in time, when I have the time - and need.

    For the best for me so far, are:
    Andrew Hansen - knowledgeable, helpful, and is not all about selling a product, or always strictly IM. GREAT value
    Matt Carter - straightshooter with good info
    John Ritz - ditto
    Pot Pie Girl - has good products and gives value. maybe sending a few too many promotional emails.

    Dave Guindon, Andrew Cavanagh, Andy Srinarayan and Rich Shefren also good, but I no longer subscribe as I have enough right now.

    I agree with what was said about Dave Guindon
    Dave Guindon - one of the best in my opinion, Internet Marketeers.He always offer terrific bonuses when you buy affiliate products through his link, he knows what he is doing,very smart,offers a lot of free video series.
    Of those I have subscribed to previously are Jeff Johnson & Craig Garber. Both supply a LOT of very good, helpful information, but just far too many emails - which is part of their marketing/autoresponder methods - which they themselves promote in their products.
    No less is more there!

    Similarly with Eben Pagan and Mark Ling, who maintain a bombardment of sales pitches. I had heard for a long time the amount of very good material Mark provides, such as Traffic Travis, but I was getting sales pitch after sales pitch. That GFC!!

    To all who provide their time and effort and energy in their emails, newsletters and blogs to benefit (AND support) all of us..........
    "we salute you"

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  • Profile picture of the author CCGAL
    Most of my "must open" e-mail comes from people associated with Squidoo. I honestly don't think very many of them would be here, so you wouldn't know most of their names.

    Tiffany Dow because I really appreciate her ethics when it comes to protecting her list and marketing honestly

    Carol Wingert because she's a good friend & I enjoy her blogs

    John Lawson from ColderICE.com because he knows eBay

    Willie Crawford ... well, just because he's Willie Crawford, LOL.

    I've unsubscribed from most marketing newsletters ... sometimes because I am just sick of being pitched to all the time, sometimes because I've observed smarmy behavior, but mostly because I need to overcome shiny object syndrome and just focus on what I already know how to do.
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