Calling Webinar Warriors! Please contribute

by Maddi
11 replies
Hello All,

We all know webinars are hot. For some they are a selling platform, for some its a content delivery method, some use it to build their lists, some use it as a live training product.

I recently got a taste of how powerful they were when I made more money with only 20 people attending than one would normally make on an email blast to 5000+ responsive mailing list and the product wasn't even high ticket.

I had never done a webinar before, and it wasn't even your usual powerpoint based presentation with a sales pitch in the end. This needless to say, got me pumped to include webinars in my sales process and also content delivery as I had some great reviews.

Preface: After searching the warrior threads for different keywords, also checked into All-in-one threads but found nothing so here I am.

I invite all warriors with some kind of experience with webinars to post here about the Do's and Don'ts, any products out there for this particular method, Tutorials to get familiar with the software, Best Practices, How to fill seats on a webinar, Joint Venture Webinars and the lot. Please share anything you feel would be helpful for fellow warriors like myself who are planning to get into doing Webinars.



P.S. I understand it isn't a very common practice like article marketing or something, but if you contribute, we can bid for this thread to be an All-in-One as there currently isn't any.
#calling #contribute #warriors #webinar
  • Profile picture of the author Lance K
    You might want to check out Jason Fladlien's "Webinar Pitch Secrets". It's $19.95 and worth every penny. I liked it so much, I even bought the resale rights. That is Jason's direct link though.
    "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
    ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author Maddi
    Hey Lance, yes thanks I've already got it. It truly is worth every penny and I'm going to do my second reading again today.

    Wouldn't hurt with more resources, different perspective or some additional info of the technicalities.

    Lance, any idea how to record these things as I've heard gotowebinar isn't very reliable.

    Thanks for the reply.

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  • Profile picture of the author d0rhk
    Hey I've never done a webinar before, but I have noticed people only do them in the "make money" niche, or "business opp" niches...

    Unless I'm out of the loop... but do people do webinars on lets say like weight loss, marriage/relationships, pet niche, etc?

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    • Profile picture of the author Justin Wheeler
      Originally Posted by d0rhk View Post

      Hey I've never done a webinar before, but I have noticed people only do them in the "make money" niche, or "business opp" niches...

      Unless I'm out of the loop... but do people do webinars on lets say like weight loss, marriage/relationships, pet niche, etc?

      Absolutely. Webinars can be done on pretty much anything. Depends on what you want to do them for. However a rough guideline is that webinars work brilliantly for:

      and Social Media

      I saw a webinar advertised earlier today on Weight Loss and I saw one the other day on Feng Shui. The sky is pretty much the limit.
      I sometimes review products and offer bonuses at
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Shane Roe
    Maddi, whenever you host a webinar, be sure to be organized. You will get a better reaction out of it for sure.

    As for filling up a webinar, you can use your social networking. Build a webinar notification list, find like minded people for JVS, or any other traffic generation tip that you can think. Even a WSO will produce results

    It's all basic info I just stated, but sometimes people forget simple (basic..) is better.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      It is not advised to run the webinar from a cave. They are too dark.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        It is not advised to run the webinar from a cave. They are too dark.
        Not if you bill it as a "Secret Webinar".

        Mystery sells...

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      • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        It is not advised to run the webinar from a cave. They are too dark.
        Jill he isn't in his cave anymore

        “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Renton
    are there any good training courses on webinars available that you guys can recommend?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rick TVG
    After 1,000+ hrs recording/hosting/moderating/editing GoToWebinar's for most of the renowned IM guru's/trainers/JV architects:

    Google "Death By PowerPoint" - pay attention to parts about it defined as "hypnotizing chickens" and "it's useful when the goal is to avoid divulging information".

    Re-watch "An Inconvenient Truth", the only Keynote/PowerPoint presentation to win an Oscar, and calculate how many slides and how much on-screen text was used. That's your benchmark, regardless of what you think of the movie.

    Remember: Over 90% of senior execs - meaning the guys who approve spending - report they get absolutely nothing useful from a PowerPoint presentation because the presenter bored them to death by simply reading the screens. They'd rather someone just e-mail them the PPT.

    If you want to publish your autobiography, make it a pdf and send it to your list. If they don't know who you are before they arrive, you have to prove yourself by delivering useful, informative, enlightening and entertaining content, not by reciting your PayPal deposits. Yes, it has to be entertaining, in that the experience has to be pleasant so they aren't screaming "Hey, I want my 2 hours back!"

    If you must sell something, do it at the very end AFTER you've proved you know your stuff, and for crying out loud sell something relevant and a natural extension of you webinar piece. Make the sales pitch no more than 3-5 minutes, if that.

    Oh yeah, use the bathroom BEFORE you hit the Big Red Button.
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