Here's What Makes a Super Affiliate Super
I learned 3 fundamental differences this last time - and I spied on Nicole Dean's promotions to see why it converted so much better.
1.) Have a personality. Don't just be "marketing advice" - put a face and name to the blog or list, share some of WHO you are. Let people befriend you and feel your emotions because that's where trust comes into play. Nicole is fun and good-natured and her blog shows that. Other marketers I've seen - I can't tell if it's a man or woman, young or old - it's just some third person voice so for all know it could be the Devil himself talking to me. lol
2.) Be a Mama Bear about your list. (or Daddy bear). Yes, we learn to "treat our lists like gold," but go ONE step further. Don't JUST give freebies here and there. PROTECT them from the BS because there are LOTS of good things in Internet marketing - TONS of good people - IF you take time to sort them out and promote the good ones. Several of Nicole's subscribers emailed me to say they bought not even knowing what I was selling BECAUSE she recommended it on her blog. Another said, "she's never led me astray." Make sure YOUR list can say the same about you.
3.) Give more than usual. Bonuses for buying through your link are always good for affiliates. If you can't think of one, ask the product owner if he or she has any ideas. Don't just offer some rehashed plr you had lying around they may have seen. Personalize it - or make it valuable. Nicole gave 2 guides away that were relevant but she ALSO allowed them to send in a question about the product's process and then she's going to compile it and give all her buyers a copy free. Don't get intimidated by all the launches you see with bonus wars. Sometimes that's not what the person needs - YOU may be offering what they need or want more.
And next time you launch, pay attention to the promo pages sending traffic in. What are YOUR affiliates doing that YOU can implement next time you're marketing as an affiliate instead of a vendor?
~ Rhonda White
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