My First Laser Focused Day!

6 replies
I've been trying to work in a more focused manner for several weeks now, but have managed to get distracted and get very little work done each day.

Today was different though, I was able to get in two solid hours of writing without letting my mind wonder, checking email, browsing forums, shopping, etc.

My children did come in several times to ask a question etc, but that's okay, I answered and got right back to work. (There are five of them, so I did probably spend about 20 minutes altogether answering different questions ) The point is, I didn't let it ruin the work time like I have done in the past. I turned off my writing brain for a minute, answered the question, then turned my writing brain back on.

I think I accomplished at least three times as much work today. I am so excited! I am going to start hitting major goals if I can keep this up every afternoon!
#day #focused #laser
  • Profile picture of the author Mangozoom
    You sound focussed but just someone who has other responsibilities.

    Hope it all comes together for you and keep going

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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Be prepared for a lot of work at first if you are just starting off. But once you get your business established, it can run by itself more on autopilot. Congratulations on your new found laser focus lol.
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    • Profile picture of the author doylesoft
      Great post!

      I have 'three under three' myself. The oldest is turning three next week and the middle child is two. Yes, I have two two-year olds at home and it is just as crazy as it sounds.

      It can be frustrating because I share my office with all their toys... so they come in and out as they please and it's hard to concentrate. You can only concentrate after everyone has gone to bed. But by then, you're totally exhausted... on many levels. But those cute kids are worth it.

      I keep telling myself: "If there is any justice in the universe, I will look back on these times and laugh when I don't have to worry about money anymore."

      Brandon Doyle Simple, effective, and affordable software. Knowledge Base software.

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      • Profile picture of the author AshleyB
        Originally Posted by doylesoft View Post

        Great post!

        I have 'three under three' myself. The oldest is turning three next week and the middle child is two. Yes, I have two two-year olds at home and it is just as crazy as it sounds.

        It can be frustrating because I share my office with all their toys... so they come in and out as they please and it's hard to concentrate. You can only concentrate after everyone has gone to bed. But by then, you're totally exhausted... on many levels. But those cute kids are worth it.

        I keep telling myself: "If there is any justice in the universe, I will look back on these times and laugh when I don't have to worry about money anymore."
        I can totally relate to being totally exhausted by the time they are in bed. My brain is mush by then, so I really have to use the afternoon time. My oldest turns 8 in November, and I am expecting number 6 in May. Busy, busy, but never boring!
        Media Buyer and Communications Specialist with Clickfunnels
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Iannotti
    Keep up the good work
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    • Profile picture of the author AprilCT
      Ashley, that's terrific. Stay as focused as you can now to begin earning so you can take a little more time to enjoy your newborn when he or she comes. Hopefully your new baby will like to sleep and you can continue. Sadly, my first child was only into to cat napping days and nights.
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