Help, I wanna be a war room member.

by angganess Banned
38 replies
I very much wanted to be a war room member.
But why, I do not have a penny of money in my paypal account.
I know people who become a member here is a success. Not only that, but also kind.
Anybody want to donate?
#member #room #wanna #war
  • Profile picture of the author Vincenzo Oliva
    You have 19 posts what's you're hurry? There's plenty to do and learn here before becoming a war room member.Why not get your feet wet a little first and join the conversation?
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  • Profile picture of the author JDArchitecture
    I googled [boat plans] and you're high on page 3. Not bad.

    You probably can get to page 1 quite easily and you'll find a lot of good information in the free forums here and elsewhere.

    Clean up your site, improve your SEO, and you're a sale or two away from paying for your membership.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621399].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FredJones
      Offer services, or as JDArchitecture has already pointed out, sell one or two items, and you would be on your way.

      Think out of the box. And remember, whenever there is a will, there is a way. No exception.
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        Anybody want to donate?
        You're kidding, right? You're staring at the biggest marketing freebie on the planet, you already have a site and products to promote,and you want someone to donate $39 for a War Room membership? The fact that you're in that position and even considered asking this publicly proves it wouldn't do you any good.

        Thank you to the folks who responded by suggesting ways this person can generate the money on his/her own.

        This is not a trend that will even be allowed to start.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621485].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          I would suggest that it's a good idea to look at site content before suggesting someone write for others.

          Just sayin....
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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          • Profile picture of the author angganess
            Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

            I would suggest that it's a good idea to look at site content before suggesting someone write for others.

            Just sayin....
            Sorry I don't know..
            I'll remove it quickly.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621506].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              No need to remove anything - I am saying I don't think writing for others is a good way for you to make money.

              Your site is on page 3 - and it has a good product. The content is not written well in English. I think the site would be improved with better English usage. Let me look at it again tomorrow and maybe I can help you smooth it out or offer some suggestions.

              Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
              2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621522].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author angganess
                Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

                No need to remove anything - I am saying I don't think writing for others is a good way for you to make money.

                Your site is on page 3 - and it has a good product. The content is not written well in English. I think the site would be improved with better English usage. Let me look at it again tomorrow and maybe I can help you smooth it out or offer some suggestions.

                Yes, maybe my english isn't very well.
                but, whether that was understandable.?

                Owh yeah,,maybe you can help me to correct my salles letter.
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        • Profile picture of the author angganess
          Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

          You're kidding, right? You're staring at the biggest marketing freebie on the planet, you already have a site and products to promote,and you want someone to donate $39 for a War Room membership? The fact that you're in that position and even considered asking this publicly proves it wouldn't do you any good.

          Thank you to the folks who responded by suggesting ways this person can generate the money on his/her own.

          This is not a trend that will even be allowed to start.

          Hahaha,,and you know that I'm kidding...
          yes, it was just a joke.
          I just want to know, what you would be do if your friend need help.
          And this is very good, because you told me with knowledge .. not $ $ $ Donation.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621527].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author fypnlp
          Frankly, its really inappropriate and vulgar to ask members to contribute money to your 'war room' membership. If you can't afford to be a member of the 'war room' then frankly you should save up for it. That's what I did and I appreciate my membership more because of it.

          Secondly, the war room is about contributing - what can you offer to war that would be of benefit to all members? You can't take and give nothing in return - it doesn't work that way at all!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    I hate to be the one to mention this, however your sig points to affiliate links. This is not allowed.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author angganess
    Every body, thanks for your suggest and support.
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  • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
    Originally Posted by angganess View Post

    Anybody want to donate?
    Do something that deserves a donation!

    Penalty Safe, Long Term, 100% Whitehat Backlinks
    Love your site? Then check out SafeSpokes!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621531].message }}
  • Originally Posted by angganess View Post

    I very much wanted to be a war room member.
    But why, I do not have a penny of money in my paypal account.
    I know people who become a member here is a success. Not only that, but also kind.
    Anybody want to donate?
    People with such attitude can not become a success no matter if they are part of war room or not. Anyone can not and will not just donate money to you. If you really want to become successful you need to change this attitude. Becoming a part of war room member does not guarantee you success. Its yoru attitude and willingness that makes you successful. I hope you won't take my words in other way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    I think this is someone who was bored and wanted to play. This can't be real surely?

    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Either way OP, if Kay does help you with your English make sure you hang onto every word she says, people like that don't get to 12k posts and 6 years here without a monster reputation, thats one good opportunity.

      Second, this forum is about helping/contributing and working hard to get somewhere. There are people here from countries with far less opportunities than say I have (No disrespect to you I don't know where you live) but they all have one thing in common and thats helping others and helping themselves. Better off to say "Is there anything I can do towards a war room membership" That way you'll get a lot more respect than just asking for a donation. Besides, the War Room is great but better to be there on your own merits than asking someone else for the money.

      Not having a crack at you, I just think asking will be frowned upon by a lot of members.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      I suspect he's seen the rash of offers for sponsorship to the war room and thought he would throw his hat into the ring and see what happens lol


      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      I think this is someone who was bored and wanted to play. This can't be real surely?
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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Bray
    I'm sure boat plans will sell, if you
    can get sufficient traffic to your

    Somehow you've lost the borders

    of your sales letter although the
    header and footer are intact.

    Your meta name description

    could be more focussed and
    keyword rich, without over
    doing it.

    You seem to be selling boat

    plans on your site and then
    directing people to a sales
    site? I wonder if you might
    do better attempting to pre-
    sell them, and let your friend's
    site carry the burden of making
    the sale?

    Have you thought about putting

    a blog about boat building behind
    your front page and linked to it
    in order to drive traffic.

    There, a few ideas, and offers

    from help from others above.

    No war-room subscription


    Send me a DM, or visit my support desk to contact me:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author angganess
      Originally Posted by Stephen Bray View Post

      I'm sure boat plans will sell, if you
      can get sufficient traffic to your

      Somehow you've lost the borders

      of your sales letter although the
      header and footer are intact.

      Your meta name description

      could be more focussed and
      keyword rich, without over
      doing it.

      You seem to be selling boat

      plans on your site and then
      directing people to a sales
      site? I wonder if you might
      do better attempting to pre-
      sell them, and let your friend's
      site carry the burden of making
      the sale?

      Have you thought about putting

      a blog about boat building behind
      your front page and linked to it
      in order to drive traffic.

      There, a few ideas, and offers

      from help from others above.

      No war-room subscription


      I've made it yesterday, you can find it All about boat | Just another WordPress site
      But I have not put a post there.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621675].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Stephen Bray
        Originally Posted by angganess View Post

        I've made it yesterday, you can find it All about boat | Just another WordPress site
        But I have not put a post there.
        Now you need to act fast. Your first posts
        need to be a Privacy Policy, About Us, and a
        Contact Page.

        You can Google for 'Free Privacy Policy'

        About us: Your name, what your business stands
        for, your commitment to service, guarantee etc.

        Contact us: Your name, donkey mail address,
        phone, instant messenger services, (if any).
        Invite people to contact you with a comment.

        You can make these pages, rather than posts,
        if you like but the disadvantage of that is
        that if you install a theme with a page index
        at the top then links to these pages will
        appear first, which may not be good SEO.

        Then you need up to six posts on boat
        building. There are also a number of plug-ins
        that will help your SEO. Just Google for "best
        wordpress seo plugins"

        I hope this helps?

        Send me a DM, or visit my support desk to contact me:
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2622085].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
          Originally Posted by Stephen Bray View Post

          Now you need to act fast. Your first posts
          need to be a Privacy Policy, About Us, and a
          Contact Page.

          You can Google for 'Free Privacy Policy'

          About us: Your name, what your business stands
          for, your commitment to service, guarantee etc.

          Contact us: Your name, donkey mail address,
          phone, instant messenger services, (if any).
          Invite people to contact you with a comment.

          You can make these pages, rather than posts,
          if you like but the disadvantage of that is
          that if you install a theme with a page index
          at the top then links to these pages will
          appear first, which may not be good SEO.

          Then you need up to six posts on boat
          building. There are also a number of plug-ins
          that will help your SEO. Just Google for "best
          wordpress seo plugins"

          I hope this helps?


          he/shes been banned.


          Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2622096].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Stephen Bray
            Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post


            he/shes been banned.

            Oh well, I guess his boat has sunk
            Send me a DM, or visit my support desk to contact me:
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2622375].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              First paragraph of the site in the OP's signature is

              You're possible often finds outside there, there is many website offering Boat Plans. But, did you know that not all website offering Boat Building tutorial is have good quality? Even partly, something sells garbage product. They only wish to dredge advantage from your pocket.
              The commonly advised way to "make quick money" is "write articles to sell". In many cases - such as this thread - that advice makes no sense.

              Kudos to Paul on this one.

              Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
              2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Daryl Lim
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621748].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      Hi anganness,

      There are many generous Warriors out there in this forum, but requesting for someone to sponsor you is a bit... wrong. See, it makes you look desperate, and most of all you did not provide a darn good reason you should get the sponsorship.

      Personally, I gained my War Room membership from a kind sponsor, and I am grateful for that. And I can sympathise with you about how it feels like not to have cash in your PayPal yet you desire something very good (in this case the WR).

      One thing you can do is to visit threads in which people post up their offer to provide a sponsorship for someone. Many warriors here have benefited greatly during their stay here and some made the decision to give out War Room memberships to newbies as a way of 'looking on the next generation' and appreciating what the previous one has done for them.

      One great thread is from Gary King, in which he was giving away War Room memberships and WSO postings.

      However, don't expect them to pop out every other day. They come rarely, and its not even certain. It depends solely one a Warrior's decision and generousity.

      In the mean time I strongly advice you to take action first, you can do article writing and perhaps even get your own WR Membership. Also, make good use of the free resources like this one and learn much. (You really can! This forum is way awesome even without the WR which of course, polishes its GOLDness)

      All the best!


      Don't just ask, say why or what you're prepared to do in return. We all contribute to each others success here and for a new person it won't be the best way to get your reputation off the ground. I have a WSO I could do but I'd rather wait until I have a good reputation. I was fortunate enough to read a thread by CDarklock when I joined on the generally favoured etiquette the forum goes by and I've stuck by that and now I've a bunch of friends and have had a great time. Not only that if I need help with something, I've had some massively generous responses. I reckon thats down to doing it right. I'm not taking anything away from this person I just think they should be told the right way to go about it.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    This is going to sound harsh, but if anyone sponsors this kid and lets me know about it, the result will not be favorable.

    Consider: I will guarantee you that letting it be known that public begging for a sponsorship to the War Room has any chance of success will turn this sort of request into a plague. There will be more and more of them all the time, and that will turn everyone off. Including the people who offer to sponsor folks who aren't in as good a position as this fellow. (Or lady, as the case may be.)

    I am speaking now with the official moderator hat on:

    Not. Going. To. Happen.

    Again, thank you to everyone for their sensible responses to the OP. The suggestions for how to get the money are probably going to do him/her more good in the long run than anything else you could have said. Except maybe to send her/him here.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621848].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

      In another thread, in which someone asked for $3 for something, this person asked for someone's Paypal ID. Without giving away anything of private info, let's just say that he's in a country (not Nigeria) that was long refused Paypal accounts at all.

      Says he's got no money in his Paypal account. Why would he then be asking for someone else's info?

      Ponder that. None of the answers I can imagine are especially positive.

      Do not give this person anything at all.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2621977].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        Ah. The person who asked for $3 and this angganess character share an IP. Same ISP, obviously:

        Both toasties.

        The first one is the guy who couldn't even be bothered to say thank you when Mark Andrews bought his domain for him... back in July. Got what he was begging for and disappeared. But he was logged in today.

        The concern isn't the trivial amount of money these folks are asking for. It's what happens if they get hold of your Paypal info. You don't happen to use the same password for that account as you do here, do you?

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2622036].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
          Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

          The concern isn't the trivial amount of money these folks are asking for. It's what happens if they get hold of your Paypal info....
          Paul, this character is simply hilarious (not in good sense).

          If he possesses your password, he could do with your money what he wants. It is not necessary to depict the consequences, at least for me.

          Thank you for the heads up, anyway.



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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

      Consider: I will guarantee you that letting it be known that public begging for a sponsorship to the War Room has any chance of success will turn this sort of request into a plague.

      Yep ... the whole forum would be filled with beggars. I've sponsored a couple of people (quietly) ... but they were based on the person's merits here in the WF rather than someone begging in the WF.

      There are con artists who see the trends that go on here and see the sponsorships happening ... and stupidly think that all they have to do is ask and they shall receive, and this one sure looks like a case of that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
    9/20/2010 5.24am Angeness asks for a Paypal ID to donate money in one thread.

    9/20/2010 6.24am Angeness starts this thread saying they have no money in Paypal and asks for a donation.

    Hmmm. Listen to Mr Myers.

    Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2622032].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Karen Connell
    On the other side of this coin, earlier this year there was a thread offering to sponsor a war room membership that grew to lots of people offering different things to the recipient. I offered to pay for two domain names of the 'winners' choice. There was mentoring, free products, hosting for a year etc, etc.

    There were a few 'winners' due to the massive amount of free stuff offered.

    The guy who 'won' my offer of domains contacted me around three days later and said he would be in touch when he had decided what domains he wanted.

    I never heard from him again...

    I am a bit sad that some of the people who applied to 'win' lost the opportunity to get one of the fantastic packages because of a guy who pleaded a good case but obviously did nothing with it - unless he has made so much money that he didn't need my meagre offering...

    So I sponsored one of the 'losers' to the War Room. He was delighted and offered to write articles in return.

    These are the sort of people we should help, not the ones who thrive on 'pity parties' and are not prepared to help themselves.


    Never Mistake Activity for Accomplishment

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2622069].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Keith Boisvert
      Originally Posted by Karen Connell View Post

      On the other side of this coin, earlier this year there was a thread offering to sponsor a war room membership that grew to lots of people offering different things to the recipient. I offered to pay for two domain names of the 'winners' choice. There was mentoring, free products, hosting for a year etc, etc.

      There were a few 'winners' due to the massive amount of free stuff offered.

      The guy who 'won' my offer of domains contacted me around three days later and said he would be in touch when he had decided what domains he wanted.

      I never heard from him again...

      I am a bit sad that some of the people who applied to 'win' lost the opportunity to get one of the fantastic packages because of a guy who pleaded a good case but obviously did nothing with it - unless he has made so much money that he didn't need my meagre offering...

      So I sponsored one of the 'losers' to the War Room. He was delighted and offered to write articles in return.

      These are the sort of people we should help, not the ones who thrive on 'pity parties' and are not prepared to help themselves.

      It is unfortunate that people, even when they want help, still refuse to help themselves...even when its free. It's human nature I suppose, but still disheartening, especially when there really are people that if helped could do amazing things!!!

      At least you can stand tall knowing you tried to help, and hopefully the WR membership you did sponsor worked out well for the individual.

      Kudos to you!!

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        since this issue has been, sort of, resolved, why not close the thread?
        Perhaps his purpose here is to serve as an example for others? No one is screwing him - he did it to himself.

        I think your concern is misplaced.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2623071].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Karen Connell
        Originally Posted by Keith Boisvert View Post

        It is unfortunate that people, even when they want help, still refuse to help themselves...even when its free. It's human nature I suppose, but still disheartening, especially when there really are people that if helped could do amazing things!!!

        At least you can stand tall knowing you tried to help, and hopefully the WR membership you did sponsor worked out well for the individual.

        Kudos to you!!

        Hi Keith,

        You did a great thing starting off that landslide of freebies.

        I really hope that some of the recipients made good use of the stuff offered.


        p.s. I could have (and still could...) used one of the mentoring slots myself

        Never Mistake Activity for Accomplishment

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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    Glad to see the user has been banned...

    This is why I have never lent money to people on the internet, you just never know.. Heck, I even won't lend it to the long time customer that asked me..

    The only thing I'm comfortable doing is buying them a WAR ROOM Membership because then I know, where the money is going.


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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  • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
    Hello Mr Myers.

    Now, since this issue has been, sort of, resolved, why not close the thread?


    EDIT: OP has been banned, already. No need to screw him now!
    Penalty Safe, Long Term, 100% Whitehat Backlinks
    Love your site? Then check out SafeSpokes!
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