All my work revealed (5sites): I need advices!
total visitors: 963
average time on site: 2:07
bounce rate: 45
march: http://makeyourbeatsonpc.com --> 2 sales
total visitors: 1.641
average time on site: 0:48
bounce rate: 0,37
april: Farmville Secrets Review --> 1 sale
total visitors: 146
average time on site: 1:36
bounce rate: 0
may: http://build-own-solar-panel.com --> 1 sale
total visitors: 570
average time on site: 1:24
bounce rate: 75
may: http://how-win-your-ex-back.com --> in progress
total visitors: -
average time on site: -
bounce rate: -
I'd like to know your opinion, because I don't know if I'm doing some mistakes...I'm working at these sites during my weekends and evenings as second job, but I'd like to reach at minimum 2000$/month in order to dedicate myself completely to IM. But after 9 months, I think I'm getting too little results.
This is my strategy:
1: keyword research --> search volume --> competition
2: PLR rewriting and spinning (outsourced)
3: backlinking: web2.0, 5 best article directories, automated directories/blog submission (AMA, Freetrafficsystem, Magic Article Submitter, Automatic submitter helper), profile backlinks (Angela Edwards and Paul Johnson), high PR pages backlinks (backlink membership)
I'm investing about 130$/month (hosting, ama, aweber, backlink lists, articles)
This is my week to do list:
read newsletters about affiliate marketing (1 time/week)
read rss feed from important SEO blog/forums (5 time/week)
watch free videos about SEO (1 time/3 week)
create backlinks (1 time/week)
do some keyword research (1 time/2 week)
outsource 6 articles (1 time/4 week)
I don't think the problem could be the articles, because I've very few pages in front page of Google...before adding other articles, I shoud have better results.
Maybe wrong keywords?
Particoularly, I've changed great part of my keywords at least 2 times, because at first I used Mark's strategy, then I used to check allintitle, allinanchor, exact match results, then I come back to Mark's strategy but using strange keywords like "bark stop dog train", now I'm again not sure this is a good strategy and I'm going to change keywords choosing no more ones not grammatically incorrect but I'm not sure about taking care or not of exact match monthly searches.
What do you think? Can someone please check my keywords or tell me wich pages must be rewritten? Unfortunately my english is not so good to catch grammar errors...
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