Free WSO Owners - What Are List Subscription Numbers Like

10 replies
Like everyone else, I'm working on the listbuilding thing, and I'm curious as to what the results are like for people that have tried the Free WSO - using the WSO forum to get people to opt in to your list.

Anybody not mind sharing with a nosey nelly?
#free #list #numbers #owners #subscription #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    I just did a free wso a few weeks ago. I didn't require an opt-in of any kind and my primary goal was to help sell a few more copies of a paid wso I was running at the time which I did, but there was an opt-in form to get on my notification list on the side of the page and I probably saw about 5% of those that accessed my download signup.

    I would think if you focused more on your freebie and encouraged people to signup (or if you required it for your freebie of course) you'd see some good numbers, but it's a tough call until you try it.

    With the paid WSO I ran over the summer, only about 1/2 that purchased signed up to get future updates or the one bonus I offered, and oddly enough when emailed about the bonus that was ready, only 1/2 the group even opened the email.

    Go figure!
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    • Profile picture of the author robs132
      It depends on loads of different factors.

      one fella I know released a free WSO on a cool SEO technique with really short copy and received 107 signups.

      Another guy I know released a free WSO with badly written copy about a twitter technique and received 30 signups.

      What is the topic of the WSO you are releasing?
      It may help determine the number of signups.
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      • Profile picture of the author Justin Jordan
        Originally Posted by robs132 View Post

        What is the topic of the WSO you are releasing?
        It may help determine the number of signups.
        Actually, that's one of the things I'm figuring out. There are only a few areas of IM that I feel qualified to advise people on, so it'll be something related to writing most likely. Right now I'm leaning towards a product centered around gettingt he best use of PLR, since I'd like to use it to promote both my writing service and a PLR membership thing down the road.
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  • I've run a couple of different free WSOs in recent months, and got roughly 30 leads from one and 80 from the other (that's without bumping). That was at the old $20 price.

    I wouldn't say there was obvious rhyme or reason to these in terms of subject matter, although there was much better scarcity built into the better performing offer, and I expect I placed it a time where it stayed visible for longer.

    However, both WSOs were valuable, as the sales funnel for both was different.

    My current thought is that free WSOs have their place, and I'll continue to run them occasionally, but you can actually get better results running a WSO for a much more expensive paid product and building a list from that.


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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    I've seen everything from 120 sign-ups/bump to only about a dozen sign-ups.

    What I can say from experience is that it's been easier for me to get people on my list by selling something in the WSO forum than by giving things away for free.
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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      My conversions were a little lower than that when I was promoting some videos in January. I was getting between 20-25 people to sign up each time I promoted. So I guess I could say I was paying $1 per lead...
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    The one still running (in my sig) got around 400 subscribers...

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  • The reality, of course, is that not all the leads are fresh either. There are always some people who are already on another of your lists. Now, of course, if you can factor in an immediate and suitable backend offer, you can build a list for free (or, in other words, the costs equal the backend sales) - even off a free WSO.


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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    I get between 50 to 100 sign-ups per bump, depending on the day.

    The WSO will also help you get sign-ups through your sig too. The user reviews and comments will give your offer some credibility and will boost your conversion rate.

    The $40 fee has slowed me down though. I am new to email marketing so yet to know what one of my visitors is worth...

    It is a very affordable way to get sign-ups.
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    • Profile picture of the author Justin Jordan
      Originally Posted by Fraggler View Post

      I get between 50 to 100 sign-ups per bump, depending on the day.

      The WSO will also help you get sign-ups through your sig too. The user reviews and comments will give your offer some credibility and will boost your conversion rate.

      The $40 fee has slowed me down though. I am new to email marketing so yet to know what one of my visitors is worth...

      It is a very affordable way to get sign-ups.
      Ah, that's interesting (as are everyone else's responses) - one of the things I'm looking at is how much value I;d be getting from a WSO offering versus, say, a solo ad to a list. I will proibably do both eventually, but I'm feeling it out.
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