What Is The Best Software To Handle Ebooks, Membership Sites, OTOs and Affiliates?

16 replies
Help, I'm stumped. I see Fantasos which looks complicated. I see 1ShoppingCart and E-junkie. My blog flipping ebook is selling nicely and is secured with DLGuard. I have videos and a membership site that goes with it (read as OTOs) and I want to manage affiliates. Which software do you use?

Please reply with your experiences if you actually use the product. I have people who want to be affiliates of mine and I need to set this up as fast as possible. Thanks everybody for your help.

#affiliates #ebooks #handle #membership #otos #sites #software
  • Profile picture of the author YiKeS
    Fantasos is complicated ... what you want to do is to so
    no surprise aye ... it`s well worth the effort of learning!

    Christopher J.
    WSO --> HOMEPAGER <--- WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author mbrown

    I just switch my affiliate program over to 1shoppingcart and I really like it and how it works. So far the implementation hasn't been to bad but had to make several calls to them to get it setup correctly since their documentation isn't the best.

    I was using just standard Easy Click Mate going through Clickbank but I needed a program that I could do more with and 1shoppingcart was an answer to that.

    I'll PM you my affiliate program link so you can take a look around if you like - not sure If I can post the link to it outside of my sig file here.
    Free - Create a Site That Will Make You Money - Today - Click Here.

    Michael S Brown
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    Not to create more confusion, but someone mentioned RAP, rapid action profits also as another option. How does it stack against the other programs?

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    • Profile picture of the author YiKeS
      Originally Posted by tommygadget View Post

      Not to create more confusion, but someone mentioned RAP, rapid action profits also as another option. How does it stack against the other programs?

      G`day Tommy,

      I don`t own RAP so haven`t used it but I`ve bought as a customer
      thru it a few times .... one very important thing to note and it may
      have changed, I don`t know so check it out.

      When you go to promote as an affiliate ... your aff link has YOUR
      Paypal email address added ... I simply will not promote an aff link
      like that ... it`s just my personal preference ... maybe I`m the only
      person to think this ... lol

      RAP owners really do love the program going by posts I`ve seen by
      Warriors that have it, so IMO the entegrity and sturdiness of the
      product is sound ... whether it does what you want/need, someone
      who owns it can chime in there.

      If you would like access to a Fantasos account to check it out let me
      know ... I could also do the initial aff program/products setup for you if
      you go that path ... been using it for quite awhile now so know my way
      around it to save you weeks there :p

      Basically Fantasos can run and control ALL your IM business needs ... all
      others I believe can at best run MOST of it ... maybe I`m wrong with the
      speed of change online ...

      ... be interesting to see a current comparison chart on all these programs

      Christopher J.
      WSO --> HOMEPAGER <--- WSO
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      • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
        Hi Christopher,

        Originally Posted by Christopher J. View Post

        I don`t own RAP so haven`t used it but I`ve bought as a customer
        thru it a few times .... one very important thing to note and it may
        have changed, I don`t know so check it out.

        When you go to promote as an affiliate ... your aff link has YOUR
        Paypal email address added ... I simply will not promote an aff link
        like that ... it`s just my personal preference ... maybe I`m the only
        person to think this ... lol
        Sorry - but you're wrong.

        The affiliate CAN promote with their paypal email address, but it certainly isn't required. When you register as an affiliate for any RAP-driven product, you select a "nickname" and password. You are then given an affiliate link for that product which includes the "nickname" you've chosen.

        For instance, Allen Says promotes RAP itself using the following affiliate link:
        Rapid Action Profits

        No Paypal email address anywhere in that link.

        Sid Hale
        Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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        • Profile picture of the author Shannon Herod
          Basically Fantasos can run and control ALL your IM business needs ... all
          others I believe can at best run MOST of it ... maybe I`m wrong with the
          speed of change online ...
          I am a Fantasos owner and run most of my business off of that platform. I would agree with your statement except for one factor. With Fantasos it is very cumbersome for the affiliate to set up their 100% commission link.

          You cannot make videos to walk them through it so this makes it very difficult for the affiliate, in my opinion.

          Now, you can pay an extra fee to have the video made for you, but that is not something I'm willing to do right now. So, in my opinion if you want to run the 100% commission type of model then Fantasos is not the system to do it.

          But, if you want to run the rest of your business off of that system I would highly recommend it. That is what I do.


          Shannon Herod
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        • Profile picture of the author YiKeS
          Originally Posted by Sid Hale View Post

          Hi Christopher,

          Sorry - but you're wrong.

          The affiliate CAN promote with their paypal email address, but it certainly isn't required. When you register as an affiliate for any RAP-driven product, you select a "nickname" and password. You are then given an affiliate link for that product which includes the "nickname" you've chosen.

          For instance, Allen Says promotes RAP itself using the following affiliate link:
          Rapid Action Profits

          No Paypal email address anywhere in that link.
          G`day Sid,

          thanks for clearing that up, I`ve only ever seen RAP links with the
          email address which is why I said I didn`t know ... I didn`t ... guess
          that turned me off straight away and I took no notice after that ...
          heard great things about RAP so I`ll have to take a look now I know
          it`s not just paypal email for aff link ... not that Fantasos links are
          "pretty" ... lol ... hope you let the OP know if RAP is suitable or not ...

          Shannon, unless your giving the affiliate the ability to upload their
          own products, they can`t put a payment gateway in anyway ... it`s
          not a 100% commission product and even if it was, Donna mentioned
          a couple of posts back how that is setup for affiliates.

          Anyway ... how`d you go Tommy? Get things sorted?

          Christopher J.
          AUSSIE MADE
          WSO --> HOMEPAGER <--- WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    I just switch my affiliate program over to 1shoppingcart and I really like it and how it works. So far the implementation hasn't been to bad but had to make several calls to them to get it setup correctly since their documentation isn't the best.
    Hi Michael,

    If you're finding 1SC's file size issues a problem, or would like to host your own download files and create your own customer lists, then DLGuard will actually plug straight into 1SC for this purpose.

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.

    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[244731].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mbrown
      Originally Posted by samstephens View Post

      Hi Michael,

      If you're finding 1SC's file size issues a problem, or would like to host your own download files and create your own customer lists, then DLGuard will actually plug straight into 1SC for this purpose.

      Sam, thanks for the tip I may have to look into that since I actually own DLguard. DLGuard is great I just need to utilize it more.. lol
      Free - Create a Site That Will Make You Money - Today - Click Here.

      Michael S Brown
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  • Profile picture of the author wingsofsuccess
    Hi Tommy

    I use Fantasos to manage all my products.

    Fantasos is very modular. And that's what i like best about it. You can set up all your downloads, OTOs, coupons, everything...in their respective modules. If you have several products, this is a good option.

    It might take a while to swim your way through, but its worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ralf Skirr
    Hi Tom,

    Fanasos has a learning curve at the beginning, but it also comes with step by step manuals including lots of screen shots AND there are video tutorials available in the Fantasos support area.

    I highly recommend it. I compared 40 solutions and none of them came even close in wealth of features and flexibility.

    Once you figured out the basic concept you'll be able to design the best sales processes in a matter of minutes.

    Let me give you a real life example: Just today I created my WSO with Fantasos and it took only a few minutes to create a sales process that includes 100% automatic handling of...
    • the main product,
    • an upsell
    • an OTO
    • payment through several payment systems
    • encrypted and expiring download links
    • the affiliate program
    • sending JV commissions to my business partner who created the product.
    If you don't have such a flexible tool it will take you hours to create such a process.

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  • Profile picture of the author dlwalsh

    I have just finished writing manuals that will walk your customers and affiliates through the members area of Fantasos. John will be releasing these soon.

    And I am not sure what you mean when you say it is cumbersome for an affiliate to set up their 100% commission link.

    They don't do that, the admin attaches a 100% commission affiliate group to a Package. Then allows who he wants into that affiliate group, either by sending an invitation, selling it as a $0 product or manually assigning it to an affiliate.

    Also, my team writes the manuals for Fantasos so I am positive of the ease with which anyone can set up their affiliate link.


    If you want to learn how to build a RESPONSIVE and therefore, PROFITABLE list download this FREE 20 page report, 'Building A Profitable List' from: http://donna-suggests.com/BuildingAProfitableList

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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny Slater

      Although there are many great platforms out there, since you purchased SMP recently through the Big Mike thread, you might want to install it and give it a try.

      If you have any problems or questions I am always willing to help out and will do whatever it takes to get you up and running.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[249282].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shannon Herod
      Originally Posted by dlwalsh View Post


      I have just finished writing manuals that will walk your customers and affiliates through the members area of Fantasos. John will be releasing these soon.

      And I am not sure what you mean when you say it is cumbersome for an affiliate to set up their 100% commission link.

      They don't do that, the admin attaches a 100% commission affiliate group to a Package. Then allows who he wants into that affiliate group, either by sending an invitation, selling it as a $0 product or manually assigning it to an affiliate.

      Also, my team writes the manuals for Fantasos so I am positive of the ease with which anyone can set up their affiliate link.


      hey Donna,

      What I mean by it is cumbersome for the affiliate is the affiliate needs to set up their own payment gateway. In order to do that there are several steps that the affiliate must take.

      Unfortunately due to the terms and conditions that come with Fantasos I cannot walk the affiliate through that process. So, unless the affiliate is a Fantasos owner is a very cumbersome process and hard to figure out.

      That is why I would not suggest using Fantasos for the 100% commission model. But, I highly recommend Fantasos to running the rest of your business.

      I use it for 99% of our products. The only part I do not use it for is 100% commission products. Other than that I totally agree that Fantasos knocks every other system on their butts. There is no doubt about that.


      Shannon Herod
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  • Profile picture of the author globalpro
    Hi Tommy,

    I think the big thing is deciding what you want to do.

    All the scripts above are excellent choices, but each have there own special uses.

    For a membership site that offers flexibility for several uses. Johnny Slater's SMP is a good one.

    Fantasos is excellent for managing a broad array of products for multiple domains, but is expensive and does have a learning curve.

    DL Gaurd is also a good choice.

    For a straight forward sales processing and affiliate management solution, RAP is your answer.

    I have worked with them all, but your decision should be based on your business model.

    Personally, I use RAP, as do most of my clients. It does what we need it to do and then some.

    Hope that helps.


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  • Profile picture of the author IM Ace
    Its over 2 years that I have been testing various business platforms, and I must say that I am complelety mesmarised with Fantasos. If you have a "vision", you will start at Fantasos today - considering how it builds a solid infrastucture for you and the power you can weild. Whether you find it easy or difficult is a matter of efforts you take to master it : It may be little difficult, but definately not impossible - indeed, I would say it is far easier TODAY because of all the well done video guides.

    Whether you take up any other system for your current requirements, I strongly suggest you "seriously" start at Fantasos today for a permanently improving business.
    I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
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