Opt-In Form on WordPress Trouble. Can Someone Help?

11 replies
I use 1Shopping Cart and I'm trying to put an auto-responder opt-in form into a Wordpress landing page with no sidebars. The page is here. But I can't get the sucker to center. It seems no matter what I do, it just jams itself into the left side of the page. Plus it looks funky, but one thing at a time.

Has anyone else here been able to make a 1SC opt-in form look good on Wordpress?



PS- I do have the 1SC Form Plugin for WP, but it only works for the sidebar.

#form #optin #trouble #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
    try this

    <div style="margin: 0 auto; display: block;">insert your autoresponder code here...</div>
    that should center your optin form nicely
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    • Profile picture of the author KenTheriot
      Originally Posted by Karen Blundell View Post

      try this

      <div style="margin: 0 auto; display: block;">insert your autoresponder code here...</div>
      that should center your optin form nicely
      No dice Karen. Thanks for the tip, but something with the way wordpress works and this form code isn't jibing. Not sure what's wrong but I'm no coder (that's for sure!).

      If you check the link to the source code on the page again, you'll see that I tried putting it in the div code you supplied.

      Thanks again though
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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    Ken, just change that <div ...> to <div align="center">

    Edit: You can also change the table row with the submit button to...

    <input type="Submit" value="Submit" name="cmdSubmit"></td>

    to keep the submit button in-line with the input boxes.
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    • Profile picture of the author peterj
      I had a similar problem using tables and optin forms sometime back and none of the above worked.

      In the end I had to edit the css and I added -

      to the table section in the style sheet and this fixed it.

      Not sure if this will work for you.


      Looking at it in IE 8, the form is centered but text boxes are only 2 characters wide and the submit button is also cut short so all I see is SU.

      In firefox the form shows correctly but is aligened left.

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      • Profile picture of the author KenTheriot
        Originally Posted by peterj View Post

        I had a similar problem using tables and optin forms sometime back and none of the above worked.

        In the end I had to edit the css and I added -

        to the table section in the style sheet and this fixed it.

        Not sure if this will work for you.

        It did work Pete! Thanks. Now if I could get the form to look better, I'll be all set.

        Thanks again!

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        • Profile picture of the author peterj
          Originally Posted by KenTheriot View Post

          It did work Pete! Thanks. Now if I could get the form to look better, I'll be all set.

          Thanks again!


          How do you want the form to look?

          In IE8 I'm still seeing the form fields and button cut off at the essentials. Is it just me?

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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    The <div align="center"> will work...I made sure I tested it on Ken's page first

    But like you said, margins in the stylesheet will work too...or if you are happy with in-line styling:

    <table style="margin:0 auto;"> in the opening table.

    This is what Karen was saying, she just had it applied to a div instead of a table.
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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      Originally Posted by Fraggler View Post

      The <div align="center"> will work...I made sure I tested it on Ken's page first

      But like you said, margins in the stylesheet will work too...or if you are happy with in-line styling:

      <table style="margin:0 auto;"> in the opening table.

      This is what Karen was saying, she just had it applied to a div instead of a table.
      yes, this will work since they put the form code in a table...sigh...only tabular data should be in a table. :rolleyes:

      it's been so long since I've used tables for anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin6672
    I've hard a really hard time on a few of my sites with this exact problem. The <div align="center"> has worked every time for me.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    Ken, I mentioned above you how to align the button in one of my comments.

    You can apply an image to the submit button by using:
    <input name="cmdSubmit" type="image" src="button.gif" value="Submit" />

    You can also modify the border and background colours of the input fields using CSS on the "input" tags.

    It is just a matter of playing then. You can also find a form that you like and extract the CSS from there.

    I hope that helps
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