The DREADED Clickbank problem.. some facts
I'm a vendor with clickbank, and I'm about to reveal some facts about my experiment with clickbank .
Lately, MANY vendors/affiliates with CB have been complaining that their conversions have gone way down, and many are running into ppc losses due to pathetic conversion rates.
Even my conversions were WAY down the average for the past 2-3 weeks and I attributed it to the current financial crisis. But, as many people started complaining, so I though ill take matters into my own hands to investigate the situation
I put a tracking code on the 'Order Now' button on my sales page.
Now, everytime, a buyer would click on the 'Order Now' button, my code would store the IP and click number and then redirect the buyer to the CB Payment Page.
I have been testing it for quite a while now, and I've received about 32 such UNIQUE clicks, from prospect buyers (who came via PPC ), and not a single sale occurred according to CB.
I further investigated these prospect buyers and found out that these people read the entire sales page for about 3-4 minutes and THEN clicked on the 'ORDER NOW' button.
Logically, if a person comes to your site after searching for it, and then goes through your entire sales page, and then clicks on the 'order now' button, and DOES NOT purchase, then there is definitely something fishy going on. And this is the case with not 1, or 2, or 5 people..
32 different people read my page and clicked on 'order now' and not a single one of them bought (according to CB).
I definitely smell something fishy going on here and I would like to hear your views on this...
Bare Murkage.........
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Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online
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Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online
Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online
Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online
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Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online
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