The DREADED Clickbank problem.. some facts

63 replies
Hi Warriors,
I'm a vendor with clickbank, and I'm about to reveal some facts about my experiment with clickbank .

Lately, MANY vendors/affiliates with CB have been complaining that their conversions have gone way down, and many are running into ppc losses due to pathetic conversion rates.

Even my conversions were WAY down the average for the past 2-3 weeks and I attributed it to the current financial crisis. But, as many people started complaining, so I though ill take matters into my own hands to investigate the situation

I put a tracking code on the 'Order Now' button on my sales page.

Now, everytime, a buyer would click on the 'Order Now' button, my code would store the IP and click number and then redirect the buyer to the CB Payment Page.

I have been testing it for quite a while now, and I've received about 32 such UNIQUE clicks, from prospect buyers (who came via PPC ), and not a single sale occurred according to CB.

I further investigated these prospect buyers and found out that these people read the entire sales page for about 3-4 minutes and THEN clicked on the 'ORDER NOW' button.

Logically, if a person comes to your site after searching for it, and then goes through your entire sales page, and then clicks on the 'order now' button, and DOES NOT purchase, then there is definitely something fishy going on. And this is the case with not 1, or 2, or 5 people..

32 different people read my page and clicked on 'order now' and not a single one of them bought (according to CB).

I definitely smell something fishy going on here and I would like to hear your views on this...
#clickbank #dreaded #facts #problem
  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    I hate to say I told you so... so I won't

    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    So, that's it? Shall I remove the product from CB? Shall I abandon the current affiliates promoting the product? Is there any solution?

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      Originally Posted by TimRobinson View Post

      Are you showing the price on your button? A Lot of people are probably just click on it to see how much your product costs.

      sometimes you have to search and search for a price...nothing is more annoying as this. As a buyer of products myself, I feel marketers really have to consider very carefully the fact that a high percentage of internet users are impatient. I think prices should be clearly indicated.

      There are also people who for some reason or another, just change their mind, I think, and decide not to buy.

      I have been promoting products more aggressively than Clickbank's for the simple reason that you're paid via PayPal and I prefer that.
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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    Yup. Showing the price. Everything explained on the sales page. But, 32 people landing on the CB payment page, and not a single one buying.. Hmmm...

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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  • Profile picture of the author John S. Rhodes
    Any chance that you've contacted Clickbank about this?

    Have you tested the entire process to ensure Clickbank is processing correctly? (Test purchase.)

    ~ John

    Important message from John S. Rhodes:
    I think you're awesome.

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  • Profile picture of the author affiliateppc
    Like James said, get some more data first.

    If you get the same conclusion:

    Start using a different payment processor and start your own inhouse affiliate program.

    Why don't you setup a different domain with the site but on the new site use a different payment processor. Then using PPC, send half to clickbank and half to new payment processor. Compare stats after 250 clicks to each.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheNightOwl
    Do you have the price on the page?

    What I mean is: Could it not be people just clicking through to find out how much it costs, deciding it's too expensive, and then bailing?

    I've also heard other more experienced marketers talk about "shopping cart abandonment rates" which I've always thought was weird. Some odd psychological quirk we have, I guess. Sort of a pre-buying buyer's remorse, where we have the option to bail out on our commitment to buy by virtue of being online, thereby not losing face. Or some other such unfathomable human behaviour.

    So perhaps it's that. I guess you need more robust data.

    Also, to assume that they are "prospect buyers" as you call them may not be accurate. It depends on your PPC ad to some degree.

    Do you, for example, have the price clearly stated in your PPC ad?

    If not (and even worse, you have a free offer being promoted), then obviously they're not particularly hot prospects, really.

    If, on the other hand, you have the price in your PPC ad, your salespage delivers what the ad claims it will, you have the price clearly stated on or near your OrderButton, they're sticking around for 3-4 minutes then clicking the button, and you're still not getting any sales, then, yeah, something might be, well, not right here...

    Please let us know, eh?


    P.S. Readers of this thread might also find the following one food for thought: Another ClickBank thread
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    • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
      Originally Posted by TheNightOwl View Post

      If, on the other hand, you have the price in your PPC ad, your salespage delivers what the ad claims it will, you have the price clearly stated on or near your OrderButton, they're sticking around for 3-4 minutes then clicking the button, and you're still not getting any sales, then, yeah, something might be, well, not right here...
      1) Yes. The PPC ad stated the price tag, and even the 'call-to-action' : such as 'Purchase Now', or 'Order Now'

      2) The price is clearly mentioned on the sales page.

      3) The thing is confusing.. :confused:

      Update: The number has gone upto 34 now.

      Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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  • Profile picture of the author athena08
    Have you contacted Clickbank about this problem? Most likely you are not the only merchant with this problem so they may have received complaints from others as well. Maybe it's something in their system that can be fixed.

    Good luck to you in getting this resolved. Very concerning to say the least.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheNightOwl
    Wow! You guys are quick!

    By the time I wrote that a dozen people had posted!

    I like affiliateppc's suggestion. Elegant.
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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    Already done all that. My product is a few months old, and prior to these 2-3 weeks, there had been sales via CB. The entire process works correctly and I have tested it a few times.

    The amazing thing is, I do run two payment processors.. PayPal and CB. Although less visitors come to the PP sales page, there have been many sales via PayPal, but the CB sales page has had pathetic conversions.

    The visitors to both PP and CB pages are targeted and prospect buyers. Yet, there is substantial conversion rate difference, for over 2-3 weeks. And I get about 300-400 uniques each day.

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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  • Profile picture of the author affiliateppc
    Do you offer PayPal seperatley? Is the button on the same page as the CB order button?

    Setup 2 different pages. One with only CB order button and one with only PP button. Send PPC traffic 50% to one page and 50% to other. Compare stats after 250 clicks.

    You will just confirm what we already know to be true :-)

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    • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
      Originally Posted by affiliateppc View Post

      Do you offer PayPal seperatley? Is the button on the same page as the CB order button?

      Setup 2 different pages. One with only CB order button and one with only PP button. Send PPC traffic 50% to one page and 50% to other. Compare stats after 250 clicks.

      You will just confirm what we already know to be true :-)

      Yes, I have two separate pages for CB and PP (otherwise I would be cheating my CB affiliates, no? )
      Although, we have to wait until 250 clicks happen, but I'm on the task of driving more traffic to both PP and CB pages now to confirm the validation.
      Thanks for the tip, AffiliatePPC.

      Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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  • Profile picture of the author affiliateppc
    Are you tracking the PP button as well?

    CB stats are 34 clicks with no sales.

    What are the current PP stats?
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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    I cannot track the PP button after click, as its a direct code provided by paypal, and cannot be tracked, but still, the sales average at about 70 visitors per sale, and those visitors include the 5 second viewers and untargeted people as well.

    The CB 'prospects' were targeted, interested, and actually went to the payment page. What happened after that, is a mystery. But, I guess more proof is needed to be sure...

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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  • Profile picture of the author Suzanne Morrison
    A couple of weeks ago Clickbank impemented automatic currency conversion so when you click on the order link the price of the product is displayed in the local currency of the visitor.

    Could this drop in conversions be related to this? Perhaps this is a possibity if a lot of your visitors are non US.

    I believe you have to email Clickbank if you want to turn this feature off.

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Garratt
      My sales are way down and although I'm based in the UK 99.9% of my sales are US. I think that this rules out currency converter theory.


      Originally Posted by Suzanne Morrison View Post

      A couple of weeks ago Clickbank impemented automatic currency conversion so when you click on the order link the price of the product is displayed in the local currency of the visitor.

      Could this drop in conversions be related to this? Perhaps this is a possibity if a lot of your visitors are non US.

      I believe you have to email Clickbank if you want to turn this feature off.

      Please visit my blog and if you have an interest in electronics then please join me at Home DIY Electronics
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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    Thanks for the tip Suzanne. Ill inform CB, and see the results...

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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  • Profile picture of the author Bearded
    Here's something no one has mentioned.

    A lot of businesses are using OpenDNS now.

    If you're not familiar with OpenDNS, it's a (as the name implies) an open DNS service that anyone can use. A lot of businesses have started using it, as it's fast/responsive, but it also blocks a lot of "spam" sites, and you also have the option to block things like myspace/facebook, etc.

    Anyway, one of my clients started using it, and it blocks

    Not I can check my stats, but if you either try to click a hoplink ( or a payment link on a merchant page (, it's blocked.

    I'm wondering if at least SOME of the clickbank issues are stemming from people not being able to pay. They click an order link and see this:

    I know there are also a bunch of spam/adware blockers that block clickbank. I wonder if there was a change in some shared database of "spammy sites" in october that started blocking clickbank.

    Just a guess.

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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
      Originally Posted by Bearded View Post

      Here's something no one has mentioned.

      A lot of businesses are using OpenDNS now.

      If you're not familiar with OpenDNS, it's a (as the name implies) an open DNS service that anyone can use. A lot of businesses have started using it, as it's fast/responsive, but it also blocks a lot of "spam" sites, and you also have the option to block things like myspace/facebook, etc.

      Anyway, one of my clients started using it, and it blocks

      Not I can check my stats, but if you either try to click a hoplink ( or a payment link on a merchant page (, it's blocked.

      I'm wondering if at least SOME of the clickbank issues are stemming from people not being able to pay. They click an order link and see this:

      I know there are also a bunch of spam/adware blockers that block clickbank. I wonder if there was a change in some shared database of "spammy sites" in october that started blocking clickbank.

      Just a guess.

      I use openDNS, it hasn't blocked me at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan_Taylor
    Can you take a look at your stats for your thankyou/download page? How many people are accessing this page versus the number of payments you received.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Piteo
    Are there any "super affiliates" reading this thread? If so, please comment. Have you noticed anything "fishy" going on?

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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by John Piteo View Post

      Are there any "super affiliates" reading this thread? If so, please comment. Have you noticed anything "fishy" going on?

      John, I wouldn't consider myself a super affiliate, but I'm pretty good at what
      I do. Right now, I am #1 in Dean Shainin's promotion through PayDotCom.

      And yet, my Clickbank sales this month are in the toilet.

      I don't know what the deal is. Everything I am promoting that is NOT
      Clickbank is doing great. Everything that I am promoting that IS Clickbank
      is almost non existent.

      Coincidence? I don't know. All I know is I am starting to focus more on
      non Clickbank items now because I can't let my business go to pieces
      because Clickbank MIGHT have a problem.
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      • Profile picture of the author Neil S
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        John, I wouldn't consider myself a super affiliate, but I'm pretty good at what
        I do. Right now, I am #1 in Dean Shainin's promotion through PayDotCom.

        And yet, my Clickbank sales this month are in the toilet.

        I don't know what the deal is. Everything I am promoting that is NOT
        Clickbank is doing great. Everything that I am promoting that IS Clickbank
        is almost non existent.

        Coincidence? I don't know. All I know is I am starting to focus more on
        non Clickbank items now because I can't let my business go to pieces
        because Clickbank MIGHT have a problem.
        Hey Steve, which alternative to Clickbank do you recommend?
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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Originally Posted by Neil S View Post

          Hey Steve, which alternative to Clickbank do you recommend?
          As much as I can't believe I am saying this, PayDotCom but ONLY after
          doing some research on the product and the vendor. Some vendors don't
          pay, period. But if you know the person and know their rep, like Dean Shainin
          who I know will pay his affiliates and John Ritz who has paid me, then you'll
          do fine.

          If it's your own product, then the onus is on YOU to make sure your affiliates
          get paid, and yes, this is more work, but you'll probably also make more
          sales than through Clickbank, at least the way things look right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anbelle
    I'm reading this and thinking, vau, you people are clever... Not being funny, but I understand about half of what you are saying. Sounds dumb, eh ? Wondering to myself, when am I going to learn ALL these things... But it's comforting to know that there are all of you out there who can help us "dumbos" ...
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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    Anbelle, you seem new here. Don't worry. Keep on going through various threads here and you'll know a lot about IM. You already have a 'make money' site, so probably, you know a lot already.

    CB is a whole new world in itself in the IM world.
    There are basically two kinds of vendors. (for digital products)
    • Those who sell via CB
    • Those who don't..

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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    • Profile picture of the author TheToolWiz
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      • Profile picture of the author tiger325
        ouch.. that is terrible luck ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Ephrils
    My Clickbank sales have all seemed to die. I'm not sure what the deal is since I'm getting clicks to the sales page.

    For the time being, I think I need to move parallel products to other places, like PDC until Clickbank gets with the program.

    Two Signature lines for rent.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Wilson
    Well, I'm a full time affiliate and while most of my commissions come from other networks I earn about $2,000/month with Clickbank and I don't see much "off" as far as my sales go.

    July - $2009.44 total sales - $64.82/day
    Aug - $2407.45 total sales - $77.66/day
    Sep - $1932.06 total sales - $64.37/day
    Oct - $2142.17 total sales - $69.10/day
    Nov - $600.07 total sales - $60.07/day (through Nov 10th)

    So sales are down slightly this month but by only about $5-$10/day and that could very realistically be attributed to the economy.

    That said my CB sales volume isn't that large so someone who does more volume may be able to provide a better data, then again each market has seasonal sales patterns and would be effected by the economy differently.

    Hope this is helpful though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    I agree with all that is said here. With the clickbank page for my product, in the last month I have had 500 hops, NO SALES, with my Paypal page I convert at about 1%. Nothing is different about the pages except the payment processors. Button and everything is the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    Same here Sylvia. PP page converts, but CB doesn't. Same page just the button different.
    Is there any other affiliate network for vendors to look upto which offers them easy access and lots of affiliates?
    Shareasale demands a lot of startup money...

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
    freelikehell, it would be great if you had also run that test during "normal" times to compare the numbers, since as others have indicated, not everyone who presses the order button completes the purchase. They were looking for the price, are curious, got distracted, lost their Internet connection, the phone rang, they couldn't find their credit card... and so on.

    I'd love to see the numbers after 200 visitors as was suggested.
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  • Profile picture of the author Li Weng
    It does sound strange. S

    So what's YOUR view on all this? Do you think ClickBank is doing something?

    - Insert backlink here -

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  • Profile picture of the author Dmitry
    So why don't you collect all the recent threads on CB and send them to CB. If a dozen of people do this it'll surely caught their attention and they actually might dig into it... That's something you could do right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt MacPherson
    (I only read a couple of the replies to your post so this may or may not have been mentioned)

    ClickBank now automatically detects what country you're coming from and adjusts the price to match their countries dollar. So, assuming like most, you list your price in USD, it can be a shock to them when they see (for example) "Click Here to Oder Now: Only $37" and then they make it to the payment page only to see the product price is $50+ in their countries currency.

    Some users will think you are being dishonest (even though you're not). So, they see you as shady and lose trust. If that's the case, they wont enter their credit card number.

    That's my theory. I use ClickBank for a few of my products and I haven't noticed any drop in sales (yet). I only list the price in USD once, at the very end of the sales letter. I scatter a number of "Click Here to Download Now" buttons around the copy though, without mentioning the price.

    Signature :: Learn to code with interactive challenges.
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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    Hey Matt, this has been mentioned in the thread already, but thanks for bringing this to people's attention.
    I shall contact CB for disabling this currency conversion

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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  • Profile picture of the author jayden.fellze
    Yeah, then sure there must be some problem with Clickbank. I have been seeing in this forum itself so many talking and complaining about such low sales as shown by Clickbank. Dunno if somebody has represented this to Clickbank and what their response to this is. Since I don't have an account with Clickbank, I cant say on this. Please try and let others also exercise caution with Clickbank.
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  • Profile picture of the author Melody
    Here's a little something else to throw in the mix - and I really don't know what it means except that there IS a glitch somewhere: this past week I have purchased 3 different Clickbank products using PayPal as the payment method.

    I have yet to receive a receipt for any of these purchases from either PayPal or CB - yet the purchases DO show in my PayPal account - and before you say there is something wrong with my email - nope, I have made paypal purchases and gotten the receipt without a problem.

    So- something is wrong with the system, without a doubt.
    Our first "Digital Yard Sale"! A massive PLR Blowout Sale to help a friend pay medical expenses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicola Lane
    Start using something like DL guard - the people can only download if clickbank provide an order number.

    You can be sure then that Clickbank are not keeping your payments! Unfortunately it doesn't help if clickbank aren't processing the sales correctly.

    I like to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out

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    • Profile picture of the author MizzCindy
      Originally Posted by Nicola Lane View Post

      Start using something like DL guard - the people can only download if clickbank provide an order number.

      You can be sure then that Clickbank are not keeping your payments! Unfortunately it doesn't help if clickbank aren't processing the sales correctly.
      But it would have to be the producers that use DLGuard, right? How would an affiliate use it?
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      • Profile picture of the author SirKhan
        Originally Posted by MizzCindy View Post

        But it would have to be the producers that use DLGuard, right? How would an affiliate use it?
        I think he was telling the vendor that, not the affiliate As the OP is a CB publisher.

        I have seen so many complaints about CB in the last month I'm wondering when a new company will rise taking advantage of CB's current shady actions...? Anyone partner me for a new firm?
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  • Profile picture of the author Floyd Fisher
    Originally Posted by freelikehell View Post

    Hi Warriors,
    I'm a vendor with clickbank, and I'm about to reveal some facts about my experiment with clickbank .

    Lately, MANY vendors/affiliates with CB have been complaining that their conversions have gone way down, and many are running into ppc losses due to pathetic conversion rates.

    Even my conversions were WAY down the average for the past 2-3 weeks and I attributed it to the current financial crisis. But, as many people started complaining, so I though ill take matters into my own hands to investigate the situation

    I put a tracking code on the 'Order Now' button on my sales page.

    Now, everytime, a buyer would click on the 'Order Now' button, my code would store the IP and click number and then redirect the buyer to the CB Payment Page.

    I have been testing it for quite a while now, and I've received about 32 such UNIQUE clicks, from prospect buyers (who came via PPC ), and not a single sale occurred according to CB.

    I further investigated these prospect buyers and found out that these people read the entire sales page for about 3-4 minutes and THEN clicked on the 'ORDER NOW' button.

    Logically, if a person comes to your site after searching for it, and then goes through your entire sales page, and then clicks on the 'order now' button, and DOES NOT purchase, then there is definitely something fishy going on. And this is the case with not 1, or 2, or 5 people..

    32 different people read my page and clicked on 'order now' and not a single one of them bought (according to CB).

    I definitely smell something fishy going on here and I would like to hear your views on this...
    Sounds like 'shopping cart abandonment' to me.

    What we need is some reasons as to why. Maybe clickbank could put some kind of code in their order pages so we can figure out why this is so.

    Would shed some light on a ton of stuff.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve.S.
      I keep on thinking about the possible "hows"... but easy it ain't since some marketers are experiencing very low sales while others (always the same ones) are reporting normal sales.

      Maybe this makes sense... (pure speculation though)

      Some affiliate hop links are processed by servers A-M while other hops are processed by servers N-Z.

      Servers A-M are very reliable while servers N-Z suck big time.

      Depending on the time/date you signed up for an affiliate account, you either got lucky (A-M) or unlucky (N-Z).

      Could this explain what's going on?

      Could this make sense?

      Again, this is pure speculation on my part.
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      • Profile picture of the author ripsnorta2
        One of the problems mentioned on another thread sometime back was that the posters were attempting to purchase a product through clickbank only to get a message telling them it was not possible to process their sale and to come back later.

        I purchased a product on Friday night and received this error. A number of attempts using different browsers (same credit card as I have only one) all gave the same results. No sale.

        I was about to give up in disgust when an idea occured to me. I had recently received a replacement card due to wear, and I was using the CVV number from the new card.

        When I tried the purchase again with the old CVV number, the payment went through.

        It's entirely possible CB/PP is storing some card details for fraud detection purposes from previous purchases, and when these don't match a generic error message is given.
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        • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
          Originally Posted by ripsnorta2 View Post

          One of the problems mentioned on another thread sometime back was that the posters were attempting to purchase a product through clickbank only to get a message telling them it was not possible to process their sale and to come back later.

          I purchased a product on Friday night and received this error. A number of attempts using different browsers (same credit card as I have only one) all gave the same results. No sale.

          I was about to give up in disgust when an idea occured to me. I had recently received a replacement card due to wear, and I was using the CVV number from the new card.

          When I tried the purchase again with the old CVV number, the payment went through.

          It's entirely possible CB/PP is storing some card details for fraud detection purposes from previous purchases, and when these don't match a generic error message is given.
          This is interesting and would make perfect sense.

          Or it could be this with a combination of the server problems listed below.

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      • Profile picture of the author Steve.S.
        Originally Posted by Steve.S. View Post

        I keep on thinking about the possible "hows"... but easy it ain't since some marketers are experiencing very low sales while others (always the same ones) are reporting normal sales.

        Maybe this makes sense... (pure speculation though)

        Some affiliate hop links are processed by servers A-M while other hops are processed by servers N-Z.

        Servers A-M are very reliable while servers N-Z suck big time.

        Depending on the time/date you signed up for an affiliate account, you either got lucky (A-M) or unlucky (N-Z).

        Could this explain what's going on?

        Could this make sense?

        Again, this is pure speculation on my part.
        Anyone willing to share his/her thoughts on this?
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        • Profile picture of the author ripsnorta2
          Originally Posted by Steve.S. View Post

          Anyone willing to share his/her thoughts on this?
          It's possible that something like this could be going on, but it would be very easy to trace.

          You've got to expect that a company like Clickbank would have a vested interest in making sure everything is working correctly, and would have their IT staff looking at the reports of low sales.

          I'd even expect they'd have picked up on server problems before the first reports came trickling in.
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          • Profile picture of the author Lainie
            I've just checked my CB stats for this month and I'm seriously wondering whether its worth the effort. 417 hops and no sales are not very inspiring especially when I'm sending targeted traffic who take the time to read what I have to say and then click through to find out more. It doesn't make sense - I'm not expecting 100% conversion but 0% is hard to understand.

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  • Profile picture of the author Neil S
    This past week has been pretty damn good, no tracking problems to report here.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
      Originally Posted by Neil S View Post

      This past week has been pretty damn good, no tracking problems to report here.
      I've had a good week as well - hopefully it lasts.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve.S.
        Originally Posted by Hamida Pall View Post

        I've had a good week as well - hopefully it lasts.
        Originally Posted by Neil S View Post

        This past week has been pretty damn good, no tracking problems to report here.
        That's the whole point. Some people with excellent marketing skills report problems while others do not.

        And there are no answers to the "whys" at this time (see my other reply on this page for a speculative explanation).

        Reporting "I have no problem" doesn't help to identfy the problem which IMO is absolutely present somewhere at this time.

        Although I have to admit that I am not a big "clickbank" player, last week (not this week), my "normal sales" doubled, which isn't normal either.

        It really looks like Clickbank became some sort of a lottery.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben_Curtis
    This has been helpful, as I was about to launch a product with CB. Thanks.
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    • Profile picture of the author Warrior Simon
      (not sure if this has been mentioned before)

      Clickbank adds 19% EU-VAT
      for people ordering from the EU
      if I'm not mistaken

      and it only shows 1 step before
      submitting the order

      that might scare some people off

      (don't know if you target EU-countries with PPC)
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Tracey
    I'd go along with the DLGuard recommendation
    Not only will it tell you how many downloads were made
    but it will also tell you if persons coming from a payment processor
    were refused download because of non-verified transaction numbers

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  • Profile picture of the author jhongren
    Thanks Michael...Today I received quite a number of emails telling me that Clickbank Payment Processor not working. Wondering anyone else got this problem lately?

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  • Profile picture of the author Addie
    I really didn't think to question it being a matter of clickbank. I actually contacted the publisher of one product because I have had 200+ looking or whatever and zero buys. What other networks are there? This is so messed up especially when you are new to doing this and clickbank is considered "THE ONE"
    Guru Free For All-Take Advantage Now
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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Addie,

      This is so messed up especially when you are new to doing this and clickbank is considered "THE ONE"
      There's a lesson in there, regarding 'taken the path less trodden.'

      Hope this helps.

      Roger Davis

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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Originally Posted by freelikehell View Post

    Hi Warriors,
    32 different people read my page and clicked on 'order now' and not a single one of them bought (according to CB).
    You may, of course be right, but there are valid reasons to do this. For example, if someone wants to promote your sales page as an affiliate, they would almost certainly go throught their own hoplink to your sales page; and then click the order button to check the 'affiliate=xxxxxx' text at the bottom of the order form.


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