9 replies
Has everyone who has joined this forum made money from the advice given on it?

So far i haven't but i have just joined.

#making #money
  • Profile picture of the author Customerservice
    Hi, thank you for your honest reply. maybe i should have said, has this forum helped you to become more successful?
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    • Profile picture of the author Alaister
      This forum has definately helped me be more successdul and make more money. - FOR SURE!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author peter.max
    This forum is about making money. It doesn't make money for you, that is up to you. That ideas from here and implement it, you will make money.

    I suggest you read Allen's (owner of the forum) post. He states his objective with the forum quite clearly http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...9-lol-hmm.html

    I've made money with ideas from the forum, both here and in the War Room. The secret is that you need to take want is said here and apply it to your circumstances

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Agoge Warrior
      Hi Martin,

      Use this forum wisely. Spend some time here reading and educating yourself and picking the brains of the forum posters to learn as much as you can.
      However, do NOT spend too much time here. The forum is not going to make the money for you.
      Spend a majority of your time "Working" on only those things that will make you money online. And whatever you do, "focus" on 1 thing at a time.
      The danger in the forums is your mind can wander quite easily and all of a sudden you have hit information overload.
      The War Room is a great to go to get great information and always check the WSO's from time to time.

      But whatever you do, you will become successful if you follow this one piece of advice..."whatever you do, make sure almost each and every minute of your day is spending time doing something that will contribute to your bottom line."

      In other words, learn and educate in the beginning then get to work on your websites. Spending all day everyday conversing in the forums is NOT contributing to you bottom line.

      Good luck to you man!

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      • Profile picture of the author Marian
        Originally Posted by zosowolfpacker View Post

        Hi Martin,

        Use this forum wisely. Spend some time here reading and educating yourself and picking the brains of the forum posters to learn as much as you can.
        However, do NOT spend too much time here. The forum is not going to make the money for you.
        Spend a majority of your time "Working" on only those things that will make you money online. And whatever you do, "focus" on 1 thing at a time.
        The danger in the forums is your mind can wander quite easily and all of a sudden you have hit information overload.
        The War Room is a great to go to get great information and always check the WSO's from time to time.

        But whatever you do, you will become successful if you follow this one piece of advice..."whatever you do, make sure almost each and every minute of your day is spending time doing something that will contribute to your bottom line."

        In other words, learn and educate in the beginning then get to work on your websites. Spending all day everyday conversing in the forums is NOT contributing to you bottom line.

        Good luck to you man!
        Well said! There is TON of great and quality information here, I'm proud of being a member.

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        • Profile picture of the author Customerservice
          Thank you for all the advice. I do seem to get bogged down in spending too much in the forums. I need to start getting my self sorted.
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  • Profile picture of the author phpnetpro
    I highly doubt that everyone who has joined the forum has made money. There's a million different ways to make money on the internet and everyone here somewhat adopts there own method or they end up adopting to someone else's system.

    There is a lot of great information available here. Some people are truly looking to help out, just take everything with a grain of salt and don't expect to be rich by the end of the year or anything crazy like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Customerservice
    They say you need to do something you know about. As you can see from my forum name that sums me up for the past 23yrs. Maybe its me but the web seems saturated with guru people on customer services.

    I am also a comptia + (computers) which i took up as a hobby.

    How can i compete with other people in customer services who have written books etc. My customer services skills were learnt not over the phone to people but face to face.
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