Proper marketing on twitter?

15 replies
Hi guys I'm very new to warrior. I've had an account for awhile but haven't really used it all that much. I have recently been trying to utilize places like twitter and facebook to generate some relationships. Yes I said relationships not traffic or affiliate clicks. I was wondering what others did to accomplish such a thing. The tips and tricks like the best referral tracking services and such. I use google analytics right now but I know there are some shorturl services out there that provide really good click tracking.

I have a web development company and I am wanting to gain followers that I have a relationship with not just a follower. I'm not interested in spamming them either so if anyone could enlighten me on what they think is proper etiquette for posting tweets. Right now I have been posting links to relative topics I find interesting and a few tweets promoting some deals I have on my website. Anybody have any interesting sites they like to use in the web development field?

Above all I want to stress that I am not looking to be another gimmic or just another spammy tweeter I want the real thing and I am willing to work for it.
#marketing #proper #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author ZaraK
    I just evernoted a really good article from about 50 ideas on using Twitter for business, seemed pretty well thought out to me.

    I was also coming here to find out what creative uses for the new Twitter people have found, if any.

    Be interesting to see responses.
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  • Profile picture of the author ramkarthik
    Here are a few things I'd suggest you to do:

    1. Find influencers in the "web development" niche on twitter and follow them. You can do this by using sites like, etc

    2. Have conversation with these influencers. Reply to their tweets and once you do this a few times, you can have start sending them Direct Messages and have a better relationship. They will slowly start promoting whatever you bring to the table.

    3. Along with the above two, start doing the twitter-search-reply method. What you do here is, find one or two keywords related to web development and start following the search using tweetdeck or hootsuite. Now answer those people whoever asks questions based on these keywords. Don't give them a link to your blog or product. Just normally answer their questions. When you help them, they will automatically check what you have to offer.

    4. Post one or two tips a day related to web development to show your expertise.

    Do these regulary and in no time, you will see very good results.
    Sit back and relax, while you take advantage of this freelance writer.
    Special Price:$10 per article (normally $25). PM Me for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author other_pm
    Thank for the information Zara..
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    • Profile picture of the author digitalfiz
      Thanks for the help guys!
      My Blog | PHP is my Kung Fu!
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  • Profile picture of the author PassiveMike
    I have so much to learn about Social Media, especially Twitter. Had an account long ago and closed it. I just did not want to read every darn tweet...did not like it at all. Never knew it would become such a highly acclaimed and used business tool. I need to keep reading this thread! Thanks for those teaching us (me)!
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I find Twitter very useful for myself and clients. In my opinion, its a numbers game. We build very large followings and do our best to keep them targeted. Example, if I am looking for Entrepreneurs, I follow people who read Entrepreneur Magazines Twitter page.
    Regarding posting, I post information from my Blog page, Articles and Videos I have made.
    I also post other industry related news. I monetize things from driving people to my Blog and from my signature box in my articles.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
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  • Profile picture of the author EndGame
    It used to be way easier back in the day to establish business relationships on Twitter. It is tough to cut through all the "noise" out there and find genuine accounts which are not automated or just spam-accounts.

    I have recently gone back to Twitter to promote a new social network I am involved with and my consultancy business. Here is my approach to it:

    1. I search and follow people in relevant categories on and

    2. I follow about 20-30 "big fish" from those categories and then I go ahead and follow their followers. I only add a maximum of 200 people a day. On average I follow about 100.

    3. I follow back anyone who follows me.

    4. Some people will randomly "tweet" you or "follow friday" you if you followed them. I make sure to tweet back, reciprocate the shout out, thank them and engage in a conversation.

    5. I deliberately look for people asking questions in their tweets, and I make sure I give them excellent answers. I do this for questions related to my area of expertise and also topics outside of that (social topics etc). This helps engage with people and build some trust.

    6. I ask some relevant and interesting questions for other people to answer.

    7. At the end of every week I unfollow everyone who is not following me back (except the big fish as I still might want to follow some of their followers).

    8. Every now and then I might tweet a special offer, but it seems like I don't have to do that too regularly these days.

    9. For my consultancy business, I tweet examples of recent work we have done, or I link to a client's site we have worked on, or a video we have created. For the social network I link to interesting discussions and posts.

    I have found by doing the above, people naturally gravitate towards me. This system has scored me 3 or 4 meetings with some interesting 6 and 7 figure companies in the last couple of weeks about joint ventures and deals.

    It's early days as to whether this will translate into money, but given the minimal amount of time I spend on Twitter, the results seem to justify my efforts so far.

    Hope some of that was helpful.


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  • Profile picture of the author vortexawy
    I found a book talking about using twitter for business you can download it from mediafire now:
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  • Profile picture of the author loopy

    To be successful on twitter you'll need targeted followers. This can be done by following people based on their keywords. The steps are pretty simple.

    1. Follow others in the same niche
    2. Follow back those following you
    3. Unfollow those who aren't following you

    Unfortunately, marketing on twitter is extremely time consuming and difficult unless you can completely automate the process, as moonfish said. I was also able to develop an application allowing mass following, unfollowing, and follow-backing.

    Anyhow, you'll also want to post tweets related to your niche. Of course, don't spam. If you don't have the time to do this, you'll want to find a service that allows you to schedule your tweets (I've also developed this into my application).

    As for developing relationships, you'll want to engage in active conversations with your followers. Post useful tweets, message through direct messages, participate in follow friday (can be automated too). An easy way to build a relationship with ALL your followers is to send a direct message to all your new followers introducing yourself and saying Hi. Those who respond back are willing to become friends.

    There is no way to completely automate twitter, but the most you have to do to become successful while building healthy relationships is responding to DMs and scheduling/posting tweets every so and so.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author toolsmith
    I wrote a free book regarding this (see my sig) that contain proven methods and also a list of tools that can help automate the process.

    Good luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Daniels
    You should only automate what has worked for you manually on twitter, its where people go wrong...

    ...sod automatation, understand who to get one sale manually then scale it up...

    Seasoned Sales Professional since 1999 sharing my knowledge online. Check out my phone closers cheat sheet.

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    • Profile picture of the author RashmiP
      Nice post Loopy. I think finding businesses in your targeted categories will help in twitter.
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      • Profile picture of the author Pierre!
        Nice Thread!

        I have definitely learned a bit on this thread...

        The one tool I did not see mentioned was ReFollow - It allows me to rather rapidly select from the followers of experts in the niches I work in. Nope, it's not automatic, but it seems to work okay.

        I will definitely check out the resources provided!

        Very Much Appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumit Mohanty

    Absolutely on the path, even few months i thot twitter spammed a lot by IM's And my awareness about Twitter was not so good. But one day in my free time. i just hooked up over twitter and research the whole things and aspects of Twitter and Yes i found an exclusive way to market Twitter in simplest way.

    So, Yes i must say you, Just read and learn Twitter from zero to thousands. Twitters has hello of Money you just need find ideas if you find any one of them Money will follow you for sure.
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