Discovered! The best keyword tool known to man

6 replies
And you already have it.

Start >> Programs >> Accessories >> Notepad !!!


Put your fancy keyword tools away for just a second and open up Notepad. Now, think of the product you are or want to promote. If you where looking TO BUY this product, what whould you type into Google?

The reason I say we are looking for buying keywords, is because people tend to do a lot of research before they buy. You do not want the "research" traffic to click on your ads (except if you use the strategy I mention below), you want the traffic that has already done all the research and decided that yes, I want to buy this.

Yes, you will get less clicks, but that's not the point. You want CONVERSIONS, not clicks. I still see a lot of people who purchase clicks because it looks good to see that you have received so many clicks. You are wasting your money.


You are promoting an offer that is hot on the CPA networks at the moment: Green Tea.

The obvious keyword would be green tea. But I can guarantee you that green tea will get you a ton of clicks with little conversion. We are looking for buying words. The majority of the people who types Green Tea into Google, want more information and is still in research mode.

So, I type into Notepad:

buy green tea
green tea review
purchase green tea
order green tea
best green tea

(Just an example, you can expand this list)

Now I open Google's keyword tool and plug each keyword into the tool on its own and turn off the synonyms option.

Adgroup 1

buy gree tea
buy green tea
green tea to buy
where to buy green tea
buy green tea online
can i buy green tea
buy green tea in
buy best green tea
buy green tea diet
buy organic green tea
buy ultra green tea
best green tea to buy
to buy ultra green tea
buy green tea extreme
buy green tea uk

Adgroup 2

green tea review
green tea review
mega green tea review
mega t green tea review
t green tea review
green tea hoodia review
green tea extract review
with green tea review
green tea with hoodia review
t green tea hoodia review
review of green tea
green tea supplement review
bigelow green tea review
review on green tea
green tea dietary supplement review
organic green tea review

Adgroup 3

purchase green tea
purchase green tea extract
i purchase green tea

Adgroup 4

order green tea
green tea order online
to order green tea

Adgroup 5

best green tea

In each adroup, you bid on each keyords broad, phrase and exact match. I will also design seperate landing pages for each adgroup if necessary.

This traffic will be directed to my "sales" landig page. In this case, it would be in the form of a testimonial page for the green tea brand I am promoting.

This is of course just the start. You need to go "wide" and do it for as many keywords as you can. Grean tea is just 1 of hunderds of thousands of keywords available in this niche. Others might be

buy weight loss program
review weight loss program
purchase weitht loss program
best weight loss program

buy diet program
review diet program


Here's what I do with the more generic terms like "benefits green tea"

Plug it into Google's tool and come up with:

benefits green tea
benefits green tea
benefits of green tea
green tea health benefits
benefit of green tea
health benefits of green tea
green tea health benefit
benefits for green tea
green tea the benefits
benefits of drinking green tea
benefits of green tea for
health benefit of green tea
the benefits of green tea
benefits green tea extract
green tea and benefits
green tea benefits weight
green tea benefits weight loss
what are the benefits of green tea
benefits of green tea extract
are benefits of green tea
benefits from green tea
arizona green tea benefits
benefits in green tea
green tea and health benefits
green tea benefits on

I will start by bidding the same as for my buying keywords and gradually lower the bids as the campaign matures.

This traffic will be sent to an "article" landing page that describes the benefits of green tea. I will have links all over the place that directs visitors to my "sales" landing page that is the testimonial.

#discovered #keyword #man #tool
  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    Or... if you would like a 'new keyword tool' check this out:

    Keyword Questions

    People often type complete questions into search engines: if you find these questions and answer them, you could get some great search traffic. Enter a single or a short keyword to find the questions people are asking in your market

    Keyword Questions – Wordtracker Labs

    - Jared


    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[232349].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author affiliateppc
      For article marketing yes, but not for PPC

      Originally Posted by webdesignhq View Post

      Or... if you would like a 'new keyword tool' check this out:

      Keyword Questions

      People often type complete questions into search engines: if you find these questions and answer them, you could get some great search traffic. Enter a single or a short keyword to find the questions people are asking in your market

      Keyword Questions – Wordtracker Labs

      - Jared
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[232361].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ross Kenny

    What would you type into Google if you were interestd in a product you wanted to buy...

    Next time you get an idea in your head and go and do some research before you buy then take some notes......
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[232364].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SusanUSA
    Thanks for this post. Lots of great information! Love it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[232371].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lucidboomer
    Excellent post!

    I've been doing this for a while and YES.. . it works great. I use Market Samurai though instead of Google Keyword. But it's the same principle ... just a monster time savings with MS.

    Nick M. Walsh AKA Pendozer
    Slice Online
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[232394].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author avamarie
    AffiliatePPC: Freddie,

    Wanted to contact you here as you haven't responded to my PM. Sorry to everyone else. Wanted to check in with Freddie.

    What's up?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[232430].message }}

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