Selling industry specific domains

3 replies
Just checking to see if anyone here has been successful in buying industry specific domains and targeting certain companies to sell them to afterwards ?

Thoughts-ideas welcomed,
#domains #industry #selling #specific
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Yes ... I do that. I think it's easier to sell industry specific domains that just about any other kind. There's numerous ways to go about it. I've listed them in a free ebook.

    Easier to sell them if you actually build a minisite and get it to rank and then offer it to all those competing for that keyword and sell to highest bidder.
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    • Profile picture of the author zigato
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Yes ... I do that. I think it's easier to sell industry specific domains that just about any other kind. There's numerous ways to go about it. I've listed them in a free ebook.

      Easier to sell them if you actually build a minisite and get it to rank and then offer it to all those competing for that keyword and sell to highest bidder.
      Where can I get this free ebook?

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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by zigato View Post

        Where can I get this free ebook?
        It's the first link in my signature. Takes you to a blog post and a link for the free ebook. Last night I sold 4 industry-specific domains for $530 all to the same guy. Had them just listed on Afternic.
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