My Failed Experiment And Why I Don't Depend On Affiliates
guys work very hard at what you do and should be applauded for your effort.
They just don't work for me.
I am posting this now because the contest is over and thus there is no
hidden agenda there.
This is what I did.
On October 10, I emailed a list of over 5,000 people. I essentially ran an
affiliate contest. I offered 3 top prizes, quite generous. The contest ran
until today.
Out of the 5,000 plus emails, I got back 8 replies from people even
interested in the contest, even with the generous top prizes.
Out of those 8 people promoting, there were a total of...
ZERO sales.
I did provide promotional materials and offered to help any way I could.
This is why I don't rely on affiliate marketers. For me, for whatever
reason, it just doesn't work.
If it was a matter of the products not converting, I'd say okay. But I sell
them like hotcakes and the one affiliate that I did have, until he got
bored with selling my stuff, sold over 100 each month like clockwork.
But he was the only one...and that's with 3 years of product creation
under my belt.
I don't know what it is. I also don't have the time to try to figure it out.
Thank God I make a nice living selling my own stuff.
God Bless guys like Dean Shainin who got me to promote his latest
product, who seems to be doing very well with affiliates. I know I'm
selling quite a few. But then again, I review the product and offer some
nice bonuses. So it helps.
Bottom line: It's not easy to find good affiliates. So, if you do, HANG ONTO
Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show
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