Internet Marketing: a.k.a. The Blame Game
one day - Bob woke up and decided he hated his job, his boss, his measly pay packet and most of all - his life. He didn't know what to do.
Would he:
Find a new job?
Stop working for a while and take a break?
Start a business?
Bob got up and got ready for work, made it in, three minutes late miserable to boot.
To kill some time, Bob started searching on Google...
"how to quit my job"
"BINGO! I know, it's easy to make money online - it says it right here on this website, this guy is going to let me in on the secrets for only $37." Bob tried to stifle the excitement, so as not to alert anyone else.
Bob whipped out his credit card, and before you could say "Here's another newbie caught up in the hype", he'd paid his money and downloaded the ebook.
Peeking over the top of his computer monitor, he could see that his boss was busy scratching his arse and sipping a cup of coffee. So Bob started reading...
The excitement grew...
"I can do this, I've got a PC at home" Bob said to himself... "This is the new life I deserve"
Bob felt a surge of motivation, a feeling that was strangely familiar and reminded him of the excitement he'd get when his high school sweetheart used to kiss him at the back of the school playing fields.
"I QUIT!" He muttered to himself... "I QUIT!" A little louder... "I QUIT!" He found himself saying to his boss before he'd even had a chance to think about it.
Bob's boss had an expression, not unlike the face you pull when you sniff vinegar. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Bob picked up his things and left.
Back at home, Bob sat down at his computer - staring.
"What now?" Bob asked himself. "I know... I'll ask Google"
"What's the easiest way to make money online" He asked.
Google replied... and boy, did it reply!
Hundreds and hundreds of pages of articles, ebooks, sales pages, seminar invitations, upsells, downsells, cross sells...
Bob pulled out his credit card again and swiftly paid for a $197 video homestudy course, teaching him how to "Quickly and Easily Force Hundreds of Dollars Into Your Bank Account While Filling Out Surveys"
This is where the story ends... you already know how it goes...
But the questions begin...
Whose fault IS it that Bob left his job?
Whose fault IS it that Bob has spent $234 on crap?
Whose fault IS it that Bob's wife, who he didn't consult, is probably going to go ballistic?
If Bob had exercised some restraint, done some research, instead of getting caught up in the moment - Bob could easily have started building a business by studing the hundreds, or even thousands of free resources available to him.
It saddens me that so many people take no personal responsibility for their own actions.
If you buy products, that's your responsibility
If you leave your job, that's your responsibility
If you don't take action on what you've learned, that's your responsibility
You won't get anywhere blaming anyone else.
Of course, some of the replies will be:
"But with all the hype..."
Bull! Sorry, but it is... Words sell, yes, but it's YOU that buys it - and it's your money, that's where the buck stops.
I'm not standing on one side of the fence defending those who don't deliver on their promises of "Massive Income" however, but what I am trying to do is offer a wake-up call for those who buy, and buy, and buy and get nowhere.
You keep buying it, so they'll keep selling it!
It's nice having a dream, isn't it... it's even nicer achieving it so you can dream bigger, trust me on that!
Now, I'm going back to work... what will you do?
CEO - Superior Business Management Solutions, LLC
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Eddie Spradley
Eddie Spradley
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
The Art of Marketing Online
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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