Advice Needed on What tools to buy for a Newbie in IM

17 replies

Hi guys I am still new in IM and I am going forth with Amazon Affiliate Program.

I know that a Must tool is Market Samurai/MNF.
But what else do I need?
First on my list are Flexsqueeze theme, SEOPressor?

Am I doing this right or what advices can you give me?
#advice #buy #needed #newbie #tools
  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    It depends on what traffic source do you intend to use.

    Anyway, here are some tools that I use or used:


    * Keyword Elite 2.0
    * Traffic Travis Professional

    Article Marketing

    * Mass Article Control (Magic Article Rewriter seems to be better, though)


    * Prosper 202 (free)
    * Compete (expensive)
    * Alexa, Google AdPlanner & Quantcast (free version)

    Web development

    * Dreamweaver (NVU is free)
    * Photoshop (GIMP is free)

    There are others, but these are the ones that I can remember now.

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    • Profile picture of the author Fermina
      Originally Posted by williamrs View Post

      It depends on what traffic source do you intend to use.

      Anyway, here are some tools that I use or used:


      * Keyword Elite 2.0
      * Traffic Travis Professional

      Article Marketing

      * Mass Article Control (Magic Article Rewriter seems to be better, though)


      * Prosper 202 (free)
      * Compete (expensive)
      * Alexa, Google AdPlanner & Quantcast (free version)

      Web development

      * Dreamweaver (NVU is free)
      * Photoshop (GIMP is free)

      There are others, but these are the ones that I can remember now.

      I intened to get traffic from the SE's
      I think PPC is yet too advance(expensive)
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    Why buy anything?

    There are lots of free tools out there that will do the job.

    I have never purchased any tools in my business. I use all free stuff.

    I am on page one in Google.

    Hint - Wordpress + plugins + good product = success.
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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      Just use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, and Wordpress to market your Amazon Affiliate products and you'll be good to go.

      Look for keywords that have over 1,000 visitors a month and less than a million results on Google. Get a domain with your targeted keyword in it. Only get a .com. .net, or a .org. If you can't find a domain with your keyword, try looking for the plural of the word and look for a longer keyword term.

      In other words, if you can't find a domain with the keyword Apple Ipad, look on Google Adwords for other alternates such as Apple Ipads or Apple Ipad Sale, or something like that. Make sure people are searching for the keyword though.

      It's tempting to spend money, but you can make money without all these tools.
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    • Profile picture of the author Fermina
      Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

      Why buy anything?

      There are lots of free tools out there that will do the job.

      I have never purchased any tools in my business. I use all free stuff.

      I am on page one in Google.

      Hint - Wordpress + plugins + good product = success.
      :rolleyes: but doesnt some wordpress themes have outbound links that can hurt, and some WP themes are poorly made.

      So getting an SE friendly and well made WP theme is a must?
      Selling these Domains
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      • I don't place too much stock in wordpress themes as they are not a good substitution for plain ol on-page SEO. Proper keyword research should do you well enough long as you aren't going after really competative keywords. All-in-one SEO plugin for wordpress usually does the job for me. Having a keyword relevant domain name, Keywords in Title and description and H1, decent keyword density and use of LSI terms if you feel that is necessary (I usually don't but to each their own), keywords anchor text used when linking to other pages, etc. etc. All of this can be accomplished without spending money on products. If you are just starting out you should try and keep your cost down. Try to resist the idea that you NEED all these tools in order to accomplish your goals effectively, the TRUTH is that you WANT these tools. I 2nd what Tim had to say.

        ...writes many things that are off topic, tangential, and completely wrong......

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        • Profile picture of the author Fermina
          Originally Posted by untouchable_newbness View Post

          I don't place too much stock in wordpress themes as they are not a good substitution for plain ol on-page SEO. Proper keyword research should do you well enough long as you aren't going after really competative keywords. All-in-one SEO plugin for wordpress usually does the job for me. Having a keyword relevant domain name, Keywords in Title and description and H1, decent keyword density and use of LSI terms if you feel that is necessary (I usually don't but to each their own), keywords anchor text used when linking to other pages, etc. etc. All of this can be accomplished without spending money on products. If you are just starting out you should try and keep your cost down. Try to resist the idea that you NEED all these tools in order to accomplish your goals effectively, the TRUTH is that you WANT these tools. I 2nd what Tim had to say.
          I agree and i am hating myself for it like it is so tempting to buy all these products but the truth is I think I am just too afraid on how to start it.
          Selling these Domains

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          • Profile picture of the author bretski
            Originally Posted by dags View Post

            I agree and i am hating myself for it like it is so tempting to buy all these products but the truth is I think I am just too afraid on how to start it.
            If you find yourself wanting to impulse buy don't visit the wso page. If you have some overwhelming urge to buy something and you just can't stand it buy a subscription to the war room. It's lifetime and there is always new stuff in there. It's almost like a ton of wsos for the price of one.

            Pick one method, stick with it even if it becomes so boring that you want to rip your ears from your head and gouge your eyes out with a fork. Stick with it until you begin making regular money with it and get good at it... until you can do it in your sleep... then branch out slowly.

            Don't let anyone push you into changing things too much once you have a system that works for you. Don't drop what has been working and try to just do something else. Either automate it or outsource it before moving on.

            I understand your desire to do this right and you think you need lots of tools and the sales pages talk to you in your sleep...they beckon to you...don't believe their crap...learn from those sales pages what makes you want to click or buy or whatever...that's all they're good for right now.

            Listen to the advice that you have gotten here from folks more experienced than me. Learn how to write short sales copy...learn wordpress...learn to write sexy copy that sells and the only way to really learn how to write is by doing it...get out there and do it dude! You can do it!
            ***Affordable Quality Content Written For You!***
            Experience Content Writer - PM Bretski!
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            • Profile picture of the author Fermina
              Originally Posted by bretski View Post

              If you find yourself wanting to impulse buy don't visit the wso page. If you have some overwhelming urge to buy something and you just can't stand it buy a subscription to the war room. It's lifetime and there is always new stuff in there. It's almost like a ton of wsos for the price of one.

              Pick one method, stick with it even if it becomes so boring that you want to rip your ears from your head and gouge your eyes out with a fork. Stick with it until you begin making regular money with it and get good at it... until you can do it in your sleep... then branch out slowly.

              Don't let anyone push you into changing things too much once you have a system that works for you. Don't drop what has been working and try to just do something else. Either automate it or outsource it before moving on.

              I understand your desire to do this right and you think you need lots of tools and the sales pages talk to you in your sleep...they beckon to you...don't believe their crap...learn from those sales pages what makes you want to click or buy or whatever...that's all they're good for right now.

              Listen to the advice that you have gotten here from folks more experienced than me. Learn how to write short sales copy...learn wordpress...learn to write sexy copy that sells and the only way to really learn how to write is by doing it...get out there and do it dude! You can do it!
              The only TOOL i really need is my Writing skills, Am I right?
              And true I keep checking the WSO's and their sale letters are so convincing that it haunts me in my sleep!

              although as you said I should have a routine like permanent WP theme, character in telling a product reviews
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    • Profile picture of the author Ellen Violette
      I agree-who needs tools? I started by figuring out my niche, writing an ebook on the subject and giving teleseminars and creating coaching programs-made a 6-figure income in 2 1/2 years. The only tools were things like hosting, ecommerce etc.
      Ellen Violette
      The eBook Coach
      Turn your message into money! I'll show you how to create, communicate, connect, and convert subscribers into lifetime buyers to build a 6- or 7- figure business.
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    • Profile picture of the author dremora
      Exactly what I do too.
      Google keyword tool is just fine and free.
      I use 100% free tools (except for Twadder pro) and they do the job just fine.
      Use WP Simplicity mass plugin, it's free and installs all of the best and most important plugins on your WP blog.

      Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

      Why buy anything?

      There are lots of free tools out there that will do the job.

      I have never purchased any tools in my business. I use all free stuff.

      I am on page one in Google.

      Hint - Wordpress + plugins + good product = success.
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  • Profile picture of the author crystalq
    I Agree with Tim.

    Get a Blog Comment tool (4 fast free traffic) you can use "comment kahuna" it's free. If you want to pay for the best I recommend "fast blog finder".
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    Remove the link if that bothers you.

    You can use a custom one or a canned one. It makes little difference. You won't get many people clicking outbound link in the footer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Fermina
      Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

      Remove the link if that bothers you.

      You can use a custom one or a canned one. It makes little difference. You won't get many people clicking outbound link in the footer.
      Do you have a theme in mind? :rolleyes:
      I read that if you going through product review sites that flexsqueeze is the best although it is paid version. their is the flexibility3 but i think if you remove the footers the theme will collapse
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  • Profile picture of the author MilesT
    You don't really need "tools" to get started, but learning to write copy is critical ... as in, unbelievably critical.

    Pick up a copywriting book by Clayton Makepeace or John Carlton. The rest of it can be found for free.
    Internet Marketing's Top Daily News (Updated today)
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  • Profile picture of the author smartsites
    Don't start buying WSO's it's addictive! Everyone promises quick cash and it just isn't so. The only thing you need to buy is hosting and maybe some decent PLR packs. Then spend some time rewriting them and making them your own then put your site up and start driving traffic. You can drive traffic using youtube videos, articles, backlinks and On Page SEO. Market Samurai is a great program but you can use the keyword search tool for free. Google Keyword Tool is great as well. Spend some time on these boards and you can find a wealth of information. I would also recommend joining the War Room as their is some great free stuff there. Good Luck.

    I build Facebook Messenger Chatbots and Provide Training. Feel free to check out my demo bot

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