Buying through Amazon

3 replies
Hey friends, I had a quick question on being a Amazon affiliate. If you buy through your affiliate link, do you still get the commission?
#amazon #buying
  • Profile picture of the author WildGale
    Technically, no, they have an algo to exclude personal purchases. Some purchases may still get credited to your account.
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    • Profile picture of the author TinkBD
      Knowing that I am not going to get the commissions, I make it a point to click thru from a friend's site when I am going to buy so she'll get the credit.

      I like to spread the love. ;-)

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  • Profile picture of the author patey88
    I've had a personal account for years, but I set up a different account for IM a couple of years ago. One time I made a purchase using my personal account by clicking through my affiliate link. I got the commission.
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