Will my Business work?

12 replies
I have just started a Proof Reading and Typing business, I just need some advice really. Do you think the website works? Is there anything I need to change? I've put out ads on FaceBook and Google Ad words. Having trouble getting it out there really. Any advice or criticism is welcomed. My site is
#business #essay #grammar #proof #proofreading #reading #work
  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    UK Proofreading

    I'm being blunt. The site is not inspiring.

    You need a benefit laden headline.

    You will need to tell visitors a LOT more about how great your service is if you
    are going to tempt them.

    Well done for getting this far but....still quite a bit of work to do if you are going to make this a paying site.

    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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    • Profile picture of the author Louise M.
      i like it but I'd love to see some pictures on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author tonydyt
    Not bad at all...maybe a bit more images

    Rise and Grind

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  • Profile picture of the author ashokpobox
    Nice site but it may take very long time to pickup.
    I do the same kind of work that you intend to do but in the different way. Dude, you can get the same kind of work thru jobs.eklkbk.info

    Please visit the site and give me your views

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    • Profile picture of the author UKproofreading
      I've added pictures, and I've been trying to make the site more appealing. It's going well so far, I've had some orders and everything is going well. The biggest problem I am facing at the moment is marketing, just trying to raise my rank in Google and get more visitors. Thanks for all the advice.
      House of Write—Use only premium, engaging content for your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
    Since it's working already, there's no point asking us if your business will work.
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    • Profile picture of the author deertrail
      Here's some feedback:

      1. Consider putting the "3 Easy Steps" above the testimonial

      2. Bigger headline font (currently dwarfed by "Home")

      3. Break the text up into smaller bite-sized paragraphs

      4. You're burning a lot of valuable real estate up top with a zero-benefit header image: "Uk Proofreading.org and Typing Service." I'd switch that out with something that communicates a clear benefit and whets the prospects appetite for the service.

      5. For more traffic, consider setting up some FB ads with demo targeting to college students
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  • Profile picture of the author techvic
    I like the overall clean design. Try to keep that when making changes.
    In terms of gaining SEO rank, I'd install a blog at Ukproofreading.org/blog or something and start writing daily posts focusing on your keywords. That'll help you show up in the search engines.
    If you've already gotten orders then that is an excellent positive indicator. You just need to ramp it up!

    Overcome Everything Inc. Business as Unusual. http://www.overcomeeverything.com For the most up to date and cutting edge marketing advice.

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    • Profile picture of the author Supernatural_fan
      that live chat notice at the bottom looks completely off; you should change its color as green doesn't get along with the color palette of the site, plus the fact that green should mean online, not offline...just a thought; also, you could extend it to cover up the entire bottom; it would look better or make a button with it

      another small issue, hope you won't get offended by it: that testimonial looks fake dude; it just does, especially the final part with the rates not staying as low as they are right now..other than that, the site looks great and a lot of students and even writers will get a lot of benefits by using it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by UKproofreading View Post

    Any advice or criticism is welcomed.
    There's a problem on the "Services" page.

    The first part is ok, down to "Click the link to get started". Then we get three clickable headings. The first one, "Typing Service", seems ok. The second one, "Proofreading Service", starts with the words "This is our copy-editing service", but then the third one is called "Copyediting Service" which is apparently something quite different. Very confusing: I'm afraid I wouldn't quite know which service I was supposed to be buying ... :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author JD Nunes
    Since your specialty is supposed to be focused on improving the writing of others, you should first improve your own writing. For example, your site has too many run-on sentences. You say one thing, then have so many commas in the same sentence, like this one, and it makes a person think that you're not as much as an expert as you claim to be. Other than that, it's fine. You should just improve communication mediums with visitors, such as having a free newsletter.
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    • Profile picture of the author UKproofreading
      Thanks for all the replies. I've tried to take all the advice on-board and I've made a few changes.

      I definitely need to go back and re-word some of the content, set up some ads, possibly a blog of some sort. Hopefully it'll pick up if I keep putting in the work, try to get my rank in Google higher etc.
      House of Write—Use only premium, engaging content for your blog.
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