Membership/Product Delivery Solution That Does This?
For the record: I own DAP and amember (have only just started using amember, though).
Here's what I'm looking for.
- Global affiliate program
This is really important to me. I want a setup where anyone who sends me a lead will be credited for any and all purchases that lead makes with me. I know infusionsoft does this and it's also possible with aMember.
Note that I need this done with the products being on different, separate websites.
- Seamless Aweber Integration
I don't want a setup where customers need to sign up more than once. For example, when someone signs up for one of my free products, I want to give them access to all of my free stuff, without it being much of a hassle for them.
They sign up with e-mail, name and desired password and are automatically added to Aweber as well as the membership area where they can get all the free stuff. So, all they need to do is confirm the aweber mail and that's it.
- Seamless Payment Integration
Ideally, I'd like customers to be added to Aweber in single-opt-in when they make a purchase, so that they can access the product immediately after purchase and don't need to go back to the inbox to find a confirmation mail.
Obviously, it would be indicated that they get added to the list during the sign-up process and can unsub at any time etc.
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